Machete's Manga
take a look at Machete's AnimeHi, I am an anime advocate and as you can see from all that I have seen, I REALLY love anime. I have used ANN to help document the ones that I have conquered in my lifetime. After so many years of anime, I still find out that there are some anime that I have forgotten to rate. So this list is the closest to all that I have seen, to my current knowledge (minus ALOT of hentai, the few titles on this list are here when I first started rating anime, don’t judge) ┐(´ー`)┌
The system that I found for my anime viewing pleasure works by the ‘very good’ rating as what I would call an average anime. I found that I would enjoy maybe 50% of the anime that I rated very good. The B rank is above average/really good and A is for AWESOME.
Masterpiece: A rank - 96% of these I really enjoyed and should be seen
Excellent: B rank - 80ish% of these I enjoyed and I would recommend
Very good: C rank - 60ish% of these I liked and may recommend
Good: D rank - a low % of these i enjoyed
(view the rank/grades section for some examples of my grading >;x)