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Joined: 10 Oct 2004
Posts: 8
PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:11 am Reply with quote
(Big thanks to frentymon for making this Index)


  • Pg(something) is pretty self-explanatory, it refers to the page the list was posted on.
  • The date tacked on the right of each Pg(something) indicates the month and year that the list was posted.
  • U5 stands for "Under 5 posts", it is tacked on next if the user has 1-5 posts.
    U20 stands for "Under 20 posts", it is tacked on if the user has 6-20 posts.
    U100 stands for "Under 100 posts", it is tacked on if the user has 21-100 posts.
    U300 stands for "Under 300 posts", it is tacked on if the user has 101-300 posts.
    (R) stands for "Regular", it is tacked on if the user has more than 300 posts.
  • (Q) stands for "Quality", and is tacked on if I felt that the list was done very well (yes, I read every single one!)
  • (X) stands for "Scroll down to find the post you're looking for". Due to a weird forum bug, direct links to the last two posts of every page are messed up, so for those, I linked to the post one or two above the desired one. So for lists marked with this symbol, just scroll down one or two posts (depending on the situation) and you'll find the one you're looking for.
  • Enjoy!
  • Updated 6-15-08 to include pages 65-75. I've split it into three parts so that more can be added easily without risking post overflow.~Zalis
  • Updated 4-13-12 to add pages 76-105 -TK
  • Updated 10 Jan 2015 to add pages 105-115 - errinundra

Part 1 A-E

-EndlessShadow- -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5 -- (Q)
-shana- -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U20
.::Lain::. -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
.calla. -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U5
.Hack//Ghost -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5 -- (X)
.Qwerty -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
?!?!?!?! -- Pg87 -- Jul09 -- U5
~~EpiC~~ -- Pg97 -- Dec10 -- U300 -- (Q)
10000 men named George -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U20
21stcenturydigitalboy -- Pg90 -- Feb10 -- U300 -- (Q)
28076004505531 -- Pg98 -- Jan11 -- U100
2Real -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U300 -- (Q)
7jaws7 -- Pg111 -- Aug13 -- U300 -- (Q)
86mikekl -- Pg91 -- May10 -- U20 -- (Q)


A Mystery -- Pg116 -- Jan15 -- (R) -- (Q)
A W -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- U5
Abarekiller -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U100
abynormal -- Pg76-- Jun08 -- (R)
ACF_AngelCopFan -- Pg75-- May08 -- U20
Achilles001 -- Pg92 -- Jul10 -- U20 -- (Q)
AegisX -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U100 -- (Q)
aflimmer -- Pg18 -- Nov05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Ageon -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U20
Agito∞ -- Pg93 -- Jul10 -- U100
Akemi_Idaku -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U300
Akitot1 -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5
alanimefreak24 -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U20
alchemist2102 -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U20
Alestal -- Pg66-- Jul08 -- (R)
Alucard27 -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U100 -- (X)
amannin -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U20
Amayirot Akago -- Pg74-- Apr08 -- U100
amergin -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U5
Ammonite -- Pg118 -- Mar16 -- U5
Amorok -- Pg103 -- Dec11 -- U100
an.atticus -- Pg99 -- Jan11 -- U100
AnaPana83 -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U100
AnchoO -- Pg101 -- May11 -- U5
Angelcake -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100
AngstSchreeuw -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
anianalizer -- Pg10 -- Apr05 -- U20
animan09 -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U5
Anime^fangirl^shenlu -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U20
Anime_freak4000 -- Pg102 -- Sep11 -- U5
Anime-Addict -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
animeaddict92 -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U20
animecrzy -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U5 -- (Q)
AnimeEnthusiast -- Pg24 -- Dec05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Animegomaniac -- Pg103 -- Feb12 -- U300
Animegomaniac -- (Top 10 favourite things about anime) -- Pg117 -- Feb15 -- (R)
animelovercin_121 -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20
AnimeTenchou -- Pg115 -- Dec14 -- U20
ann186186 -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U5
Annie_Jr -- Pg7 -- Feb05 -- (R)
anony -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q)
anti_gone -- Pg78 -- Jul08 -- U5
Antimonitor -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U100 -- (Q)
aoi777 -- Pg6 -- Jan05 -- U100
AoFRyo -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U20
Aoi_Sakaraba -- Pg98 -- Jan11 -- U300
Aokage -- Pg10 -- May05 -- U300 -- (X)
Aoshi Zero -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U20 -- (X)
arachneia -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- (R)
Arbalest X -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U5
Arcwave -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U300
Ardlien -- Pg88 -- Sep09 -- U100 -- (Q)
areallystupidguy -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U20
areaseven -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
Ari-chan -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Ariolander -- Pg74-- May08 -- U100
Arkard -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Arkov -- Pg104 -- Mar12 -- U20 -- (Q)
ArmoredNerd -- Pg87 -- Jul09 -- U5
ArtisticOtaku -- Pg80 -- Oct08 -- U5
Arxilius -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U100
asakura.Shinji -- Pg102 -- Oct11 -- U5
asami0414 -- Pg97 -- Jan11 -- U20
Ashado -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Ashen Phoenix -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- (R) -- (Q)
ashle2005 -- Pg79 -- Aug08 -- U5
Ashton -- Pg10 -- Apr05 -- U100 -- (Q)
asimpson2006 -- Pg81-- Nov08 -- (R)
Assassin_ -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U300
astralproxy -- Pg99 -- Mar11 -- U20
AstralSaudade -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U20 -- (Q)
ats -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U5
auberginedreams -- Pg78 -- Aug08 -- U100
Aura Ichadora -- Pg74-- Apr08 -- (R)
Autybot -- Pg74-- May08 -- U5
avaris -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Aylinn -- Pg49 -- Jun09 -- (R)-- (Q) -- (X)
ayz75 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Azmodeus -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U100
Azumangaman -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U300 -- (Q)


bardok -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Batajitsu -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U100 -- (Q)
battousai47 -- Pg102 -- Aug11 -- U20
beanerman_99 -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- U20 -- (Q) -- (X)
Belldandy's Lover!! -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U20
Bento-Box -- Pg106 -- May12 -- R -- (Q)
Berserkfury819 -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U300
BES Null Core -- Pg84 -- Apr09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Bickazer -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U5
Bl@Ze -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U5
Bl00dHoUnD -- Pg26 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
BlackRose321 -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U100 -- (X)
BladeBlur -- Pg63 -- Jul07 -- U20
blind_assasin -- Pg65 -- Aug07 -- (R) -- (Q)
bloodlust -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U20 -- (Q)
BlooDrAgOn -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U300 -- (Q)
bluecrescent -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U20 -- (Q)
bluepita -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- (R) -- (Q)
bluesmurf13 -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- U5
birgritte -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q)
BodaciousSpacePirate -- (Top 10 episodes) -- Pg118 -- Jun15 -- U300 -- (Q)
bonbonsrus -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- (R) -- (Q)
Bonta-kun87 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (X)
Bosque -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U300 -- (X)
Brack -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U300 -- (Q)
Brandon Heat -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U5
braskez -- Pg102 -- Aug11 -- U100
Brainsloth -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U5 -- (Q)
braves -- Pg71-- Sep08 -- (R)
brightredglow -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U100 -- (Q)
bucklemyshoe -- Pg83 -- Apr09 -- U300 -- (Q)
Bugnin -- Pg107 -- Oct12 -- (R) -- (Q)
Busaiku Chama -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Butthurtclown -- Pg110 -- Jul13 -- U20
Buuck -- Pg68-- Sep07 -- U5


c_young -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Cabamalan -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U5
Caine Sensei -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U5
Calculusman -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- (R) -- (Q)
Calidh -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U5
Callik -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U20 -- (Q)
CaptainHarlock -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U5
carnivalcreepa -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U20
Casey Jones -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U100
cashballer -- Pg95 -- Nov10 -- U300 -- (Q)
cerealkilllerr -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U100
Charlie_Conway -- Pg84 -- May09 -- U20
Chauzu -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- U5
Cheesemon -- Pg10 -- May05 -- U300 -- (Q)
chinkilla666 -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5
cheezisgoooood -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U300 -- (Q)
ChevelleRocker -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20
Chibi Buizel -- Pg85 -- May09 -- U20
chichiriNoDa -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- (R)
Chiroptera Rex -- Pg8 -- Apr05 -- U300 -- (Q)
ChristenZilla -- Pg83 -- Apr09 -- U100
Chrno2 -- Pg67-- Aug07 -- (R)
classicalzawa -- Pg87-- Nov09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Cloe -- Pg8 -- Apr05 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Code001 -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U100 -- (Q)
coldmug -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U300
Comartemis -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- U100
Connor Waltman -- Pg115-- Jan15 -- U5
Contrer6 -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U5
coolcat600 -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U20 -- (Q)
coolkid3 -- Pg90 -- Mar10 -- U20
covah -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U100
Cow-Boy_Be-Bop -- Pg43 -- Oct06 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Craeyst Raygal -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
CrazyIdiots -- Pg65-- Aug07 -- U20
Crimson Ninja -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U20
Crisco Disco -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U100
Crisha -- Pg121 -- Jun08
CrispyCritter -- Pg80 -- Sep08 -- U5 -- (Q)
crow-kun -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U300
csfr3ak -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U5
Cthulhu33 -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U5
cuckundu -- Pg101 -- Jul11 -- U100 -- (Q)
Culley -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U5 -- (Q)
CyberViper -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Cyclone1993 -- Pg107 -- Sep12 -- (R) -- (Q)


Daftish Punk -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U20
Daiyoukai Ramza -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- U100
dalucifer0 -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5
damien007 -- Pg100 -- Apr11 -- U300
danth78 -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Darc_knight -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U300
Dargonxtc -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Dark_Plague -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U20
DarkGyraen -- Pg84 -- Apr09 -- U100 -- (Q)
darkinusgurl -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U100
darkknght862 -- Pg90 -- Apr10 -- U100
Darkling_ -- Pg43 -- Sep06 -- U5
DarkMe -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5
Darknight55 -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
DarkTenshi90 -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Darkvyse88 -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U20 -- (Q)
dayjobdeluxe -- Pg87 -- Jul09 -- U100
dcmsm -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U5
Death's Shadow -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
DeathScythe808 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
deepon05 -- Pg43 -- Oct06 -- U300
Deltakiral -- Pg31 -- Jun06 -- (R) -- (Q)
deltavoyage -- Pg47 -- Jan07 -- U20
DemonDragonJ -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
DemonEyesLeo -- Pg9 -- Apr07 -- (R)
DemonicHunter -- Pg39 -- Aug06 -- U5
denisuki~ -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
dgreater1 -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Diedrupo -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U100 -- (Q)
digurren -- Pg107 -- Jul12 -- U5
dirkusbirkus -- Pg92-- Jun10 -- (R) -- (Q)
disciple666 -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U5
dj rub -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
djarch -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U100 -- (Q)
DJcream -- Pg68-- Sep07 -- U100
DKL -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- (R) -- (Q)
DKong -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U300
DMKA -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U5--Q
doctordoom85 -- Pg80 -- Oct08 -- (R) -- (Q)
Dorcas_Aurelia -- Pg79 -- Sep08 -- (R)
dozi -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U100 -- (Q)
dragon_star -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
DragonsRevenge -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- (R) -- (Q)
Dranxis -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- (R) -- (Q)
Drayen -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
drievel -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5
DriftRoot -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U300 -- (Q)
Duo Maxwell -- Pg43 -- Sep06 -- U100
dustandechoes91 -- Pg35 -- Jun06 -- U5 -- (X)
dylan2d -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20 -- (Q)


edwardRB -- Pg78 -- Jul08 -- U20
Eeagle -- Pg78 -- Aug08 -- U5
Eesha -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5
Efan -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- (R) -- (Q)
egoist -- Pg76 -- Jul08 -- (R)
ehrsatzmessiah -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U5
Eidolone -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U20 -- (Q) -- (X)
EireformContinent -- Pg90 -- Mar10 -- (R) -- (Q)
El Bastardo -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
EL Guay -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (Q)
El Oso -- Pg8 -- Oct08 -- U300 -- (Q)
el2king -- Pg28 -- Feb06 -- U5 -- (Q)
ElementSun -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U300
Elfen12 -- Pg80 -- Sep08 -- (R)
Elisian -- Pg74-- Mar08 -- U100
elniro -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U100
EmDiPi_Micke -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Enjeru -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
epixeltwin -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- (R) -- (Q)
erams -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q)
eric-jan -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U100 -- (Q)
errinundra -- Pg107 -- Aug12 -- (R) -- (Q)
errinundra -- (Top 10 short films) -- Pg102 -- Oct11 -- (R) -- (Q)
errinundra -- (Top 10 directors) -- Pg115 -- Jan15 -- (R) -- (Q)
Eruanna -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- (R) -- (Q)
EVA fiend -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- (R) -- (Q)
EVAyanami -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (Q)
EventHorizon -- Pg99 -- Feb11 -- U20
Evera -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Exaar -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
excel7769 -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U100
excel958 -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U100

Last edited by joon on Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:16 am; edited 4 times in total
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I Run this place.
ANN Publisher

Joined: 29 Dec 2001
Posts: 10477
Location: Do not message me for support.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Part 2 F - O


F.A.I.T.H -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U100 -- (Q)
face in the windowpane -- Pg96 -- Nov10 -- U100 -- (Q)
Fadeproof -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Fake Alias -- Pg75-- Jun08 -- U100
Fenril1985 -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- U5
ff_fanatic98 -- Pg21 -- Sep05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Fiasnahk -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Fiction Alchemist -- Pg29 -- Apr07 -- (R) -- (Q)
fighterholic -- Pg82 -- Jan09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Firlien -- Pg75-- May08 -- U5
fish1021 -- Pg61 -- Jun07 -- U20 -- (X)
Flame-X -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U100
FlashFumo -- Pg81 -- Nov08 -- U20 -- (Q)
Flou -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (Q)
flushingmemos -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5 -- (Q)
free2slap -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- U300
frentymon -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
freshkazuki -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U300 -- (Q)
frouella -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Fui -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- (R) -- (Q)
fujiwara -- Pg56 -- Apr07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Full_Metal_Goku -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U20
Fullerific -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Futurhythm -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U20 -- (Q)
FuuH -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100
Fuusamurai -- Pg90 -- Dec09 -- U100 -- (Q)


Galaxis -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- U5
Gamelore -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (X)
gas -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U5
Gecko Zero -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U20 -- (Q)
Gemini Angel -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U100
Generic #757858 -- Pg83 -- Feb09 -- (R)
Geosis -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U5
Gewürtztraminer -- Pg104 -- Mar12 -- (R)
Ggultra2764 -- Pg106 -- May12 -- (R) -- (Q)
GloriousPikachu -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Glory Questor -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
gpeng2006 -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U5 -- (X)
graceoftheblueyes -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U5 -- (X)
GreatTeacherKen -- Pg71-- Dec07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Greennunu -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U300
Grzi -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U5
GTO Neko -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- U100
guardiangelboi -- Pg65-- Aug07 -- U20
guet -- Pg76 -- Jun08 -- (R) -- (Q)


HackTsukasa -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U20
hanachan01 -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Hanagata -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U20 -- (Q)
haoguan -- Pg78 -- Aug08 -- U5
Hao-sama -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U5
happy_fanged_bunny -- Pg24 -- Dec05 -- U5
haruhifan1200 -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Hawking -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U20
Hazzor -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U5
Heishi -- Pg120 -- Apr16 -- U100
Henry Jones -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- U100 -- (Q)
hiddenryuu -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Hikikomori Safari -- Pg99 -- Jan11 -- U100 -- (Q)
Himemiya -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
hinamorichan -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U5
hipnox -- Pg95 -- Sep10 -- U300
Hitsu -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U100
Hitsugaya_Toushiro01 -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5
hiyah -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
HMMcKamikaze -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U300
Hoenheim -- Pg35 -- Jun06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
hollaback12 -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U20
honghsien5 -- Pg90 -- Jan10 -- U5
hoodaman -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U20 -- (Q)
HooknSwoop -- Pg103 -- Jan12 -- U5
Hopeforest -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5
houtaru -- Pg7 -- Feb05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Huntsman -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20
HyugaHinata -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- (R)


iCake -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U5
ice9 -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U20 -- (X)
Icefire16 -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U5 -- (Q)
IDK -- Pg56 -- May07 -- U20
ikillchicken -- Pg81-- Oct08 -- (R) -- (Q)
IllConstruct -- Pg88 -- Sep09 -- U5 -- (Q)
illegal_ninja -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U5
Illumina -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U100
illuz -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U5
imperative7 -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- U100 -- (Q)
IncompetentOverlord -- Pg90 -- Mar10 -- U300
Infinite Freedom Machine -- Pg106 -- May12 -- U100 -- (Q)
ingshan -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U5
InKY Amuro Tachibana -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U5 -- (X)
Innotech -- Pg90 -- Apr10 -- U300 -- (Q)
intothemystic -- Pg24 -- Dec05 -- U100
Inu-Yasha -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R)
Inu_Yasha_jr. -- Pg7 -- Feb05 -- U300
ippo44 -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Irebun -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- U20 -- (Q) -- (X)
Irukichan -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Ishkabibble -- Pg109 -- Feb13 -- U5 -- (Q)
Isikari -- Pg52 -- Feb07 -- U300 -- (Q)
ivangu -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U5 -- (Q)


J-Dark Side -- Pg112 -- Dec13 -- U20
j22 -- Pg58 -- Jun07 -- U5
Jacintamusica -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
JackCox -- Pg97 -- Jan11 -- (R)
Jackee -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- U20
Jade L. -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U20
Jagsmen -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Jamie38459 -- Pg109 -- Apr13 -- U300 -- (Q)
jda95 -- Pg90 -- Jan10 -- U5
Jedi General -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- (R) -- (Q)
JediMastr80 -- Pg79 -- Sep08 -- U20
jetz -- Pg55 -- May07 -- (R) -- (Q)
jigoku_hime -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
jmfsilenthill -- Pg91 -- May10 -- (R) -- (Q)
jncalp -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (Q)
joels344 -- Pg102 -- Jul11 -- U20
jomy -- Pg101 -- Jun11 -- U100
Jonoridge -- Pg84 -- Apr09 -- U5 -- (Q)
joon -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U20
Jose Cruz -- Pg110 -- Jul13 -- (R)
Jose Cruz -- (The Canon of Anime) -- Pg119 -- Jun15 -- (R)
JTemari -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5
JustlceGundam -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (Q)
JustNoOne -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U5


Kaguzuchi -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U20
kaitoueesu -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U300
kaizen-dono (films) -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- (R)
kaizen-dono (series) -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- (R)
Kalvarius -- Pg50 -- Feb07 -- U20
Kaneda5891 -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U5
Kaolin_Yatsura -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (X)
karitaru -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
Kasalari -- Pg84 -- Apr09 -- U5
kekelolbbq -- Pg81 -- Oct08 -- U20
Kenikki -- Pg101 -- May11 -- U20
Kenki -- Pg82 -- Dec08 -- U20 -- (Q)
Keonyn -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Kero_Kitty -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U20
kersmaka -- Pg58 -- Jun07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Key -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
Kidder -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U300 -- (Q)
kilaria -- Pg94 -- Aug10 -- U300 -- (Q)
killua9101 -- Pg81 -- Nov08 -- U100
kimbeey13 -- Pg94 -- Aug10 -- U300 -- (Q)
KimiWaPet2150 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5
Kipcha -- Pg93 -- Aug10 -- U20 -- (Q)
Kirkdawg -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- (R)
kittycatgirl2k -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q)
klmnumbers -- Pg82 -- Nov08 -- U20 -- (Q)
kMark -- Pg93 -- Jul10 -- U5
kobe8byrant -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U5
Kouji -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Kourin -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Koya -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U5
Kruszer -- Pg89 -- Dec09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Kure11 -- Pg106 -- Jul12 -- U5 -- (Q)
Kuririn -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U100
Kurisutaru -- Pg39 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Kuroineko -- Pg81 -- Oct08 -- U100 -- (Q)
Kurosaki_Ichigo_1000 -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Kyio -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U20
Kyouta -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5


Lagatcy -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
leerock89 -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- U5
legendfunk -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- U300
LegendVer2 -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Lelouch vi Britannia -- Pg87 -- Jul09 -- U20
Len-chan -- Pg92 -- Jun10 -- U5
LeoKnight25 -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Levitz9 -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- (R)
LewsTherin -- Pg88 -- Sep09 -- U20
Lili-Hime -- Pg118-- Jun15 -- U100
Lilithi -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- U100
Little Miss Maria -- Pg10 -- May05 -- U20
llamaben -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- U20
logoras05 -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U5
Lord Vicious -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U5
Lord_Ilpalazzo -- Pg13 -- May05 -- U20 -- (Q)
LordofNoe -- Pg87 -- Aug09 -- U300
LordRedhand -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- (R) -- (Q)
louis6578 -- Pg110 -- Aug13 -- U100 -- (Q)
LydiaDianne -- Pg82-- Jan09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Lyle -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U5


m_jonis -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U20 -- (Q)
m1ndb3nder -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U5 -- (X)
machiaveli -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5
Maclam -- Pg2 -- Dec04 --U300 -- (Q)
Magic Messenger -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5 -- (Q)
mahoro -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- (R) -- (Q)
mai yukino -- Pg107 -- Jul12 -- U300 -- (Q)
major_pain -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100
Mami Melody -- Pg114 -- Mar14 -- U20
Manganime00 -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
manu morisato -- Pg70 -- Dec07 -- U5
marie-antoinette -- Pg109 -- (R) -- (Q)
marinne14 -- Pg78 -- Aug08 -- U5
mariochua -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U20
Master Roshi -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U20
Master_M2K -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (Q)
masterzephyr -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U20
Matarael -- Pg109 -- Jun13 -- U100
Mawootad -- Pg87 -- Jul09 -- U5
maxima423 -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- U100 -- (X)
mchief0 -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (X)
Meaneko -- Pg63 -- Jul07 -- U5
meeyyaa -- Pg100 -- Apr11 -- U5 -- (Q)
Megadrivemaster -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Megiddo -- Pg83 -- Feb09 -- (R) -- (Q)
melli-chan -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U5
Mercy Falls -- Pg103 -- Feb12 -- U20 -- (Q)
Mesonoxian Eve -- Pg104 -- Apr12 -- (R) -- (Q)
Metal Superman -- Pg80 -- Oct08 -- U20
Mewtwo22 -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Meyham -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U20
Mihara -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U20 -- (Q)
mimi2mariah -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U5
Mini Jesus -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Mini_Alquemist -- Pg37 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Miranox -- Pg84 -- May09 -- U300 -- (Q)
Mirrinus -- Pg50 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Mishamew -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Mistress9 -- Pg32 -- Jul07 -- U300 -- (Q)
MJBwar -- Pg82 -- Jan09 -- U5
mjgeo -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Mmsven -- Pg74-- May08 -- U100
Monumension -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U300 -- (Q)
moondoggie84 -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- U20
morsmaestro -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
MortalAngel -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Mousuke -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Mr Adventure -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- (R)
Mr.Roboto -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U300 -- (Q)
mrfrostyman -- Pg82 -- Nov08 -- U5 -- (Q)
Mugen The Great -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U300
Murasakisuishou -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- (R) -- (Q)
musashi8688 -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- U100
Mylene -- Pg35 -- May06 -- (R) -- (Q)
MysticDreamer -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U20
mythil -- Pg107 -- Nov12 -- U20


Nagisa -- Pg100 -- mar11 -- (R) -- (Q)
Namia_the_Theif_18 -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U100
naninanino -- Pg96 -- Oct10 -- (R)
NaotaInko -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U20 -- (Q)
naruto fan 09812 -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- (R)
naruto-kun -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U100
Neclord516 -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U100
Necroyeti -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Ned-suki -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- U5
NeonGEvangelion -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U300
Nerv1 -- Pg94 -- Aug10 -- (R) -- (Q)
Neuraxised -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U5
neuroticgothguy -- Pg62 -- Jun07 -- U5
Nexcion -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Niceguy9418 -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U100
nickofsatan -- Pg57 -- May07 -- U5 -- (Q)
nikandros -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U100
Niko Fedo -- Pg119-- Jul15 -- U5
ninetynineproblems -- Pg92 -- Jun10 -- U20
Ninja_Silva -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U20
Ninja_T_G -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U5
Nionel -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Nirvana -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U300 -- (Q)
nobahn -- Pg113-- Jan14 -- (R)
Nom_Anor -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (X)
nwoo_2002 -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U100
NyuuChan -- Pg28 -- Feb06 -- (R) -- (Q)


Obdurate -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U5
ObsidianButterfly -- Pg68-- Aug07 -- U5
Olliff -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- (R) -- (Q)
omar235 -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- (R) -- (Q)
omegafett -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U5
omusu -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5 -- (Q)
OneShot -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U5 -- (Q)
ordinary Joe -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U20 -- (Q)
Orewa -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- U5
OrsonHyuri -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U100 -- (Q)
Otaking09 -- Pg107 -- Aug12 -- (R) -- (Q)
Otaku America -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
Otaku Rice Ball -- Pg97 -- Jan11 -- U20
otakursed -- Pg92 -- Jul10 -- U5
Otishio -- Pg103 -- Mar12 -- U100 -- (Q)
Ouroboros -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U20 -- (Q)
oyukisamaUY -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U20 -- (Q)

I stickied this because its a perfect example of how a list thread should be posted.

I wouldn't expect everyone to write this much but at least explain your reasons when replying to a list thread.

However, top 10 / bottom 5 is a bit long, perhaps people should post top 5, and optionally bottom 5.


[Index Modified. ~Zalis]
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Encyclopedia Editor

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 9903
Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Part 3 P - Z

p0pzi -- Pg89 -- Oct09 -- U20 -- (Q)
p3rseus -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Pacal II -- Pg111 -- Oct13 -- U100 -- (Q)
Pacific Pikachu -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (Q)
padjoy -- Pg82 -- Nov08 -- U20
Panda Man -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U300
pandora666 -- Pg47 -- Jan07 -- U5 -- (X)
PaniPoni61 -- Pg90 -- Apr10 -- U300
PaperFeather -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U5 -- (Q)
ParaParaJMo -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
paycheck -- Pg75-- May08 -- U5
pedopeto -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U20
penguintruth -- Pg4 -- Aug07 -- (R) -- (Q)
Peppy -- Pg56 -- Jul09 -- U5 -- (Q)
perkyrainbow -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U20
philg -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U300
philg -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U300 -- (X)
PhntmDrk -- Pg68-- Aug07 -- U20
pingieking -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U100 -- (Q)
pink_sugar -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U5
Pinktiarapanda -- Pg74-- Jul09 -- U20 -- (Q)
Pixeltendo -- Pg80 -- Sep08 -- U5
PMCRW -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U20
PolakDave -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U100
pop-will-eat-itself -- Pg22 -- Nov05 -- U5 -- (X)
Precisionist -- Pg85 -- Jun09 -- U100 -- (Q)
Prede -- Pg88 -- Oct09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Preme -- Pg113 -- Jan14 -- U20 -- (Q)
Prince Gotonoke -- Pg119 -- Jul15 -- U20
PriZmatic -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Psycho 101 -- Pg114 & Pg 121 -- Aug 21 -- (R) -- (Q)
ptr01 -- Pg84 -- May09 -- U20
pumirya -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U100
Puppegesicht -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Purge -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U5


quakeaddict -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U100
quikbeam1 -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- U300 -- (Q)


r3a93r -- Pg82 -- Dec08 -- U100
Rahxephon91 -- Pg109 -- Feb13 -- (R)
RaiKazuto -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- U20
rainbowcourage -- Pg75-- Sep09 -- (R)
RainOfSteel -- Pg13 -- Aug05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Rakushun -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U300
ram001 -- Pg85 -- Jun09 -- U5
Randall Miyashiro -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Random 21 -- Pg119 -- Aug15 -- U100 -- (Q)
rapala_fisher -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U20
rapidfire21 -- Pg101 -- Jul11 -- U5 -- (Q)
Rapsberry -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U20
ratchet573 -- Pg114 -- Jun14 -- U20
raveyukino -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5
RE_Satellite -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5
Reaper_Of_Souls -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U5
RecklessFire2 -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- U20
ReIN-Karnated@042 -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U100
relyat08 -- Pg112 -- Dec13 -- (R)
Renaisance Otaku -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
Renton_Thurston -- Pg93 -- Jul10 -- U20 -- (Q)
Revolutionary -- Pg85 -- Dec09 -- U300 -- (Q)
rheiders -- Pg106 -- Jun12 -- (R) -- (Q)
Rhesian -- Pg54 -- May07 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
rho -- Pg94 -- Aug10 -- U100
RhymesWithEmpty -- Pg79 -- Sep08 -- U300 -- (Q)
riccardo -- Pg56 -- May07 -- U300 -- (Q) -- (X)
Rinoax3 -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U5
Ripley99 -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U5 -- (Q)
rixrax -- Pg91 -- May10 -- U5
RogerLP -- Pg115 -- Jan15 -- U100
rojse -- Pg99 -- Feb11 -- U300 -- (Q)
rond556 -- Pg7 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q)
RoryG -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U20
Roxas Kuragari -- Pg107 -- Oct12 -- U5
Rukiia -- Pg94 -- Sep10 -- (R) -- (Q)
rumpague -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Ruri-chan -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U100 -- (Q)
rx_will -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- U5
Ryo Jintai -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Ryoko77san -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5
ryuzaki11 -- Pg82 -- Jan09 -- U100


sainta -- Pg108 -- Dec12 -- (R)
scorpioEDC -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U100
scortia -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U300
ScumbagYoshi (films) -- Pg114 -- Feb14 -- U300
ScumbagYoshi (series) -- Pg117 -- March15 -- U300
Sebow -- Pg103 -- Jan12 -- U100
senguthewolf -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20
Senshi Mizaka -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100
Seraphim_Alchemist -- Pg50 -- Jan07 -- U300
seven_day7sm -- Pg87 -- Jun09 -- U20
Shadow Jo -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5
ShadowCloud62 -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U20
Shale -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- (R)
Sharmat -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Sharpe -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U100
shazotaku -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U5
sheytz -- Pg90 -- Apr10 -- U5
Shi-ne -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q)
ShikamaChU -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Shiki MSHTS -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Shin Granzon -- Pg103 -- Feb12 -- U20 -- (Q)
Shinigami-Seishou -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Shinmaru -- Pg79 -- Aug08 -- U20 -- (Q)
Shinmigumi -- Pg103 -- Jan12 -- U20
shintot -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U100
Shirachi -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U5
Shiraishi-san -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U5
Sho Ayori -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U20
Shonen Bat -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- (R) -- (Q)
Sicarius -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U20 -- (X)
sideout -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Signal -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- U20
Siilent -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Silenthillnight -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- U5 -- (Q)
simmeh -- Pg100 -- Apr11 -- U100 -- (Q)
SinnerTim -- Pg65 -- Aug07 -- U100
sirkozmo -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
sizzlin_chicken -- Pg45 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (X)
sj21 -- Pg78-- Jul08 -- (R)
skulljoke90 -- Pg99 -- Jan11 -- U20
skyesage -- Pg75-- May08 -- U100
Skylark -- Pg88 -- Sep09 -- (R) -- (Q)
Skys -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Slade-X -- Pg93 -- Aug10 -- U5
slapped_penguin -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U20 -- (Q)
SlayFalcon -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U5
slernon -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U5
Slipstream -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U100
SmashRackets4Fun -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
smilewolfy -- Pg102 -- Sep11 -- U20
smudgechan -- Pg10 -- Apr05 -- U5 -- (Q)
snipercup -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5
soapman -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U5
Sogekingu -- Pg60 -- Jun07 -- U100
Sohma_Curse -- Pg110 -- Aug13 -- (R) -- (Q)
SolemnBoy -- Pg108 -- Jan13 -- U20
Son of Shinchan -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U100 -- (X)
SonicRenegade84 -- Pg96 -- Nov10 -- (R)
sora_hua -- Pg34 -- Apr06 -- U5
sorimimi -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U5
Soundmonkey44 -- Pg105 -- Apr12 -- (R)
Souppy -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Sousuke Segari -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U300 -- (X)
Space Pirate Kid -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U100
Space_cowboy64 -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- (R)
Spastic Minnow -- Pg96 -- Sep10 -- (R) -- (Q)
Speedy Cerviche -- Pg100 -- Mar11 -- U100
spooksmagee -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U300 -- (Q)
spoon89 -- Pg80 -- Oct08 -- U100
SS_Vegeta -- Pg58 -- Jun07 -- U100
star_goddess -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5
stardf29 -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- U20 -- (Q)
starfyre0405 -- Pg81 -- Nov08 -- U5 -- (Q)
StarlightCrux -- Pg114 -- Feb14 -- U5 -- (Q)
starseven -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U100 -- (X)
Static29 -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U100
Steel Angel -- Pg77 -- Jul08 -- U300 -- (Q)
Steelbear -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Stinna -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U20
strongbad123 -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U100 -- (Q)
subiechan -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Sun King -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Supermutant -- Pg95 -- Sep10 -- U100
SuperOnizuka -- Pg1 -- Nov05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Supersonic Strawhat -- Pg83 -- Mar09 -- U5
Surrender Artist -- Pg113 -- Jan14 -- (R) -- (Q)
Suzumiya -- Pg46 -- Nov06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Suzumori -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (X)
sweet_lavender -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U100
SwerveCity -- Pg109 -- Mar13 -- U300
Swiftstrike3 -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5
Syko -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U5 -- (Q)


taeko-san -- Pg56 -- May07 -- U20 -- (Q)
tankerboy -- Pg74-- Apr08 -- U100
Tasha -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Taysiir -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U5
Telaka -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
TestamentSaki -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- (R)
tezkatyuu -- Pg84 -- May09 -- U5
The Anime Guru -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U5
The Human Spider -- Pg52 -- Feb07 -- (R) -- (Q)
The Human Spider -- Pg88 -- Aug09 -- (R)
The Punisher. -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U20 -- (Q)
the Rancorous -- Pg92 -- Jun10 -- (R) -- (Q)
the_seventh_child -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U5
the_soultaker -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R)
TheConfusedone -- Pg43 -- Sep06 -- U20
TheDarkMauler -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U20
TheKing_65 -- Pg117 -- Mar15 -- U5
theoriginalbilis -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U300 -- (Q)
ThePoliced -- Pg98 -- Jan11 -- U300
TheSwedishElf -- Pg101 -- May11 -- U300
TheTheory -- Pg92 -- May10 -- (R) -- (Q)
TheTsunami -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U20 -- (Q)
tigerx422 -- Pg65 -- Aug07 -- U5 (Q)
Tinnguyen123 -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U5
tlsmith1963 -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U100
Toucanbird -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (X)
touka_koukan -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U5
tonyadpx -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q)
TonytheMan -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U20
TootsieRoll -- Pg108 -- Dec12 -- U20
Torhu_San -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U300 -- (X)
toxshock -- Pg61 -- Jun07 -- U20 -- (X)
Treetastic -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Tresborn -- Pg110 -- Jul13 -- U5 -- (Q)
tru-alucard -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U20
Trugentleman02 -- Pg39 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q) -- (X)
TsC_BaTToSai -- Pg74-- Apr08 -- U100
tsubasachan -- Pg93 -- Aug10 -- U5
tsubasafan1993 -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U100
TsunaReborn! -- Pg112-- Dec13 -- (R) -- (Q)
TsunaReborn! -- (Top 10 characters) -- Pg116-- Feb15 -- (R) -- (Q)
Twilight_Alchemist -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- U20
TwinSkies -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- U100 -- (Q)
tyer123 -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U20
Tyrenol -- Pg56 -- May07 -- (R)


ugh_hey -- Pg120 -- Sep16 -- U5 -- (Q)
uguu -- Pg101 -- May11 -- U100 -- (Q)
UKFan -- Pg57 -- May07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Ulthrion -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (Q)
umi amano -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U20
undeadben -- Pg38 -- Jul10 -- (R) -- (Q)
Unicorn_Blade -- Pg94 -- Aug10 -- (R)
Urb' -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- U100
uzimakikid -- Pg84 -- Apr09 -- U5


Vampire_hunter -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U100
vector -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U5
veed -- Pg79 -- Aug08 -- U20
vegetatown -- Pg102 -- Oct11 -- U100
viajantedemundos -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U20
Viga_of_stars -- Pg43 -- Sep06 -- (R)
Violence -- Pg30 -- May06 -- U100
violet_em_08 -- Pg82 -- Jan09 -- U5
vorahk -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
vylo -- Pg67-- Aug07 -- U100


Wandering Knight -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100
wanderlustking -- Pg94 -- Aug10 -- (R) -- (Q)
war_ripper03 -- Pg93 -- Jul10 -- U5
Webki -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- (R) -- (Q)
WEL -- Pg106 -- Jul12 -- U20 -- (Q)
White Lightning Alchemist -- Pg102 -- Oct11 -- U100
WhiteHairGirls -- Pg102 -- Aug11 -- (R)
willry -- Pg75-- May08 -- U5
Wingfreedomstriker -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U5
wizardz199 -- Pg75-- May08 -- U300
woking -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U5
wolfsbane12 -- Pg76 -- Jun08 -- U100
Woody1193 -- Pg107 -- Jul12 -- U20 -- (Q)
Wrathful -- Pg93 -- Jul10 -- U300
wtfiku -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U5


xberserkx -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U300
xCarnagex -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U5
XenoCrisis0153 -- Pg21 -- Sep05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Xenofan 29A -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- (R)
xgramx -- Pg79 -- Aug08 -- U5
xiaoxu -- Pg67-- Aug07 -- U100
xm0123 -- Pg78 -- Nov08 -- U20 -- (Q)
XREJECTZX -- Pg79 -- Aug08 -- U5
xsatoshi_hiwatarix -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U5


yamata no orochi -- Pg82 -- Jan09 -- U300
Yamstarch -- Pg118 -- Mar15 -- U20 -- (Q)
yan! -- Pg28 -- Feb06 -- U20 -- (X)
YanagiTenks -- Pg108 -- Dec12 -- U20
yogurtovsky -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U20
YourNeighborTotoro -- Pg11 -- Jul05 -- U100
yourrealdad -- Pg44 -- Nov06 -- U20 -- (X)
yuki* -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U5
Yuki_Kun45 -- Pg85 -- May09 -- (R)
Yukonxcr -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U5
yuusha -- Pg79 -- Aug08 -- U20


Zack26 -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U100
Zalis116 -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Zalis116 -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- (R) -- (Q)
ZashikiWarashi -- Pg83 -- Apr09 -- U100 -- (Q)
ZephyrSP -- Pg104 -- Apr12 -- U5
Zero89 -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U300 -- (Q)
ZeroRyoko1974 -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U300
Zewerr -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- (R)
ZoraPrime -- Pg90 -- Feb10 -- U20
zyban -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (Q)
zzchanli -- Pg87 -- Jun09 -- U5


Is it okay to make this thread THE ONLY most / least favorite anime thread? I'm tired to see favorite threads popping up every other day and end up becoming list threads.

[Index split into three parts to use this post as well. ~Zalis]
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
Posts: 11529
Location: Frisco, TX
PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:41 pm Reply with quote
Well if we keep this one sticky, all we have to do (for this particular topic) is lock all the newly created ones and make sure to keep an eye on questionable posts that violate the "List Thread" rule.

I'm sure the rest of the Mods will be more than willing to lock another "favorites" thread if they feel that certain subject has already been discussed to death, or that they just don't feel like having another potential "list thread."

I say we leave it up to them to use their best judgement for this, but for now, let's keep this thread stickied and see if it works out a little better.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2004
Posts: 14
Location: Singapore
PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:00 am Reply with quote
joon wrote:
HOWDY to fellow anime fans.

5. Now and then, here and there
-> Not many people like this anime but i must say this anime was damn masterpiece because it talks about the side effect of War. I must say that this anime is the most darkest anime ever. It talks about the victims of war, soldier's life in the communism country and lots of other things. I must say i almost cried (my soul) when i watched this anime. So if you haven't seen this anime go watch it! i suggest you that bring tissue with you!

[Topic Adjusted -t]

You got my vote for this anime.this is truely a master piece anime.well balance story, great plot.it's just amazing.get this box set and i ensure that you wouldn't regret it.the story and sound track is just outstandingly excellent.

i will name one of my all time favourites too but don't think much would like it though. Laughing

1.you're under arrest season one - a mix of comedy, action and a bit of comedy romance.police ladies solving funny cases to serious cases.interesting characters.nice drawing with great sound tracks.one of my favourites anime which caught my heart when i first saw it.truely recommend it if you got the money to spare cause the box set don't come cheap. Sad
worst anime i have seen - naruto

2.Ninku - The ninku is a clan of extinct ninjas who command esoteric and powerful techniques, hence a lot of other groups are constantly trying to steal their techniques to take over the country. Their primary target is Fusuke, a weird looking kid but one of the most powerful Ninku ninja. Fusuke, together with other Ninku ninja with different specialties must fight those threat that caused the downfall of the Ninku clan.Great story,great animation drawing and filled with comedy in it.excellent anime.

joon i second to your worst anime choosen.this anime is super draggy man.so much flash back to their childhood etc etc or infact taken over 1/3 of the whole anime on flash back.sound track isn't really very good.fighting scenes are extremely great but overall still too slow.

Last edited by rapala_fisher on Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Ok, I like this topic. I'll try to make another post like Joon's.

Top 5 favourite anime

(Please remember that this list is how I think in the last months. Obviously, within a few months/years I can easily change my preferences)

1.- Twelve Kingdoms

First time I saw it announced, I had never heard about it. But, the first chapter I saw (which was almost up to 20th), got me interested in this anime. Why? Because the whole atmosphere of ancient China, mixed with those magical elements, an stamental society, with rulers here and there, different reigns with different laws and habitants. I love this kind of histories, and obviously, the medium of anime also counts. It's like Fushigi Yugi, yes, but Twelve Kingdoms focuses more on what should be Yoko's correct behaviour and a good way to govern her kingdom. And Miaka doesn't so much responsability, or at least, she has much more people who helps her.

2.- Haibane Renmei

It may sounds funny if I admit that I haven't seen it all (just like Twelve Kingdoms), but with half the series I can truthly say that is one of my all-time prefered. As others animes may be good to me because of their story, because they act like a medium of entertainment, I use to consider Haibane Renmei as a "Teaching tool". It is, to me, a perfect story making you see things from a different way. Instead of action, mistery and hidden arguments that makes you think about what is this or what is that (I still don't know how are Haibane born or Reki's dream...). No, don't spoil those, please.

3.- Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo (Kare Kano)

(By the way, I have to submit a different image to the Encyclopedia picture, I've got some that are better than the currently one.)

Why should I like this? Because of its sweetness. Are you thinking that I am girly? Maybe, but I have to insist that this anime is one of the best romance animes I have ever seen. While it is (by any way), similar to the WHOLE manga (almost seventh volume released in Spain Very Happy), I consider it as the part of Yukino and Soichiro's love. As the storyline is completly admirable (and I mean, there's nothing strange that happens, and remember I am not talking about reality or fiction, just of logic), the music is also rather quite and well-composed for the anime. And, the story makes (maybe) know you more of Japan (ok, this is just good if you like the country, but I do), the constant photographies, as well as the Opening & Ending, makes your mind finding all more real, more closer to us and our lives (for those who are studying, who whill, and who already had). Ok, enough, this is large...

After those, I find hard to decide which enter my own Top 5, so it's something that can easily change.

4.- Inuyasha

Another anime ambiented at old times, quite similar to Twelve Kingdoms or Fushigi Yugi. However, with Inuyasha, instead of liking by excellent characters or plots, I am a fan because it mixes a lots of ingredients. Action & Fights that take place with ancient scenarios, with swords and other non-hightechnology stuff, even at sometimes magic (like Tesaiga, the sword). Kagome usually represents more the humans, the way we can usually think or usually act. She's like representing me at Inuyasha's world. And, latest but not less important, the musics on it are more than good, who doesn't love My Will song? It's cool...

5.- Grave of the Fireflies (movie) (I had problems chosing this, other series like Wolf's Rain, NieA Under 7 and other Studio Ghibli films could deserve the fifht place...Let's just expect that movies also can be mentioned here Wink).

This is one of the best examples of how animated movies can do exactly the same the non-animated. Yes, I cried with it, and I've got no shame to admit so. It is a good way to fight agaisnt wars and all problems that they take. But, this is not the main thing. Seita and Setsuko are too young to deserve that, they even could do nothing. However, most people here knows how things go...(I won't spoil anything). So, sad, at all, but also great and a masterpiece when it comes to make people feel worse, and why? Because we usually do some things that they wrong, just like Shin Takahashi said. A sad storyline, yet one of the best I've seen (in anime, of course).

...I feel to tired to continue with the Bottom 5 list. Probably I'll do it later, maybe tomorrow. And don't tell me list threads should be like this, I'm tired Anime hyper.

Well, I second Dormcat's opinion, it is worth to have all "favourites" threads merged in just one. Roughly speaking, a correct one...

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:13 am Reply with quote
I don't get to see so much Anime, but I'll try my best to answer a really great question Exclamation Cool

Best Top 5 anime for RK@42

1)Blue Gender
It's my favorite cause it was one of the first I ever saw.
The main reason i like is the genre it's a action,horror/thriller which basically shows how un-humane we really are when everything starts to stuff up and the adaptability of the main characters to successed in leaving Earth.
The drawing techniques is well shown and music is well used.

I love this Anime not because the subtitles were better the English sync, well mainly, but because this specific anime goes nicely with the saying "there is a time to play and a time work" and cause Vash is Friggin cool!! Cool

To me i didn't know what was berserk, but as i watched i got straight into it and loved every bloody scene and stare-down scene (like in western movies). The poeple that made Berserk knew how to mix emotions instantly very well!

i don't have clue why i like it, maybe cause it has 20% talk scenes and 80% fighting and it is so mysterious.

5) ROD Read Or Die
To me it was unique, different and showed that book worms can be cool. It was like a bumpy road... you don't expect the unexpected to happen in the first episode right through the 3rd and final episode. i also liked it cause the fighting styles in all battles were like a dance of death Razz !

Worst Top 2 Anime for RK@42

1) Shadow Skill
It just annoyed me with all its cheapness in fighting style and its obective was boring.Its pathetic ending left me stunned for a few days. The movie was also dark on TV which left your eyes getting smaller and squinting to see what was going on.

2)Perfect Blue
It wasn't that bad but still it was pretty demented and just plain Whack Confused, with all the madness and unreal effects spoiler[of a big women imatating such a pretty women to being her exact duplicate and later trying to kill her, which just happenes to be a her "friend"].

If you guys have different opinions about the above I said please ask me Why, What and How Rolling Eyes
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:38 am Reply with quote
A7's Top 10 Anime

1. Macross Plus - I've been a long-time fan of Macross since the original series, but the 1994 OAV series got me completely hooked. Just about everything here made it a winner: excellent mix of 2D and 3D animation, awesome mecha designs, cutting-edge camera angles, and an outstanding orchestral score by Yoko Kanno. Macross Plus is also where I got my username from.

2. Gunbuster - Before seeing Macross Plus, I was introduced to this 1988-89 OAV series. Never mind that it was a parody anime; behind all of the otaku influences is a great sci-fi storyline and near-realistic drama that puts a tear to anyone's eyes. To this day, I rank this as GAINAX's best work ever (miles above Neon Genesis Evangelion).

3. Figure 17 - When I first rented this anime, I was expecting it to be average. I was dead wrong. Figure 17 isn't just about a struggle to protect Earth from an unpredictable alien race; it's about a young girl's struggle to cope with everyday life and how her new "twin sister" helps her through it all. That plus great animation and an excellent soundtrack make this one a winner.

4. Cowboy Bebop - Non-stop action, tongue-in-cheek comedy, jazz music. What more can you ask for?

5. Azumanga Daioh - Who would've thought an anime about school life could be so much fun?

6. RahXephon - It's the anime that succeeds where Evangelion fails.

7. Grave of the Fireflies - One of the most realistic anime titles ever produced.

8. The Dagger of Kamui - Even Ninja Scroll can't compare to this martial arts classic.

9. Heat Guy J - Like Cowboy Bebop, it redefines 'cool' in the action/sci-fi genre.

10. AKIRA - The first anime that made me take anime seriously.

A7's Bottom 5 Anime

1. Ninja Resurrection - Never mind that ADV misled everyone into thinking it was the sequel to Ninja Scroll. It reeks of a horrible story and cheap artwork. The lack of an ending puts the final nail on its coffin.

2. Sword For Truth - The whole anime just makes no sense at all.

3. Candidate for Goddess - Weak storyline and even weaker CG animation led to its demise on Japanese TV without an ending. Even the OAV episode leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

4. Half of Central Park Media's Anime Catalog - Including M.D. Geist, Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past and Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer

5. Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture - The biggest anime insult to a videogame franchise.
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Glory Questor

Joined: 28 Sep 2004
Posts: 456
PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:59 pm Reply with quote
Glory Questor's Top 10 (from #10 to #1):

10. Read or Die & R.O.D. The TV

Enjoyable entertainment with some interesting characters. While the story does get a little odd at at times (i.e. Episode 7 of R.O.D. the TV), the characters are very well done ... if a little too book-crazy. (Seriously, Yomiko's building full of books and the Paper Sister's Hong Kong apartment? They need credit card counseling. Smile )

9. .hack//SIGN

While it was only the precursor to bigger things to come, this series is also self-contained and really doesn't need what comes after to still be a great piece of storytelling in a computer gameworld setting.

It's great how all of the "heroes" in the story aren't really medieval heroes in a fantasy world -- all of them are just ordinary people living in the real world. I've heard a lot of comments about them ("they are all whinny"), but they are just people -- you, me, anyone else in the world, really. It's this simple fact that makes .hack//SIGN relatable to many people.

8. Perfect Blue

This one had me both confused and frightened -- just as direct Satoshi Kon probably expected me to be. If there were any one-liner to describe this, it would be a "descent into madness".

I've had those few lingering questions, like spoiler[why is it that Mima continues to see Rumi as herself? Does Rumi have some sort of psychic powers? It's never revealed, so all we do have to go on is that Mima is just going nuts. But then, at the end, she's fine. Everyone's fine.]

Well, whatever. It's still an edge-of-your-seat movie, to be sure -- and one classic horror movie at that.

7. Noir

While there is that whole "name of an ancient fate" story arc that progesses throughout, the beginning of the story is quite simple: a pair of assassins team up to eliminate targets and earn their money -- sort of a flipped coin, with Cowboy Bebop on the other side.

After all, you have the same realistic firearms (Mireille and Jet both use a Walther P99), the criminal past that is being left behind (Mireille and Spike), forgotten pasts (Faye and Kirika), and the eventual nemesis who stays behind the scenes most of the time (Vicious and Chloe).

Noir's flashback story bogs it down a little (especially in the first five or six episodes), but stick with it and you will find a great series with an ending that might leave things open for more...

6. Magic Knight Rayearth

Three ordinary girls journey across a fantasy land to save a world from destruction. So, why is this #6 on my list? Because the story is just that unordinary.

The companions are all different people with different goals in life -- but they are brought together by circumstance and become close-knit companions whose friendship and integrity define them as true heroes.

You will be here mainly for the journey, which must be watched from beginning to end to enjoy the story fully. You may think you know how the story is going to end ... but I'll let you see that for yourself.

5. Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

I put the TV series above the Record of Lodoss War OAV collection on my list mainly because there is a lot more story here that doesn't have the rushed feeling of the OAV. (The best way to start the TV series is to watch the OAV up to Episode 8 ["Requiem for Warriors"], then begin the TV series.)

The first part of the TV series begins after the War of Heroes. Here, we get a lot more character development from everyone -- Parn learns more about being a hero, Ashram becomes a more dynamic enemy, and Kashue's influence on them both drive both throughout the TV series. Another bright point is that Orson and Shiris' story is expanded in a great way.

The next part deals in the story of a new generation of heroes, and brings the ending of the OAV back into the story with all-new twists.

For me, it's the best version of the Lodoss War story, succeeded (unfortunately) by one of my Least Favorites below.

4. Inuyasha

This is how an ongoing series should be written. Great comedy and high drama, memorable dynamic characters, a time-travel story that rewrites all the history books, and fresh challenges every episode. So far, after the 70+ episodes that have been out, the show hasn't lost any of its magic and charm. Couple the TV series and movies with some other great fan media (for North America, the Playstation fighting game and Playstation 2 RPG game, but a lot more in Japan), and you have one timeless classic that anyone can really watch and enjoy.

3. Cardcaptor Sakura

This one would have to stand as the most controversal teen comedy ever created -- that wasn't that convtroversal since it was heavily cut and dubbed to so much change the story that the original's great comedy elements are buried. Getting the uncut version was perhaps one of the best decisions I made -- the taboo relationship stories alone are worth it. Coupled with some interesting action and smart story (every card has a well-thought out weakness that isn't very obvious), this is perhaps CLAMP's best series ever.

2. Neon Genesis Evangelion

The story starts out just like any anime you've seen: giant robot-like creatures clash each other in a titanic battle. But these anti-heroes are the last people you would expect to save the world from domination by the Angels -- the real, Biblical Angels. The character match-up is the oddest I've ever seen: A cool and calculating girl who could care less about anyone but their commander; an introverted boy who just pilots the Evangelion "because that's what everyone expects him to do"; and a red-haired wild-child who only wants to pilot the Evangelion and have fun.

As the show moves on, though, you begin to realize that things are not the same. Each of the characters' egos are challenged by what they experience. Then you have The End of Evangelion, which is the most mind-blowing experience I've ever seen. On top of all of that are so many secrets and revelations that you don't realize (until you view the TV series again) how much they really were telling you from the start. This series deserves being called one of the best.

1. Cowboy Bebop

This is the big one, that one series out of all the others that anyone can watch all the way through and enjoy. I've been told that this series turned a lot of people on to anime -- and it's easy to see why. The open-ended story, the bounties, the exploration of the pasts of every character, and the main arc that revolves around Spike's dark past -- everything is paced so wonderfully.

Bebop features perhaps the best music of any anime -- one of the big reasons why Bebop is above Noir, which I mentioned was similar in style. The music is appropriate everywhere you hear it. The characters are the most oddball bunch you'd ever see -- the dark hero, the ex-cop, the con-lady, the computer hacker, and the high-IQ dog. Somehow, they all really do work together and become a very close family -- even though they won't admit it at all.

The Real Folk Blues has to be the best ending to any series I've ever seen. It wonderfully resolves a great series, which few series' ending really do well.

My all-time favorite that I never tire of watching again and again.

(Note that if it were considered anime, Transformers would also be on this list. The orignal seasons were great, and Transformers: The Movie is still the best earth-shattering transition moment of any major animated series.)

Glory Questor's Least 5 favorite:

5. .hack//Liminality

I hate when something that looks like it would be great misses the mark. The first episode looks like it was supposed to feature some computer graphics -- but all we get is a monocolored screen that screams "missing footage".

It's a disappointing beginning that leads to a more interesting middle (I like Volumes 2 and 3), but has a really disappointing end (once again, we can't see what's going on in The World). The only question that would be asked is "what was the point of all that?". Now that I look back, just what was Mr. Tokuoka's purpose here? What "evidence" was he trying to get?

4. Legend of Lemnear

The Champion of Gold captures the Champion of Bronze, and it is up to the Champion of Silver, Lemnear, to save Bronze from Gold. Why do I feel like I'm in an olympic triathlon? Seriously, this one is a great premises that seems to have been rushed -- resulting in a fair anime that had enough material to be a wonderful anime. With such a far-reaching story, though, you need more time to tell it. 60 minutes is not enough for this story -- it needs more backstory.

3. Kimera

Ugh. Just why is the main character attracted to Kimera? Just why can't he listen to his best friend? Just what is the story here? I haven't seen this in a long time, and probably won't drag it out ever again.

2. Vampire Wars

Woah! Slow down the story here! Some guy gets involved in this wierd conspiracy that turns into him meeting wierd vampires and at the end spoiler[he confesses his love for the girl -- but hasn't spent more than a day with her! Confused ] I didn't think a story could get more confusing than this one. I was wrong.

1. Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer

Um, yeah. The guy is being attacked by the Class Presidents, who merge into a super being and almost kill the guy -- while his "best friend" just sits back and lets it happen. Then some other transfer student comes in, who has a fire dog, and who falls in love with the rich girl, a man who has a grudge against the president of the school who is hiding all the negativity of the universe inside of him...

If anyone can make some sort of watchable story out of all of this, I'd be surprised.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:25 pm Reply with quote
I don't know if I can write 10 favorites or five least favorite titles, so I will list the ones that stand out the most for me. One of the commonalities of my favorites is the music.

GTO- I thought I was going to pick up Onegai Teacher, but during the day I went to buy the anime, I forgot the complete name and only remember "teacher." Seeing the "Teacher" in GTO, I picked up the first two DVDs and went home to watch them. Little did I know that I got the wrong titles, but I didn't care I enjoyed GTO. Coincidentally at work, I found five volumes of GTO laying on the ground when I was doing work and purchased them too (at a 40% discount...wah hoo!). I also read, coincidentally yet again, Animerica's issue with GTO on the cover. In the article it mentioned that GTO displayed issues that is in Japanese schools, and in a history text book on Japan ( I finished the history text in three days). I was like, "Wow." Being that I study Psychology and Sociology, I figured to check out GTO more closely, and hence I found my number one love for an anime, manga, and live action drama. Great character development. Except for the live action, the Anime version of GTO's music wasn't one of the reasons why I love GTO so much.

Twelve Kingdoms
This was a suggestion to purchase from another friend, and this time I wrote down the title so I wouldn't forget. But it was kind of hard to forget at Suncoast because during my walk inside, they were playing a promo of the anime. What got me immediately, was not the anime, itself, but the music. Being an avid fan of Chinese/Asian instrumental music, it hooked and sunk me into getting the series. I didn't watch it right after I purchased it since I am still in school, but I did get time to watch the first two DVDs sequentially. And boy did I like it. It was very reminiscent of the old Chinese/Vietnamese movies that my parents watched. Or actually reminiscent of a drama that I watched with my parents when I was very little. And being that I enjoy fantasy and romance, this anime was next in line to be one of my favorites. I like Youko's development into being an emotionally developing adept adolescent. Of course I felt that she was a whiner in the first three DVDs of the series, but she grew on me. I want to series to continue for a long time, as well, I would like to get the manga or novels if they come out in the US.

Macross Plus My very first and favorite anime. Yoko Kanno is a wonderful musician and composer. I make it my duty to get any anime in which she was the composer. But back to the actual anime of MAcross PLus. I was at the age where impressions and imagination was still important in my life, and I saw this with it's fighters and UN spacey. I got into so much trouble the next day in school when I kept on daydreaming what it would be like flying one of those jets in Macross PLus. Guld's portrayal of the tragic hero was excellent. Even though it was short, it was still a great anime to watch...over and over and over. Plus you get a real great music soundtracks to listen to.

Cowboy Bebop
As I said in MAcross PLus, anything with Yoko Kanno composing, I have to get. Cowboy Bebop was the next one on the list to get. Her jazzy swank music is just great to listen to to relax, get into the mood, and feel energetic. I didn't care much for the story, even interesting as it was, I cared more about the style and the music, above all. The music was the key to my love of this series. And what do you know, I am listening to Cowboy Bebop right now.

Ghost in the Shell Some weird, techno-ish music by, none other than Yoko Kanno. Maybe she needs to take a rest....even if we fans yearn for her music daily. Ghost in the Shell, was one of those rented because "I am too young and didn't want parents to know about" types. I saw this a little bit after Macross PLus with my brother. Being that my parents are the strict type about what we watch, Ghost in the Shell was one they didn't want us to watch. Or me really, because I was still young and very impressionable. So I snuck out and watched it with my brother. It was cool. It is a cool anime because of its slickness. And what do you know, today we are getting somewhat closer to what Ghost in the shell portrayed. A highly connected society through computers.

Tenchi Muyo I watched this at my neighbor's house as I took care of their pet dog, Rusty. I would watch this every time I was called to take care of her house, garden, and pet, sometimes at weeks to months at a time. Sure it was a simple harem anime, but it was an addictive one. It was like a mix of Star Wars (My favorite movie series.....with Indiana Jones coming in a close second) and some other show that I can' remember. I watched the OVA, TV series (Universe), and the three movies every day when I would come home from school. This excludes Tenchi in Tokyo. this was the first Anime that I actually bought in VHS format. Its occasional silliness, but fun at the same time, made it easy to like and remember.

Escaflowne What can I say, I really love Yoko Kanno. I really love her music as well. Just like Twelve Kingdoms, I really liked this anime because of its fantasy/romance genre. I watched the movie before the series, and I love both. I don't care if the movie doesn't follow the TV series to a "T," it is still great.

Honorable mentions in the positive favorites:

Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Wolf's Rain, El Hazard, Full Metal Panic!, and Ah! My Goddess.

Not so liked Animes:

I don't know if I will go into detail for this but....

Tenchi in Tokyo What did they do to Tenchi in this version? Sakuya? After the first two episodes on my VHS versions of Tenchi in TOkyo, I left it and never picked it up ever again. It wasn't fun seeing the characters that I have grown to love become oddly annoying and tenchi falling for a puppet.

...I think that is the only anime that I don't like.

Last edited by SuperOnizuka on Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:28 pm Reply with quote
We're getting "best" and "favorite" muddled here. The distinction is important because, for me, an anime title can certainly be one without being the other. (Case in point: I regard Grave of the Fireflies as one of the best titles I've ever seen but certainly wouldn't consider it among my favorites.)

These are the picks I would rate highly on both "best" and "favorite" lists:


It's a classic for a good reason. Arguably the best purely cel-based artistry and animation to be found in any anime movie as well as presenting a mind-bending story, mind-blowing action, and one of the best anime soundtracks ever.

Princess Mononoke
There are other titles that edge it out in artistry, but it's still a visual marvel and, IMO, the best overall anime movie to date. Certainly one of the best and most original stories amongst all anime titles, with thrilling action and a stellar soundtrack to boot.

Perfect Blue
Again, there are titles that edge it out in artistic quality, but the creepy mind-games in this taut pyschological thriller keep me coming back. Very definitely R-rated, though.

Spirited Away
Yeah, this one skews more towards younger audiences, but it's still a fantastic movie by any standards. One of the best-looking and most inventive of all anime movies, and with a great story as well.

Voices of a Distant Star
Technically it's a short, and it isn't in the company of the above in terms of visual quality, but this 25-minute love story about maintaining connections across long distances is one of the most heartfelt of all anime stories. Also features incredible musical scoring.


Key The Metal Idol
Hey, there's a reason why I use the title character as my avatar. Smile This mature, serious 15-episode drama about a socially inept robot girl's efforts to accumulate the 30,000 friends she needs to become human is one of the best-written, most original, and most engrossing titles available in the American market. It features great music, one of the all-time great anime villains, and dark revelations late in the series that will both astound the viewer and force a reevaluation of everything you've seen so far. The artistry, though more ordinary, uses a few subtle and clever touches that are easily overlooked but form highly significant plot points. (Watch Key's appearance very carefully throughout the series.)

Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
This 12-episode series from GAINAX is one of those rare titles where a collection of stock characters, scenes, and story elements come together to make a whole that is far greater than the sum of its parts. Although this story about a cute female combat android who retires from active duty to spend her remaining 398 days as a maid for an orphaned middle-schooler is primarily a raucous comedy (and a very funny one at that), it has an underlying sadness, some sobering subtexts, and a surprisingly tender side which set it apart from all other robot-maid series. It is even occasionally a real tear-jerker. Fair warning: this series is notorious for its fan service and raunchy content. The follow-up season, subtitled Something More Beautiful, is too bloated with filler to make this list but does a great job of finishing the original storyline when it finally gets around to it.

Neon Genesis Evangelion
If you don't already understand why I'd put this series on this list then you need to see this series for yourself. Definitely one of the most intense, influential, controversial, and multilayered of all anime series, as well as one of the most distinctive of all mecha series. Multiple viewings and research is required to fully understand and appreciate it, I think, and yeah, I like the original ending as well as the movie ending.

Twelve Kingdoms
A 49-episode fantasy series ground in Chinese Mythology which is most distinctive for the fascinating world it creates and its gorgeous artistry, especially in character design. Although the plot does move along at a leisurely pace, this allows for a more full exploration of the world and for its characters to grow and change substantially over the course in time. One of the best modern fantasy series.

Scrapped Princess
This 24-episode fantasy series from BONES, about a "scrapped" princess who must live and travel incognito because she was prophecized at birth to be the "poison who will destroy the world" when she turns 16, isn't available in the States yet but has been licensed and should start coming out in the first half of next year. Great characters, an interesting story with some real twists, and healthy dollops of magic, swordplay, humor, and heartfelt emotion make this a fresh and highly entertaining series.

Honorable mentions among series include Inuyasha, Saikano, Last Exile, Boogiepop Phantom, and Now and Then, Here and There (which doesn't make my list because, while one of the best series to date, it's a difficult view because of the powerful emotions in it).
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Joined: 01 Dec 2004
Posts: 21
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:58 pm Reply with quote
Well, what can I say? The only anime I have ever been exposed to was all on Cartoon Network. So, I don't have 10 favorite or 5 least, but I'll do my best.


1. Cowboy Bebop - GREAT, GREAT series. It had great action sequences, and like everyone else has said, the music was dead on. The "story" was the best I have ever seen in any series, book, movie, whatever. (I love the end fall in "The Ballad of Fallen Angels")

2. Trigun - I loved this show because of the perfect mix of action and humor. It gives you a little bit of his history and then keeps you guessing about Vash the whole way through until the very end. I liked the villians, because they're not what you expect (the end of Legato). I also loved the humor. One of the funniest shows I've seen.

3. Inuyasha - I loved this series instantly also because of the terrific battle scenes and the intelligent humor thrown in. The characters all have their own special abilities and their own interesting (and interlocking) stories. Extremely well written, interesting from front to.... um, the latest episode.

4. FullMetal Alchemist - haven't seen enough episodes to give a good review, but so far, it is great.

5. Ghost in the Shell SAC - same as FullMetal Alchemist

Least Favorite (just one)

1. Hamtaro - um, yeah. When I first saw an episode, I hated my eyes for a week. And my ears. I just could not believe that someone would take the time to create a world just for hamsters. It's not so bad that it is about hamsters, but there was no point to any of the episodes I saw. They tried to go some place and back, then they tried to find some seeds, then they talked to new hamsters about stuff. And there was a girl who owned one of them, and she was talking to the hamster. That's pretty much all i saw in the few episodes. Boring, and pointless.
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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Location: Fallen, UK
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:43 pm Reply with quote
I dunno about Akira, when i first saw it, i though it was great, awesome graphics, but the story wasn't really explained fully. after recently reading the manga i feel the film is slightly weaker in the story element, and a lot of bits were chopped up and placed else where and but weren't in alltogether. However, in saying that on its own the film is a masterpiece, but as an adaptation of the story it was pretty week. Maybe if it was done as a series, but who knows.
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Bruce Lee

Joined: 04 Feb 2003
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Location: Seattle, Washington
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:17 pm Reply with quote
6. RahXephon - It's the anime that succeeds where Evangelion fails.

I completely agree. I used to think EVA was the best anime series ever, BAR NONE, but then I saw this masterwork! Everything happens for a reason. (most) things that happen are explained. It's not so wrapped up in itself, and having to be crazy, or unreal. Not to mention the great character relationships that flow throughout the whole story. Where in EVA is there anything like the Ayato/Asahina relationship? Nobody even liked Shinji enought to have a relationship like that with him - let alone the viewer. It's refreshing that Ayato is actually a LIKEABLE character. And don't get me started on the endings...

So, Raxephon - the TV, not the movie - is my number 1.

As much as I bashed it, EVA is probably number 2. That was the first show I was really into, and I still have some good memories of it. I'm a sucker for a good mystery, and mixing that with Giant Robots is a combination that can't be beat. I loved the crazyness of it all; how I'd think I've got it figured out, only to realize I have no idea what's going on.

Everything after that is good, but I'm not as passionate about. I'd include (not in this order) Grave of the Fireflies - great story & so sad, Noir - action assasins & mystery, Dai-Gard - funny office workers, Hellsing - action, GTO (so far) - humor and heart, Now and then, here and there - nice message and great story, Voices of a distant star - great story & so sad, and of course Cowboy bebop - do I really have to list why?

My least favorite shows have got to be the new .hack and Final Fantasy unlimited. I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy game series, and also liked the .hack//sign show and games, so I had big expectations coming into these. Unfortunately, the little kids running around, and slow pacing made me lose interest quickly. I've tried to watch again, but they're sooo boring, I just can't take it!
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Joined: 19 Jun 2004
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Location: The armpit of California.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:15 pm Reply with quote
-> this anime is the side story of KGNE. I really really loved kgne then anime ruined it. If u haven't seen it, go watch it.

I was wondering what is KGNE.

I can't think of the top ten Anime I like so here's the top five.

1.Full Metal Panic:
This is one of those series that everyone can love. It's got action, romance(sort of), and comedy. I love the robot designs and the action sequences are superb. The character development is great and doesn't take half the series.

2.Last Exile:
I have only seen the first nine episodes of this series but am already in love with it. The designs of everything from the ships to the guns is mind blowing. GONZO went all out for this one. The story rocks and I like how the main characters learn during the attacks and how they change during the series. I also like this anime so much because I am somewhat of a plane lover and it's not often that I see an anime with such good references to airplane problems.

3.Cardcaptor Sakura:
I have seen about the first thirty or so episodes and fell in love with it. I am a little biased when it comes to this anime because it was the first one I ever saw. I enjoyed this series because it had all sorts of magical creatures in it with really cool fight scenes. The main character was also really cute and I immediatly fell in love with her. The story was really fun to watch and follow plus I can show it to some of my younger friends without worrying about the content.

I like this series so much because of the fight scenes and the way Naruto and the other learn new attacks and use them in combat. The story could be better but it is funny and enjoyable to watch with your friends. There have been some instances where we would bet how many moves it would take one of the characters to win against their opponent. I like all the new moves that the story artists come up with and explain what each move entails when it is used.

5.Love Hina:
This is an awesome series because of the humor and the love story woven into it. The characters are all interesting and make it a joy to watch. One of the things that I noticed in this anime is that they have a hot spring in the dorms. Most other anime have one or two episodes where the characters take a trip to a hot spring but never do they have a hot spring at their immedite dissposal. With the love triangle between Keitaro, Naru, and Mutsumi this series keeps you guessing who Keitaro will end up with until the very end.
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