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CLAMP's Kobato Manga Gets TV Anime Next Fall

posted on by Egan Loo
Chi's Sweet Home's Masuhara to direct Madhouse's animators

The January issue (on sale on December 10) of Kadokawa Shoten's Newtype magazine will announce that Clamp's Kobato. manga will get a television anime adaptation next fall. Mitsuyuki Masuhara (Chi's Sweet Home, Chobits episode director) will direct off scripts supervised by the CLAMP manga quartet's own Nanase Ohkawa. Hiromi Katō (Ai to Yūki no Pig Girl Tonde Būrin, CLAMP in Wonderland 2, I'm Gonna Be An Angel) will be designing the characters that Madhouse will animate.

The manga has been running in Newtype magazine since 2006, and two volumes have been published. It also ran in A.D. Vision's Newtype USA magazine.

Source: 2ch

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