Answerman returns
Answerman: Answerman returns
The Answerman is extremely tired and will be doing what can only be described as a quick, cheap and dirty column for today.
Hello - I just finished watching the last episode (26) of the Kareshi Kanojo no Shijo anime. I really loved it but I can't believe it ended so....abruptly. What is the deal with that? Are there more episodes planned? Are there more I'm not aware of? I know there is a Manga too, is that still going on? Nothing was really resolved so I'm pretty curious. Thanks for your help!
The manga series is still running, and continues the story rather well. The series ended for several reasons; they had hit rock bottom as far as a budget goes, they'd run out of manga, and had finally reached 26 episodes. Try the manga out, it might be what you're looking for.
Hello almighty Answerman,
I've noticed that Adult Swim on Cartoon network has recently started
showing addition, more "professional" looking warnings to parents in between
each show.
These are not the "all children out of the pool" warnings that have been
originally shown during adult swim, but black and white, plain text warnings. My
question is, did Cartoon Network just decide to put up additional warnings, or did
some "group" send angry letters to Cartoon Network? If so, which group(s) did this, and where can I read their arguments at?
Does it matter? Seriously, why does this matter? They changed the warnings. They probably thought the old ones weren't as effective and they needed to be more serious about it. The warnings aren't meant for you. Cartoon Network has to cover their ass somehow.
I have been wondering about the missing 12 chapters of Oh My Goddess that Dark Horse never released in the first volume. Is there any chance that Dark Horse will ever release the missing chapters as a book that collects them? THe other question is when will ADV Files actually release the final three Slayers Movies on DVD? If they have release dates, I will be a very happy campy with wild adventures of Lina and Naga the Serpent. I can't get enough of them.
Dark Horse will probably release a compiled "lost episodes" volume eventually, just not anytime soon. Same goes with the Slayers movies; ADV has them all licensed, they just haven't put them out yet. No release dates yet, either.
dear answer man
what the hell is morning musumne anway?
Morning Musume is a really obnoxiously cute J-Pop band. It features a bunch of annoying Japanese girls.
Hello. I bought all of Rurouni Kenshin and Fushigi Yuugi off this one guy two months ago. We have bought Outlaw Star off of him early this year and we had no problem. Well, I sent a money order to him and he said he received it and would send it out the next day(this was in September). I waited and waited and I sent him emails asking him whats the problem and I even wrote him a letter, but he never responded. This was a birthday present too. What should I do other than except the fact of being ripped off. I don't want to give in that easy and on the other hand I don't want to go to court. This Sucks!
Your solution is to stop buying bootlegs of shows that have been licensed and released for months. Track this guy down and point him out to as many federal agencies as possible; I can't believe he's still selling bootlegs of Outlaw Star and Rurouni Kenshin (And I can't believe you paid for them; shame on you!). The fact that he's selling fansubs of shows that have been available for a really long time means he probably isn't the most honest guy in the world; I wouldn't expect to see your money or your tapes, ever. Wash your hands of it and please, read a list of American release dates and released anime.
Hello Zac,
I'd like to thank you for providing this service.But.... enough of this gay banter!(serious Monty Python fan)
Has anyone here in the states picked up the Ex Driver series?
It's got Bandai in the credits and it's by the creator of "Oh! My Goddess"
and "You're Under Arrest", I guess there's chance that it will.
It does look interesting.
Anyway, keep up the good work and thanks,
As far as I know, eX-Driver hasn't been licensed.
Dear Answer-dude,
I'm a big fan of Iria:Zieram the animation, and as
most fans know, it has a live version. Soooo, I was
wondering if you could tell me about any other anime
shows that have a live-action version.(please exclude
hentai, I already know those. Oh! and no cosplay films
Thanks for anything,
Zack H.
Well, there's a ton of live action Sailor Moon musicals that some people seem to like. There's the live action Kekko Kamen, which I hear some countries use to torture war criminals. Other than that, you can wait for the rumors about James Cameron's live action Gunm movie to resubstantiate.
Recently, the Viz Video catalog featured an image from the anime
Inu-Yasha as the cover. Does this mean that Inu-Yasha has been licenced?
Yup. Viz owns both the manga and the TV series and presumably the movie.
With the first Love Hina DVD disc set to be release in Feburay of next year and the Love Hina manga start to be released in January, I have some question. Which is one is better to better to buy. Should I buy the DVD version of the show or the manga version. How closely does the show follow the manga? I might just buy the manga version of all 11 volumes that will later be released by Tokyopop. I'm just not quite sure which to buy over the the other.
Get 'em both. The TV show is great and the manga is great and different enough from the TV show to warrant a read.
I haven't sent you a question in ages 'cause I didn't want to annoy you with CCS or Sailor Moon questions~ Well now, I have a few questions for you that don't have to do with CCS or Sailor Moon! hehe~~
About Digimon Tamers...Obviously, it's a little different from seasons 1 & 2. Frankly, I think Tamers is really good and it's better than seasons 1 and 2. Tamers is a little more serious and there aren't so many 'digi-destined' kids~
And are there any fansubs for Tamers? If there aren't any or there's only horrible fansubs, nevermind~ I guess I'll have to watch the dub...
As always Answerman, Thank you~
-CCS fReAk!
Oddly enough, as far as I know, there aren't any fansubs of Digimon Tamers roaming around. There are huge fan movements behind the dubbed shows that appear on Fox and the WB, and yet, no fansubs are available. You might be stuck with the dub. You can always just buy the import DVDs, I suppose.
See y'all next week.
Got a burning question that you can't seem to answer? Maybe the Answerman can help you! Contact the Answerman at [email protected] (answerman at with your questions, and read his new columns every Wednesday and Friday! Maybe your question will be answered!