Elizabeth-shaped Bun from Gintama is Full of Mystery Meat
posted on by Bamboo Dong
LAWSON will be selling a meat bun in collaboration with Gintama, and is letting fans guess the flavor.
Starting November 5, LAWSON's will be collaborating with Gintama to sell a steamed meat bun shaped like Elizabeth from the series. What they're not telling anyone is what flavor it actually is.

In fact, if you can correctly guess the flavor of this mystery meat, you can even win a prize. Using the #エリザベスまん (#elizabeth-man) hashtag via the contest page (which also has flavor hints), all correct guesses enter you to win one of 100 Elizabeth-man cushions, or one of three autographed copies of the Gintama: The Movie BD/DVD. Don't worry—while they're calling the bun "Elizabeth-man," the -man is just short for nikuman (meat bun), and not any hint as to the flavor.
[Via NLab News]