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25 (of 26) Episodes of Outlaw Star to Air on Toonami

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Official Website up, ANN speaks to Sean Akins

Anime News Network has confirmed with Sean Akins of Cartoon Network that 25 episodes of Outlaw Star will be airing on Toonami.

According to Mr. Akins the only episode being removed from the lineup will be episode 23, 'Hot Springs Planet Tenrei'. "This episode does nothing to further the story and is nothing more than an excuse to get the characters naked," stated Mr. Akins, "It really isn't appropriate for national television."

Beyond the 1 episode that has been cut Mr. Akins assured us that Cartoon Network has "done the bare minimum possible [regarding editing] in order to get this show on the air." Of course, some minor editing was unavoidable, "We put some clothes on the girls and removed some cuss words".

Mr. Akins believes, as do I, that this is a great TV series and should do well on the air.

DBZ Kingdom has reported that Cartoon Network has added an Outlaw Star page to their website featuring pictures from the series. Thank you to regular news suplier, SAM, for this piece of information.

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