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Voice Actor Yoshimasa Hosoya Announces Marriage

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Voice of Attack on Titan's Yuta Reiner Braun made announcement as plum trees are in full bloom

Image via x.com

Voice actor Yoshimasa Hosoya announced on Monday that he had gotten married. The voice actor offered a message to his fans and supporters:

To everyone who always supports me.


I apologize for the personal nature of this, but I, Hosoya Yoshimasa, would like to announce that I have recently gotten married.
My partner is a non-celebrity with no ties to the entertainment industry.

Since I became fascinated with theater as a student, I have been able to continue working to this day thanks to various connections and the help of those around me.
I would like to continue to work hard, keeping close to my heart the connections with my supporters and those involved in my work.

I would like to ask for your continued support in the future.

At the time of press, Hosoya received nearly 2,000 replies, most of which are congratulations from his fans and colleagues. Notably, fellow voice actor Megumi Han replied with, “Hosomasa-san, Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!!”

Hosomasa-san, Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!!

Hosoya has appeared in Attack on Titan as Reiner Braun, Banana Fish as Frederick Arthur, the Golden Kamuy franchise as Genjiro Tanigaki, and the Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? franchise as Welf Corrozzo, among others. His agency lists his full résumé.

Sources: Yoshimasa Hosoya's X/Twitter account (link 2), Megumi Han's X/Twitter account, Yoshimasa Hosoya's website, Comic Natalie

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