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Even a Replica Can Fall in Love Novel Series Has TV Anime in the Works

posted on by Egan Loo
Harunadon's romance illustrated by raemz

The "Dengeki Bunko Winter Festival 2025" announced on Sunday that Harunadon's Even a Replica Can Fall in Love (Replica Datte, Koi o Suru or Even a Replica Falls in Love) novel series has a television anime in the works.

The artist raemz, who illustrates both Even a Replica Can Fall in Love and Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle novel series, drew a illustration and gave a message to celebrate the anime news:

Yen Press publishes the novel series in English, and it describes the story:

When she doesn't feel well, when there's a test, when she doesn't want to go to school…I take her place. I'm her replica. I'm not meant for anything else. But that changed when I fell in love. I wear my hair up so the boy I fell for knows it's me. We skip school and promise to meet again tomorrow–and every day after. I'm her replica. Everything about me is borrowed and empty, but my heart is mine.

The story won the grand prize in the 29th Dengeki Novel Prize in 2022. Kadokawa's Dengeki Bunko imprint began publishing the novel series on February 10, 2023, and it shipped the fourth volume on July 10, 2024.

Momose Hanada has been serializing a manga adaptation in Kadokawa's Dengeki Maoh magazine since April 2023, and Kadokawa published its third volume on December 27, 2024. Kadokawa's BookWalker service releases the manga in English.

Source: Comic Natalie

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