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Cowboy Bebop Helmer Shinichiro Watanabe, BONES Plan New TV Anime

posted on by Egan Loo
Macross Plus/Kids on the Slope director works with studio founded by Cowboy Bebop staffers

The anime studio BONES confirmed with ANN on Tuesday that it is working with director Shinichirō Watanabe (Macross Plus, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Kids on the Slope) on an original television anime series. The studio said that the title and broadcast timeframe are still in planning.

BONES was founded by producer Masahiko Minami, character designer Toshihiro Kawamoto, and the late animation director Hiroshi Ōsaka — all of whom worked with Watanabe on Cowboy Bebop at another studio, Sunrise. BONES was established in 1998 after the Cowboy Bebop television series' original run, and BONES later collaborated with Sunrise on Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.

Watanabe appeared at the FicZone event, which ran from Friday to Saturday at Granada in Andalucia, Spain. Bones did not confirm the reports from FicZone that the new anime series at BONES will be a space science-fiction comedy.

Thanks to Vito Plahuta and Mercedes for the news tips.

[Via koi-nya.net, decultur.es]

Update: Typo fixed. Thanks, thenextday.

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