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Nodame Cantabile's Ninomiya to Start Nanatsuya Manga About Jewels

posted on by Egan Loo
Honya no Mori no Akari's Isoya launches marine life manga Umi to Doritoru

The December issue of Kodansha's Kiss magazine announced on Friday that Nodame Cantabile manga creator Tomoko Ninomiya will start her new series Nanatsuya Shinobu no Hōsekibako (Nanatsuya: Shinobu's Jewel Box). The series will debut in the next issue on November 25. The story is set in a pawn shop in a working-class neighborhood, and it follows Shinobu and aki, two people fascinated by sparkling jewels metaphorically "born from an distant ancient Earth."

Also in the next issue, Honya no Mori no Akari creator Yuki Isoya will start a new manga series called Umi to Doritoru (The Sea and Dolittle). The story follows a broken-hearted woman named Nanami who meets two handsome men on Mount Fuji…while on their search for whales. A story of love, the seas, and marine life begins.

Ninomiya launched her ongoing manga 87 Clockers in the Shueisha's Jump Kai magazine in 2011, as well as a journal of her life as a mother in Onigiri Tsūshin - Dame Mama Nikki in Shueisha's Monthly You magazine.

Del Rey published the 16th volume of Nodame Cantabile in North America in 2009. The Nodame Cantabile manga was adapted into three television anime series, and has also received live-action drama and film adaptations.

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