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The Prince's Romance Gambit's Nikki Asada Launches New Manga on April 1

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Asada to launch Yawahada ni Shunrai manga about love trap between shrine maiden, shinobi

The April issue of Kodansha's Be Love magazine revealed on Saturday that Nikki Asada will launch a new manga titled Yawahada ni Shunrai (Spring Thunder on Soft Skin) in the magazine's next issue on April 1.

Nikki Asada's new manga preview image
Image via Be Love magazine's website

Set during the Sengoku era, the manga (right in image above) centers on a shinobi with a beautiful face, who accepts the challenge to allure the dragon god shrine maiden of their enemy country for just one night. The survival of the whole country is at stake with the love trap.

Asada's Tsukuyomi-kun no Kindan Oyashoku (Mr. Tsukuyomi's Forbidden Midnight Snack) manga recently ended with its sixth and final compiled book volume, which shipped on October 11. Asada launched the manga in Be Love in December 2021, after first publishing a one-shot of the manga in September 2021.

The manga inspired a live-action series in 2023.

Asada ended her The Prince's Romance Gambit (Ōji ga Watashi wo Akiramenai!) manga in July 2022. Asada launched the manga in Kodansha's ARIA magazine in February 2015, but moved it to Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine and Palcy online manga site in July 2018 after ARIA ceased publication. Kodansha published the manga's 12th and final volume in August 2022. Kodansha USA Publishing releases the manga digitally in English.

Asada ended The Springtime of My Life Began with You (Kimi to Aoi Haru no Hajimari) manga in July 2021. Asada launched the manga in Dessert in July 2019. Kodansha USA Publishing released the manga in English.

Asada is also known as the novel illustrator and original character designer for the Sound! Euphonium franchise.

Source: Be Love April issue and website

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