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Spice and Wolf (TV)

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Alternative title:
Ōkami to Kōshinryō (Japanese)
Sobre Lobos e Mercadores (Portuguese)
Spice + Wolf
Wolf and Spice
Волчица и пряности (Russian)
狼と香辛料 (Japanese)
狼與辛香料 (Chinese (Taiwan))
늑대와 향신료 (Korean)
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Kraft Lawrence, a 25 year old peddler travelling from town to town selling and buying various things to make a living during a period much like Europe in the Middle Ages. One night when stopped at the town of Pasroe, he finds in his wagon a 250 year old pagan wolf deity girl named Holo. She appears to be that of a 15 year old girl, except for a wolf tail and ears. She introduces herself as the town's goddess of harvest who has kept it blessed with good harvests of wheat for many years. Despite having the responsibility to watch over the town, she wants to go back to her homeland in the north called Yoitsu, she believes the people have already forsaken her anyway and that she has kept her promise to maintain the good harvests. She manages to bargain her way out of the village by making a deal with Lawrence to take her with him. As they travel, her wisdom helps increase his profits, but at the same time, her true nature draws unwanted attention from the church.
User Ratings: 3880 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 696 votes (sub:479, dub:193, raw:6, ?:2, others:16
5 Spanish subtitled
3 Russian subtitled
2 Russian dubbed
2 Portuguese subtitled
2 French subtitled
1 Italian subtitled
1 Polish subtitled
 Excellent: 1396 votes (sub:1020, dub:323, raw:7, ?:5, edit.dub:3, others:38
10 Spanish subtitled
6 Russian subtitled
4 Portuguese subtitled
4 German subtitled
3 Russian dubbed
3 Italian subtitled
3 Polish subtitled
2 French subtitled
1 Arabic subtitled
1 czech subtitled
1 Spanish edited dub
 Very good: 969 votes (sub:684, dub:242, raw:10, ?:2, others:31
13 Spanish subtitled
6 Russian subtitled
3 French subtitled
2 Polish subtitled
2 Korean subtitled
2 German subtitled
1 Russian dubbed
1 Spanish edited dub
1 Portuguese subtitled
 Good: 532 votes (sub:395, dub:120, ?:2, raw:1, edit.dub:1, others:13
4 Spanish subtitled
2 Russian dubbed
2 Russian subtitled
1 Italian dubbed
1 French subtitled
1 German subtitled
1 Polish subtitled
1 Portuguese subtitled
 Decent: 146 votes (sub:117, dub:26, others:3
1 Korean subtitled
1 French subtitled
1 Russian subtitled
 So-so: 83 votes (sub:64, dub:16, raw:1, ?:1, others:1
1 Italian subtitled
 Not really good: 21 votes (sub:18, dub:2, others:1
1 Spanish subtitled
 Weak: 24 votes (sub:20, dub:3, others:1
1 Spanish subtitled
 Bad: 7 votes (sub:7)
 Awful: 5 votes (sub:3, dub:2)
 Worst ever: 1 vote (sub:1)
Seen in part or in whole by 6517 users, rank: #101 (of 9886)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 8.367 (Very good+), std. dev.: 1.3447, rank: #263 (of 10024)
Weighted mean: 8.244 (Very good+), rank: #322 (of 10024) (seen all: 8.32 / seen some: 7.46 / won't finish: 4.98)
Bayesian estimate: 8.241 (Very good+), rank: #191 (of 7572)
Running time: 24 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 13
Episode titles: We have 13
Vintage: 2008-01-08 to 2008-03-25
Release dates: We have 7
Opening Theme:
"Tabi no Tochū (旅の途中)" by Natsumi Kiyoura
Ending Theme:
#1: "Ringo Biyori ~The Wolf Whistling Song" by Rocky Chack (eps 1-12)
#2: "Tabi no Tochū (旅の途中)" by Natsumi Kiyoura (ep 13)
Links: We have 2
News: Show:
Weekly Wrapup 15/5 - 21/5 (May 23, 2011)
Other articles: Show:
Shelf Life - Summer Kamp (Sep 26, 2011)
Shelf Life - Quantum Leap (May 23, 2011)
Shelf Life - Witchy Woman (Apr 19, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (Mar 5, 2010)
Shelf Life - Home Alone (Dec 28, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Sep 25, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 20, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Jun 13, 2008)
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Blu-ray (Region A)
    Spice and Wolf - Season 1 (Blu-ray) 2011-08-30 (from $45.89)
    Spice and Wolf - The Complete Series: Season 1 & Season 2 [Classics] (Blu-ray) 2020-01-07 (from $150.00)
Blu-ray (Region B)
    Spice and Wolf - Season 1 Collection (Blu-ray) 2011-09-14
Blu-ray + DVD combo
    Spice and Wolf - The Complete Series: Season 1 & Season 2 (BD+DVD) 2012-09-11 (from $91.01)
    Spice and Wolf - The Complete Series: Season 1 & Season 2 [Anime Classics] (BD+DVD) 2014-04-15 (from $99.85)
DVD (Region 1)
    Spice and Wolf - Season 1 Complete Collection (DVD) 2009-11-24 (from $59.75)
    Spice and Wolf - Season One [Viridian Collection] (DVD) 2010-12-07 (from $97.00)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Director: Takeo Takahashi
Naruhisa Arakawa (eps 1-13)
Hiroyuki Shimazu (esp. 7, 8, 11; eps 7-8, 11)
Masae Nakayama (eps 4, 9, 12)
Takeo Takahashi (OP, ED: eps. 1-2, 6, 10, 13)
Tsutomu Yabuki (ep 3)
Yoshihiro Takamoto (ep 5)
Episode Director:
Fumiaki Usui (eps 1, 6)
Hidefumi Takagi (eps 8, 12-13)
Jun Shishido (ep 3)
Keiji Kawakubo (eps 5, 10, 13)
Makoto Shinohara (ep 6)
Masahisa Koyata (ep 2)
Masayuki Sakoi (ep 4)
Mika Iwamoto (eps 3, 7, 9)
Takeo Takahashi (ep 13)
Yūsuke Onoda (ep 11)
Unit Director:
Masayuki Sakoi (OP; ED)
Takeo Takahashi (ED)
Music: Yuuji Yoshino
Original creator: Isuna Hasekura
Original Character Design: Jū Ayakura
Character Design: Kazuya Kuroda
Art Director: Toshihiro Kohama
Chief Animation Director:
Kazuya Kuroda (5 episodes
eps 1, 8-9, 11-12

Animation Director:
An Katsuragi (ep 3)
Back Min Kyoung (eps 1, 4, 9)
Kazuya Kuroda (OP)
Ki Duk Park (eps 7-8, 11)
Kimiko Tamai (ep 5)
Midori Otsuka (eps 1-2, 6)
Mika Takazawa (ep 6)
Si Min Lee (eps 1, 5, 13)
Sorato Shimizu (eps 6, 10, 13)
Tomoko Hirota (eps 4, 7, 9)
Yoshio Kosakai (OP; eps 1, 12-13)
Yun Ju Ok (eps 8, 11)
Sound Director: Hajime Takakuwa
Director of Photography: Shinya Matsui
Executive producer:
Kazuyoshi Fukuba (Pony Canyon)
Naoko Koyama (MediaWorks)
Masanobu Arakawa (IMAGIN)
Naomi Tokuda (Kadokawa Pictures)
Tatsuya Ishiguro (Pony Canyon)
Tomoko Suzuki (Kadokawa Pictures)
Yuuichi Matsunaga (MOVIC)

1st Key Animation:
Dae Ryong Kang (ep 12)
Keiji Kawakubo (ep 12)
Masaru Kanemori (ep 2)
2nd Key Animation:
Do Hyung Lee (ep 12)
Heung Seok Ju (ep 12)
Hitoshi Miyajima (ep 2)
Seok Kyun Jo (ep 12)
Shusuke Morita (ep 12)
Young U Ju (ep 12)
3D Background Art: Mieko Sakurai (Studio Bihou; eps 3-12)
Animation producer: Yuuji Nakatsuka
Art Setting: Yoshinori Shiozawa
Assistant producer:
Hitomi Araki (ASCII Media Works)
Youhei Hayashi (MOVIC)
Background Art:
Akihiro Hirasawa (Studio Bihou; eps 3-5, 8-12)
Atsushi Satomi (Studio Bihou; OP, ED; eps 1-8, 10-12)
Aya Kuginuki (Studio Bihou; eps 3-5, 9-11)
Bao Nguy (Studio Bihou; eps 1-3)
Canh Do (Studio Bihou; eps 1-4, 6-12)
Chi Chau (Studio Bihou; ep 2)
Chie Suzuki
Dung Ha (Studio Bihou; eps 1-4, 6-12)
Giang Nguyen (Studio Bihou; eps 2-3)
Giao Nguyen (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Hao Doan (Studio Bihou; eps 1-3)
Hung Ho (Studio Bihou; eps 1-12)
Huy Nguyen (Studio Bihou; eps 1-3)
Huynh Nguyen (Studio Bihou; eps 1-4, 6-12)
Izumi Hoki (Studio Bihou; eps 5-7)
Kenji Tamaki (Studio Bihou; ep 2)
Loi Bui (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Mai Thao (Studio Bihou; ep 2)
Michie Suzuki (Studio Bihou; ep 1)
Misao Takimoto (Studio Bihou; ep 7)
Nguyen An (Studio Bihou; ep 2)
Nguyen Le (Studio Bihou; eps 1-4, 6-12)
Nguyen Tan Huynh (Studio Bihou; ep 5)
Pha Thu (Studio Bihou; eps 2-3)
Pham Thu (Studio Bihou; eps 3-4, 6-12)
Phong Nguyen (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Quan Pham (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Quang Nguyen (Studio Bihou; eps 1-12)
Rung Mew Toon (Studio Bihou; eps 5-7)
Sang Dinh (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Thinh Pham (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Toshihiro Kohama (Studio Bihou; OP, ED)
Tran Van (Studio Bihou; ep 2)
Tuan Vo (Studio Bihou; ep 3)
Yoshinori Ogawa (Studio Bihou; eps 1-3)
Yoshio Tanioka (Studio Bihou; ep 5)
Yukiko Ono (Studio Bihou; OP, ED; eps 1-12)
Yūta Chimoto (Studio Bihou; OP, ED; eps 2-11)
Background Cooperation: Ken Arai (Studio Bihou; eps 3-12)
Color design: Hitomi Sano
Color setting:
Hitomi Takei (eps 1, 7)
Imari Katsuragi (eps 3, 10)
Mariko Kudou (eps 5, 9)
Shinto Noguchi (ED; eps 2, 8, 12)
Shuji Kamimura (ep 4)
Yoshitaka Katō (CCR; eps 6, 11)
Conceptual Design:
Kazuma Uike (ep 1)
Tomoko Hirota
Digital Paint:
Eun Kyoung Song (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Ho Chan Jung (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Hwa Soon Kim (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Hyeong Ran Chang (ANIK; eps 1-3)
Hyo Jin Lee (ANIK; eps 1-3)
Mi Deok Guak (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Min Young Lee (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Seo Yoon Lee (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Seung Hyo Yu (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Seung Yeon Hong (ANIK; eps 1-3)
Yun Jung Choi (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Hitoshi Nogawa (Jay Film)
Mayumi Komori (Jay Film)
Naoki Watanabe (Jay Film)
Ending Illustrations: Jū Ayakura
In-Between Animation:
Atsuko Iwahana (IMAGIN; ep 12)
Emiko Yoshino (IMAGIN; ep 12)
Hyun Song Jang (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Ji Hee Kim (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Ji Soo Jang (ANIK; 6 episodes
eps 1-2, 4, 8, 11-12

Ji-Yun Park (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Mi-Young Park (ANIK; eps 1-4, 6-12)
Min Jung Lee (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Min Mi An (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Myung Gye Seung (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Nayuko Ishigami (IMAGIN; ep 12)
Seok Sook Baek
Seong Sook Baek (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Seung Yeon Hong (ANIK; eps 4-10)
Seung Young Hong (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Shiori Kobayashi (IMAGIN; ep 12)
Soo In Min (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Sun Ae Lee (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Sung Duck Kim (ANIK; eps 1-12)
Tomoyuki Nowatari (IMAGIN; ep 12)
In-Between Check: Ji Soo Jang
Key Animation:
Asuka Hayashi (OP; eps 5, 8)
Back Min Kyoung (eps 3, 6, 11)
Dae Ryong Kang (eps 1-7, 9-11)
Do Hyung Lee (8 episodes
eps 1-2, 4, 6-9, 11

Gwi Yeon Heo (eps 1-7, 9-12)
Heung Seok Ju (eps 1-5, 8-11)
Hiromi Suzuki (OP)
Hiroshi Yamashita (ep 12)
Hiroya Iijima (OP)
Ho Jik Lee (eps 4-7, 9-11)
Il Young Park (eps 6-12)
Jin Ho Choi (eps 3-7, 9)
Ju Seok Kim (eps 9-11)
Kanako Abe (OP; eps 5, 8)
Keiko Motoya (OP)
Keiko Yamamoto (OP; ep 8)
Kikuko Sadakata (ep 10)
Kiyomi Masuda (ep 1)
Maki Aoki (ep 1)
Maki Sawai (ep 1)
Masahisa Koyata (ep 2)
Midori Otsuka (ep 2)
Mika Takazawa (ep 12)
Motoo Sato (eps 3, 5, 7, 11)
Natsuka Gyobu (eps 5, 8)
Nobunori Wakana (ep 1)
Ryo Haga (OP)
Seok Kyun Jo (eps 1-11)
Si Min Lee (ep 2)
Soon Young Seo (eps 1-7, 9-11)
Sorato Shimizu (OP; eps 1, 12)
Toshiaki Satō (ep 8)
Toshiharu Sato (ep 1)
Toshiyuki Fujisawa (OP)
Ye Ja Ko (eps 1-7, 9-12)
Yong Sang Kwon (eps 2-6, 9-11)
Yoshito Narimatsu (OP)
Young U Ju (eps 1-3, 5-11)
Yuki Komatsu (ep 12)
Music producer: Yukako Inoue
Kaoru Watanabe (IMAGIN; eps 1-12)
Masamitsu Kamata (IMAGIN; eps 1-8)
Takayuki Tanaka  (IMAGIN; eps 1-12) 
Takki Tagawa (IMAGIN; eps 1-12)
Tomohiro Suga (IMAGIN; eps 1-11)
Photography Cooperation:
Erika Kudou (GGD; ep 8)
Mayu Ohara (GGD; ep 8)
Megumi Saitō (GGD; ep 8)
Naomi Tsuruda (GGD; ep 8)
Yuko Kawasaki (GGD; ep 8)
Akio Sakai (IMAGIN)
Manabu Harada (Kadokawa Pictures)
Masato Watabe (Kadokawa Pictures)
Naohiro Tafu (MOVIC)
Shirō Sasaki (Victor Entertainment)
Yoko Furukawa (Pony Canyon)
Planning Cooperation:
Shigenobu Satō (Quaras)
Yoshimi Nakajima (Quaras)
Production Advancement:
Kazuma Iwasaki (eps 5, 9)
Megumi Sekine (ep 3)
Tetsuro Yuyama (eps 4, 8)
Tomoe Hosoda (eps 3, 7)
Tomohiro Suga (ep 12)
Tsutomu Matsuzaki (OP; eps 4, 8)
Yuki Tanabe (ED; eps 6, 10)
Yuya Negishi (eps 2, 6)
Production Desk: Yuzuru Hatakeyama
Publicity Producer: Seiji Suzuki
Recording Assistant: Nozomi Mashita
Setting Production:
Kaoru Kumagai (ep 1)
Kazuma Iwasaki (eps 1-10, 12)
Tomoe Hosoda (ep 11)
Sound Adjustment: Hiroyuki Suzuki
Sound Effects: Masami Kitakata (Fizz Sound)
Theme Song Arrangement:
Hisaaki Hogari (ED)
Tomohiko Kira (OP)
Theme Song Composition:
noe (ED)
Taro Yamashita (ED)
Tomohiko Kira (OP)
Theme Song Lyrics:
Chris Mosdell (ED)
Koko Komine (OP)
Theme Song Performance:
Natsumi Kiyoura (OP)
Video Editing:
Masuhiro Kinoshita (Sony PCL)
Tomo Ishii (Sony PCL)
Tomoki Takemura (Sony PCL)
Website Design: Akiko Noguchi
Ami Koshimizu as Holo
Jun Fukuyama as Kraft Lawrence

Daisuke Namikawa as Zeren
Kaori Nazuka as Chloe
Mai Nakahara as Nola

Akimitsu Takase as Village Headman (ep 1)
Dai Matsumoto as
Chaser (ep 6)
Middle Aged Man (ep 4)
Eiji Hanawa as Waizu (ep 3)
Haruko Komano as Kid (ep 5)
Hōchū Ōtsuka as Marhait (eps 4-6)
Hozumi Gōda as Hans Remerio (eps 10-13)
Jun'ya Miura as Chaser (ep 4)
Kazuaki Itō as Master (ep 8)
Kazuyoshi Hayashi as Merchant (eps 8, 10)
Kenyū Horiuchi as Martin Leebert (eps 11-13)
Masayuki Omoro as
Assessment relater (ep 3)
Related Assessmenter (ep 4)
Mitsuo Senda as N0 coachman (ep 5)
Mitsuteru Nagato as Farmer D (ep 1)
Nobuyuki Furuta as Master (ep 11)
Ryūji Mizuno as Takazoku (ep 2)
Shinpachi Tsuji as Yacov (ep 9)
Shounosuke Horikoshi as
Chaser (ep 6)
Merchant B (eps 12-13)
Susumu Akagi as
Farmer A (ep 1)
Patrol soldier (ep 9)
Tetsuharu Ōta as Customer (ep 5)
Tokuyoshi Kawashima as
Chaser (ep 6)
Person in charge (ep 5)
Yasuhiro as Merchant (ep 8)
Yasuhiro Mamiya as
Knight (ep 1)
Merchant (ep 8)
Yūki Masuda as
Inspection officer (eps 9, 12)
Merchant C (ep 13)
Unloading husband (ep 12)
Yukihiro Misono as Farmer B (ep 1)
Yukitarou Namura as
Chaser (eps 4, 6)
Farmer C (ep 1)
Guide (ep 3)
Merchant (eps 5, 8)
Merchant A (eps 12-13)
Patrol soldier (ep 9)
Priest (ep 11)
Sumon (ep 2)
Yutaka Nakano as Merchant (ep 10)
Yuuya Tajima as Chaser (ep 6)
Japanese companies
Animation Production: IMAGIN
Background Art: Bihou, Inc.
Aichi Television Broadcasting (2008-01-08)
AT-X (2008-01-24)
Chiba Television (2008-01-08)
KBS Kyoto (2008-01-10)
Sun TV (2008-01-10)
Television Kanagawa (2008-01-09)
Television Saitama Co., Ltd. (2008-01-08)
Tokyo MX (2008-01-11)
Editing Studio: Jay Film
Photography Cooperation: G&G Direction (ep 8)
Planning Cooperation: Quaras
Production Cooperation: Triple A (ep 2)
Recording Studio: Theater Echo Studio
Sound Production: Jinnan Studio
Video Editing: Sony PCL
Website Home Page Design: dengeki.com
English staff
English cast
ADR Director:
Jamie Marchi (eps 1-4)
Joel McDonald (eps 5-8)
Justin Nordell (eps 9-13)
Script: Jamie Marchi
Translation: Masako Ollivier
Executive producer: Gen Fukunaga
ADR Engineer:
Gino Palencia (eps 10-13)
Michael Chinnici (eps 9-13)
Nick Parker (eps 1-8)
Assistant ADR Director: Justin Nordell (5-8)
Assistant producer: Michael Harcourt
Blu-Ray Compression:
Duncan Yan
Jacob Martin
Blu-Ray Editor: Jeremy Jimenez
Blu-Ray Menu Audio: Jim Welch
Blu-Ray Menu Design: Todd Blankenship
Blu-Ray Producer: Clarine Harp
DVD Compression:
Duncan Yan
Jacob Martin
DVD Editing: Jeremy Jimenez
DVD Menu Audio: Gino Palencia
DVD Menu Design: Cate Ferman
DVD Producer: Clarine Harp
Head Writer: Eric Vale
Lead Video Engineer: Sarah Mueller (Blu-ray)
Line Producer: Colleen Clinkenbeard
Mix Engineer: Andrew Tipps
Post-Production Assistant:
Aya Spann (Blu-ray)
Casey Barteau (DVD)
Jason Weems (Blu-ray)
Niki Cooper (DVD)
Production Assistant:
Gino Palencia
Sarah Sullivan (Blu-ray)
Sarah Alys Lindholm (Blu-ray)
Susie Nixon (DVD)
Trenton Jons
Production Supervision: Susie Nixon (Blu-ray)
Senior Video Editor:
Daniel Mancilla
Jeremy Jimenez
Ashley Hayward (Blu-ray & DVD)
Ben Phillips (Blu-ray & DVD)
Brandy Richmond (DVD)
Brian Thomas (DVD)
Erica Maroney (DVD)
Freddie Arnold (Blu-ray)
Jon Uzzel (Blu-ray)
Shojin Bateman (DVD)
Talent Coordination: Tara A. Williams
Video Editing:
Ashley Rosse (Blu-ray)
Christopher Bryan (Blu-ray)
Jessie Mancilla (DVD)
Joe Harris (DVD)
Josh Tyler (Blu-ray & DVD)
Robert Bell (Blu-ray & DVD)
Video Engineer:
Brittany Smith (Blu-ray)
Casey Barteau (Blu-ray)
Michael Rivas (Blu-ray & DVD)
Sarah Mueller (DVD)
Video Post-Production Coordinator:
Margaret Yabs (DVD)
Video Post-Production Director: Brandon Tyler
Brina Palencia as Holo
J. Michael Tatum as Kraft Lawrence

Jamie Marchi as Chloe
John Burgmeier as Zheren
Leah Clark as Nora Arendt

Bill Jenkins as Customs Officer (ep 9)
Bob Carter as Boss (ep 4)
Brandon Potter as Loader (eps 9-10)
Charles Campbell as Jacob (eps 9-10, 13)
Chris Ayres as Assessor (eps 3-4)
Chris Cason as Midio Rep (ep 5)
Chris Rager as Merchant (ep 10)
Christopher R. Sabat as Marlheit (eps 4-6)
Chuck Huber as
Martin Leibert (eps 11-13)
Nobleman (ep 2)
Cris George as Head Pursuer (ep 4)
Eric Vale as Weiz
Jeremy Inman as Beer Merchant (ep 9)
Justin Nordell as Messenger (ep 9)
Kent Williams as Hans Lemerio (eps 10-13)
Mark Stoddard as Shop Owner (ep 8)
Micah Solusod as Coachman (ep 10)
Mike McFarland as Village Mayor (ep 1)
Phil Parsons as Coachman (ep 5)
R Bruce Elliott as Clothing Shop Owner (ep 7)
Z. Charles Bolton as Cavalier (ep 1)

English companies
Broadcaster: FUNimation Channel
FUNimation Entertainment
Madman Entertainment (Australia & New Zealand)
Internet Streaming:
AnimeLab (Australia and New Zealand)
FUNimation Entertainment
Licensed by:
FUNimation Entertainment (2009)
Kadokawa Pictures USA (Expired)
French cast
French staff
Marc Wilhelm as Kraft Lawrence

Dany Benedito as Chloé
Jean-Marc Galera as
Jacob Tarantino
Laurent Pasquier as Zelen
Michaël Maino as Hans Lemerio
Sarah Cornibert as Nora Arent

French companies
Distributor: Black Box
Dubbing: O' Bahamas
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
ADR Director: Aldo Ramirez (Latin Spanish dub)
Alejandro Gómez de la Muñoza (Spain dub)
Ines Lavalle (Latin Spanish dub)
Dayana Santiaguillo as Holo (Latin Spanish dub)
Juan Carlos Roman as Kraft Lawrence (Latin Spanish dub)
Miquel Pericàs as Kraft Lawrence (Spain dub)
Miren Legorburu as Chloe (Spain dub)
Nuria Rigo as Holo (Spain dub)

Ilse Santillan as Nora Arendt (Latin Spanish dub)
Sara Garcia as Chloe (Latin Spanish dub)

Ivan Fernandez as Weiss (Latin Spanish dub ep 3)
Rafael Quijano as Jacob Tarantino (Latin Spanish dub eps 9-10, 13)
Samuel Oseguera as Martin Leebert (Latin Spanish dub eps 11-13)

Mauricio Malagon (Latin Spanish dub)
Spanish companies
ADR Production: Haymillian (Latin Spanish dub)
Dubbing Studio:
Haymillian México (Latin Spanish dub)
Ululando Records (Spain dub)
Licensed by: Coalise Estudio (Spain)
German staff
German cast
Script: Nicole Hise
Julia Bautz as Holo
Louis Friedemann Thiele as Kraft Lawrence

Cihan Aljoscha Mildner as Martin Liebert (eps 11-13)
Ferdi Özten as Zheren
Hans Bayer as Richten Marlheit
Jana Dunja Gries as Nora Arendt
Nicole Hise as Chloe

Dirk Hardegen as Weiz (ep 3)
Jochen Kolenda as Village Headman (ep 1)
Volker Niederfahrenhorst as Assessment Relater (eps 3-4)

German companies
Broadcaster: ProSieben Maxx (from August 17.2020)
Distributor: Nipponart
Russian staff
Russian cast
ADR Director: Alexander Filchenko
Translation: Oleg Bugutsky
Backing Vocals: Alexander Filchenko
Dialogue Editing: Lidiya Kulikova
Theme Song Performance: Alyona Beseda
Theme Song Translation: Mikhail Vinogradov
Russian companies
Distributor: Reanimedia
Dubbing: Reanimedia
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
ADR Director: Bruna Nogueira
ADR Script: Ricardo Daunt
Portuguese companies
ADR Production: Haymillian (Brazil dub)
Dubbing Studio: Atma Entretenimento
Internet Streaming: FUNimation Entertainment (Brazil)
Licensed by: FUNimation Entertainment (Brazil)
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Licensed by: Mighty Media Co., Ltd.
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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