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Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney's Trial Gameplay Video Streamed

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
3DS crossover game featuring animation by BONES ships on Thursday

The Japanese game developer Level 5 began streaming a 90-second gameplay video for the upcoming Layton-kyōju vs. Gyakuten Saiban (Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney) Nintendo 3DS crossover game on Monday. The gameplay video features Phoenix Wright/Ryūichi Naruhodō and Professor Layton in the trial part of the game.

Yō Ōizumi (Brave Story, Howl's Moving Castle) and Maki Horikita (Densha Otoko series, Always: Sunset on Third Street) will reprise their respective roles of Layton and Luke from the previous Professor Layton games and the anime film Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva.

Additionally, Hiroki Narimiya (Gokusen's Noda, NANA's Nobu, Akihabara @ DEEP's PAGE), who played Ryuichi Naruhodo (Phoenix Wright) for Takashi Miike's live-action film version, will voice Phoenix Wright in the game. Similarly, Mirei Kiritani, who plays Maya Ayasato (Maya Fey) in the live-action film, will voice the character for the game.

The game will include animation sequences by the studio BONES (Fullmetal Alchemist, Eureka Seven, Darker than Black, Wolf's Rain). Level 5 will release the game in Japan on November 29 for 5,980 yen (about US$72).

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