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California's PMX to Host Madhouse Designer Hiromi Kato

posted on by Heather Skinner
Fashion guests include Alice and the Pirates, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World

Pacific Media Expo announced that animator and character designer Hiromi Katō will be appearing at the convention on November 12 -14 at the Hilton Pasadena Hotel in Pasadena, California. Kato is best known for designing the characters in CLAMP in Wonderland 2, I'm Gonna Be An Angel, and Kobato. Currently, Kato is at the renowned Studio Madhouse, where he worked as an animation director for Paradise Kiss and BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. He also worked as an animator on Revolutionary Girl Utena and Di Gi Charat Nyo.

Other guests include designers Alice and the Pirates, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, and Innocent World as well as actress Amy Okuda.

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