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Figure Skater Yuzuru Hanyu Appears in Medalist Anime's Opening Music Video

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Kenshi Yonezu: Yuzuru Hanyu performed in the video. Amazing! I hope you enjoy it.

Image via reissuerecords.net

Japanese singer Kenshi Yonezu announced on Wednesday that two-time Olympic men's figure skating gold medalist Yuzuru Hanyu appeared in the music video for the Medalist anime's opening theme song “Bow and Arrow.” The music video is now streaming on Yonezu's YouTube channel:

Yuzuru Hanyu performed in the video. Amazing! I hope you enjoy it🫨

Kenshi Yonezu - BOW AND ARROW https://youtu.be/M-Eyhjkepy0?si

Yonezu's “Bow and Arrow” launched digitally on January 27. A clean version of the Medalist anime's opening credits is available on the Medalist YouTube channel.

Tsurumaikada launched the Medalist manga in May 2020. The manga series is currently running in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon magazine. The anime adaptation began on January 5 and stars Natsumi Haruse and Takeo Ōtsuka as Inori Yuitsuka and Tsukasa Akeuraji, respectively.

Sources: Reissue Records' website, Medalist's YouTube channel, Kenshi Yonezu's X/Twitter account and Kenshi Yonezu's YouTube channel via Hachima Kikō

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