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English Linebarrels Anime Site Launched Before AX

posted on by Egan Loo

The official website of the Linebarrels of Iron anime adaptation has posted an English section just before the American premiere of the first episode at Anime Expo. The story in Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi's orignal manga centers on a middle school boy named Kōichi Hayase and a 21-meter-tall robot named Linebarrel that falls out of the skies before him. Hayase joins a mysterious girl named Emi Kizaki in fighting for Juda, a corporation which happens to secretly own seven Machina robots like Linebarrel.

Director Masamitsu Hidaka (Pokémon, Jū Senshi Garukiba) will be attending Anime Expo as a Guest of Honor. The anime's first episode will also screen at France's Japan Expo 2008 this week and at Germany's ANImagic 2008 in August.

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