Anime-Genesis Back Online!
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Early this morning, a malicious cracker broke into and Both AG and AA have since been restored.
Ex has written to us once again to let us know that Anime Genesis and Anime Alliance have been restored. Ex says that "Total damage after recovery is estimated at about a mere 5-10%."
(Below are previous updates of this story; they are outdated, and we're merely holding onto them for historical purposes.)
At 3am MST, Ex, the owner of and wrote to tell us:
I would like to break the news of and was hacked into, causing lost of files and datas which the technical support team is currently working on recovering.
At the moment, if recovering the data is impossible, the server will be reformatted and reinstalled, causing over 2000 - 3000 HTML pages and programs under both the sites to be deleted.
Therefore, an estimated downtime is around 2 - 4 weeks to bring and back up to where they were if all files are not recoverable.
If successful, and should be up in around 5 days.
Anyone with mirrors of Anime-Geneis or AnimeAlliance may wish to contact Ex at ex (at if the files turn out to be unrecoverable. We'll keep watching the situation as it develops.
Update (1:30am EST)
Ex sent us some additional info about the status of Anime-Genesis and AnimeAlliance.
Apparently many files on the two websites have been corrupted or deleted; back-ups exist, but it will take time to fully re-upload all the lost data.
If the websites can be recovered, they should be restored in a day or two.
If the websites cannot be recovered, Anime-Genesis will slowly return over the course of 2-3 weeks. (a massive anime database site) can be operational in hours, but all the links and resources which were collected may be lost.
At 3am MST, Ex, the owner of and wrote to tell us:
I would like to break the news of and was hacked into, causing lost of files and datas which the technical support team is currently working on recovering.
At the moment, if recovering the data is impossible, the server will be reformatted and reinstalled, causing over 2000 - 3000 HTML pages and programs under both the sites to be deleted.
Therefore, an estimated downtime is around 2 - 4 weeks to bring and back up to where they were if all files are not recoverable.
If successful, and should be up in around 5 days.
Anyone with mirrors of Anime-Geneis or AnimeAlliance may wish to contact Ex at ex (at if the files turn out to be unrecoverable. We'll keep watching the situation as it develops.
Update (1:30am EST)
Ex sent us some additional info about the status of Anime-Genesis and AnimeAlliance.
Apparently many files on the two websites have been corrupted or deleted; back-ups exist, but it will take time to fully re-upload all the lost data.
If the websites can be recovered, they should be restored in a day or two.
If the websites cannot be recovered, Anime-Genesis will slowly return over the course of 2-3 weeks. (a massive anime database site) can be operational in hours, but all the links and resources which were collected may be lost.