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Joined: 09 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:16 am Reply with quote
Top 10 Series(In No Particular Order):

Cowboy Bebop- No explaintion necessary

Trigun- Funny, Action-Packed, and Stylish

Full Metal Alchemist- It's easy to say this series is just getting better and better...

Naruto- It's just hooked me, I can't explain why, though.

Wolf's Rain- Amazing characters, music, and story

Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex- Who thought mainstream anime could get your brain going this much?

Gungrave- The next Trigun, but with a more retro-mafia twist, highly recommended!

Hellsing- Alucard kicks @$$! Too Short, though, 'nuff said.

Outlaw Star- Great show about people trying to get by, but having rotten luck. Get by the introduction episodes(which I still loved) and it really takes off!

Rurouni Kenshin- Yes, the manga so far is better, but I'll wait till I've watched and read it all.

5 Least Favorite:

DragonBall Z- Naruto does drag, but not like this. Come on! Hit the guy while he's talking and end the fight already.... please?

Gundam Series- YAWN! G Gundam was pretty cool, but that's about it.

Yu-Gi-Oh- Is this even anime? I don't think so.

Pokemon- Once again, another reason not to watch Kids anime.

Mecha Anime- It all sux. Unless it doesn't involve Mecha as the main plot, lol.

Honorable mentions: Samurai Champloo, Berserk, .hack//sign, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Inuyasha, Saiyuki(yeah, I know, leave me alone on this one), Get Backers, Paranoia Agent, Peacemaker, and Witch Hunter Robin.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:19 am Reply with quote
I haven't seen many anime but I'll see what I can come up with. Anime smile
1. Witch Hunter Robin- It's dark, dramatic, and different. I love the characters and how the storyline uses things from real life.
2. FLCL- It's really funny, so funny that you don't really have to understand it at first to be entertained. Just watch and laugh...learn later. Very Happy
3. Cowboy Bebop- Action, comedy, drama, romance...what else do you need? I love Spike, Faye, and Ed...Spike and Faye make a pretty good comedic team...Ed does just fine alone. Laughing
4. Trigun- Action and comedy...a lot of both. Vash cracks me up...I could stand to watch it a few more times...Anime smile
5. Inuyasha- The last anime I could think of...it used to be my favorite until Witch Hunter Robin replaced it...funny, a lot of romance, tons of action...pretty good.

Least Favorite:
1. Big O- Don't understand it...can't get into it long enough to try to...
2. Case Closed- Too long...I didn't watch a lot of it but it seemed like all it would be was case after case after case after...ah, you get it...Anime smile
3. DBZ- Repetitive...all of those episodes kill me...
*Scratches her head* That's it for me... Smile
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Joined: 05 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Top 10 favorites from worst to best:

10. Sailor Moon - How can I not forget this series. Even though it dragged most of the time, it was still a great series.

9. .hack//SIGN - this series is slow moving but still grabbed my attention, and was the first anime dvd I bought.

8. Azumanga Daioh - Filled with laughs throughout the entire series. Who doesn't like a series about a bunch of schoolgirls yucking it up?

7. Naruto - I have yet to see the dub version, and I'm wildly excited. This anime got me into ninja anime.


5. Nadia - This series doesn't drag like most, and the story is great with many laughs, tears, and drama.

4. Yu-gi-oh - for some reason, I can't do anything to hate this series. I've only seen the uncut version thus far.

3. .hack//Legend of the Twilight - why does this series do so much better than .hack//SIGN, because its not slow and it's more interesting and the characters are funny, and it's not depressing like .hack//SIGN.

2. Raxephon - This series was outstanding when I first saw it. I just can't live to forget it.

1. Magic Knight Rayearth - my alltime favorite series ever. 3 schoolgirls are magically transported to an RPG world filled with adventure. I find myself watching it more than once every day.

Honorable Mentions: These are series that are below the top ten, but I still love them: Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Pretear, One Piece, Magic Users Club, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pita Ten, Brigadoon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Gravitation, Corrector Yui, and InuYasha.

TOP 5 WORST ANIME: best to worse

5. X: The Movie - Ugh. I first watched this movie a couple of days ago on Showtime Beyond and I just didn't think it was my type of anime. It was boring. I turned it off about 30 minutes into the movie.

4. Pokemon - while some of the episodes are good, some are absolutely pathetic.

3. Initial D - YUCK! One of worst dubs ever. Tokyopop doesn't like certain series do they?

2. Chobits - what might have been the best CLAMP anime ever made may be just the worst anime for me. It just made me sick. I'm sorry to say this but I just didn't like it at all. The manga is good though.

1. Getter Robo - UGH! Can you say Boring??? I first watched this series and after the first episode I told myself "WTF is this?" I sold my boxset the next day on eBay.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:46 pm Reply with quote
My top 10 favorite anime:

10) Ikki Tosen - not the best, but definitely not the worst anime i've seen! ^^
9) Wedding Peach - What can I say? Anime smile just worth mentioning
8) .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT - I gotta put this. funny funny funny and good story...doesn't drag.
7) I My Me, Strawberry Eggs - I just LOVE the story to this and i love the character! it showed alot of affection to me.
6) Magic User's Club - i just had to mention this anime, i can't stop watching this...it's that good.
5) Someday's Dreamers - the best anime i've ever seen involving magic users! ^^
4) Steel Angel Kurumi - OMG kurumi is sooo cute and i can't stop thinking about her or the anime itself...a hem!
3) Nadia:Secret of Blue Water - by far the best anime i've seen involving story and characterization. i love nadia!
2) Sailor Moon - who doesn't love the fact that there really are sailor soldiers of the nine planets trying to fight evil? ^^
1) InuYasha - what can i say? great story, great plot, worth my time.

Honorable Mentions:

.hack//SIGN, Magic Knight Rayearth, Dirty Pair Flash, Snow Fairy named Sugar, Haibane Renmei, Zenki, FAKE, Gravitation, Ai Yori Aoshi! ^^

Top 5 of my worst anime:

5) Pokemon - the best of the worst anime on this list...i always disliked this anime
4) Samurai X:The Motion Picture - I like Rurouni Kenshin, but this movie just had too much blood...than story.
3) Dragonball Z - I can't see what some DBZ fans see in it...all I see is *hack hack*
2) Kiddy Grade - Can you say BORING?
1) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - I watch the opening at night but that's all...i had to turn it off...THAT BAD.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:07 am Reply with quote
I've only been watching anime for about a year, so I haven't seen as much as everyone else, but here's my list:

5. FLCL - A very strange trip through the difficulty of adolencence and the struggle to become an adult. Most people miss the plot and just love this anime for its wacky parodies of South Park and other cartoons, but look a little closer, and you will find meaningful character studies of all the characters invovled. I've listened to The Pillows' Soundtrack once almost every day.

4. Grave of the Fireflies - How many war movies, not anime, do you know that can capture the horror of war from a child's point of view? How many anime's, or movies for that matter, are this realistic? If your heart didn't go out to the characters in this one, you may not have one.

3. Princess Mononoke - One of my first anime movies I'd ever seen, this film is beyond beautiful. The plot is incredibly thick with interesting characters, especially Sen and Ashitaka, the young warriors. Unlike disney fare, the animals aren't exactly cute and cuddly. They can and will kill. The amazing climax kept me glued to the television, where all enviormental hell breaks loose.

2. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - In my opinion, this is the Star Wars of anime features, and the best of Miyazaki's work (that i've seen). Nausicaa is one of the most likeable characters in anime, and the story itself brilliantly captures the mistakes of humanity, rather than just resorting to the simple good vs. evil plot of other hollywood adventures.

1. Neon Genesis Evangelion Series + End of Evangelion - Brilliant character study that contains the soul of the artist that created it. That creator, Hideki Anno, put all of his fears, hopes, horrors, and insecurities into an animated powerhouse of emotion. I was, like many others, disapointed in the series ending, but the End of Evangelion more than made up for it. It's more of a horror than an anime where the horror is not being killed, dismembered, or tortured. The real horror is rejection. To a person that has felt nothing but rejection, it's sheer terror. That bittersweet ending, I Need You, was in my mind for weeks.

Honorable Mention: Spirited Away, Cowboy Bebop, Love Hina.

I don't usually like making worst lists. Most of the anime I have seen has been mediocre at its worst because I do listen to word of mouth and reviews. Here are the ones I was somewhat disapointed in:

Rahexphon - The first disc just bored me entirely. There really wasn't any character development in those episodes. The story itself was rather weak, I thought. Does it get better in later episodes?

Excel Saga - Someone told me it was funny but I didn't really laugh (except at the theme song). Maybe I haven't seen enough anime to get the jokes.

Super Milk Chan - Okay, that one was horrible.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:43 am Reply with quote
Folks, just as a reminder, the rules say:

3) Threads and topics should carry some measure of intelligence to them. Consider if what you are writing is relevant or important to others. If it does not contribute to the discussion, do not post it. Please post detailed answers to questions, lists do not contribute.

Do not continue to post lists of titles without any sort of explanation.
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Joined: 27 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:37 pm Reply with quote
im sry, i really am... Crying or Very sad
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:49 pm Reply with quote
Chiyo-chan wrote:
im sry, i really am... Crying or Very sad

It's OK. Just make your list again, but remember to put a few sentences or something after each one to tell us why you like or dislike that title. Wink

And after all this time, I'm surprised I haven't made a top list myself. However, there are some titles I'd like to see first before doing so and others I'd like to rewatch for a fresher opinion. Someday, I'll post it...
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Joined: 01 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:30 pm Reply with quote
Top 5

Gundam Seed - Very down to earth series, with a great storyline

Initial D - I love cars and racing so naturally I love this show, but the English dub ruined it for potential fans Crying or Very sad

Fruits Basket - A guilty pleasure, but it has a great story, and it always makes you happy.

Rahxephon - Great animation, great charaters, and an enticing

Case Closed - A huge guilty pleasure, but every once in a while, it's just a fun show to watch.

Honorable Mentions - Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, s.CRY.ed, Getbackers, Samurai X, Yu Yu Hakusho, Spiral, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop

I don't know if I have a top 5 list of hated animes, and i'm not gonna worry about putting pokemon, dbz, and shows like that down.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:08 am Reply with quote
Cookie wrote:
Folks, just as a reminder, the rules say:

3) Threads and topics should carry some measure of intelligence to them. Consider if what you are writing is relevant or important to others. If it does not contribute to the discussion, do not post it. Please post detailed answers to questions, lists do not contribute.

Do not continue to post lists of titles without any sort of explanation.
You mean "Teh" Rules right? ^^
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:01 am Reply with quote
Since I'm feeling like an isomniac right now... sure. I'm game.

Top <strike>10</strike> 6

1) Mahoromatic
It was really the first actual anime series that I ever purchased a DVD for (thus starting my wallet shrinking habit). I don't think I could have hit more dead center for the best start. Sure, from a really shallow look, you'll see basically a maid fetish and plenty of fanservice. But underneath that lies a deep tragic story of Suguru's loss and Mahoro's relation to that loss and her acts of repentence. Such repentence costs Mahoro her last days, but later, it turns into something much more deep. The ending made me feel like someone skewered me through the heart. Sure, the second half of the series contains a lot of filler and stand-alone holiday episodes, but the last 5 or so episodes cram a mind numbing amount of story in, but just enough to make you appriciate it.

It covers both ends of the spectrum. Laugh out loud comedy, but deep dramatic tragidy as well. I can't stress how much I loved this series.

2) Someday's Dreamers
This series simply makes you feel completely at ease. It masterfully pulls off the "feel good" factor, yet doesn't go unrealistically happy. SD has it's share of conflicts as well. Furthermore, it's really satisfying to see Yume grow characterwise so much in the short run of the series. Whatever it lacks in humor, it more than makes up in the atmosphere of the series. I like also how Mages aren't shown as all-powerful superior beings, and infact, have problems that normal people need not deal with. The soundtrack is a dead on masterpiece as well. the indigo - under the blue sky is thus far, my favorite anime ending theme of all. The rest of the soundtrack is just... incredibly soothing. My only regret of the series is it feels way too short, and that there is still many untied knots by the end (it feels like it could easily have continued, and makes me wonder if it did.)

3) Comic Party
This series just has some undeniable charm that I can't quite put a finger on. Much of the humor is amplified with some moderate knowledge in the world of Anime and Manga. Kazuki's skill with doujinshi really creates a feeling of envy sometimes. Mizuki's personality of the "anti-otaku" is all too familiar, but she still manages to be very likible character, dispite her stance. And I know Taishi is everyone's envy. C'mon. Who can deny Taishi's absoulute coolness? =P

The only thing of this type that is better is the Manga (Kazuki seems a little less emo). =P

4) Azumanga Daioh
Simply put, high school life of a group of girls could never have been more amusing. Everyone's personality, while none of them are very original, are very very well developed. It's creates somewhat of a "feel good" feeling as well. I think it's impossible to not have a favorite character (Osaka reminds me crazily of myself).

5) Scrapped Princess
The OP is just wonderful. Plain wonderful. Aside from that, the story has mainly very good character development, but even better character interaction. The plot twists get stranger as the series progresses, and the characters get more involved. It's rare that any character makes a real "one time appearence" and never shows up again. It's also a series that causes you to question your own morals... and think a bit.

6) Naruto
Whereas DBZ fighting is basically a bunch of incoherent speed lines resulting in someone getting thrown into a mountain, and then the person who threw the other is suprised when the other isn't dead; Naruto's action is if anything, an excuse to create character development. None of the characters feel like "filler" characters (aside from actual filler episodes), and most all of them have some lasting impact that lasts long through the series. Single fights never really drag, and they end when they ought to. But it's all very intresting.
Those are mainly series that I've finished. One series I'll place in the middle here.... is Haibane Renmei. I bought the first volume on basis of very high reccomendations. I can't help but feel that the series went... really... nowhere. Well, that's not true... it did go places, but not in very intresting ways. I'm very hesitant to call it a "bad" anime, but it certainly isn't up with my top animes. I bought volume two short after, but I couldn't help but feel that I bought it more out of obligation than anything else.
Worst ever.....

1) Duel Masters
Absurdly stereotypical character designs, check. Really crappy 3d intergration, check. Most unbelieveible lines and quotes, check. This series is basically everything that possibly can go wrong in anime, all going wrong. It hurt. Bad.

Dispite the fact that the series should have died a long long time ago, and that the fight scenes are still incoherent speed lines with man throwing man into mountain, then seeing the other guy emerge and then first man looks suprised, the Dub theme song is a bloody sin. I don't even really hate dubs, but the theme song is just a bloody sin. It's an abomination. Once you hear it, you'll be forcing yourself to hate this series.

Ok. I'm gonna die of sleep deprivation. I probably have more... but I can't remember... so whatever.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Hey that was very long I might add. well here is my top 10/5 anime that I llike and don't like.

The first is Trigun, I like it becase it has a great story line and it keeps u in despence. (sorry if my spelling is bad).

Nextis Vandred becase it somthing that u will never expect in real life.male vs femals kind of funny is it.

Tenchi Muyo II Daghter of Darkness, its cool becaus just becase you are bon of darkness you can still chang into a good person. What I mean is if you did something bad or you are following a bad path u can allways change to be a good person.

Spiral, its cool because it keeps you instered of what going to hapen next( if you ever seen Case Close you know what I mean vol 1-5 should be out now).

Crono Crusade, Its cool becase it has a lot of good fighting scens. Its about a girl who friends with a good devil name Crono who fights demons who they call as devils.

Next is Birdy the Mighty, it is about a girl who sharing a body with a boy and fighting of monster and geting reveng of somebody. I haven't seen for a while, I only seen vol 1 and 2 but I stiil like it.

Getbackers is a good one. I can't give much details but if you have digital cabel go to ondemand and then go to the cuting eged then go on action.

El Hazerd is a good one, its a realy funny anime. It is about three preastes a boy a girl and a man with a bug gon to another demention.

Samarie X even though the caracters don't have the same characters voices but it was a great ending for Kenstion and the others but bad at the same time.

Full Meatel Alchamist is a great show to watch. I finaly got to watch it just reasonly.

The anime i don't lidke is nothing. I like all typs of anime but my favorit type is a serise that has action, romance and commedy or a love story lide Inu Yasha and Fugi Yugi.

Just to add I started watching anime since I was 10. If it wan't for my brother I probaly would not watch anime, but every time I watch anime I always learn a lesson to better my self the way I act towards people or my actions. Its basicaly my world kind of.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:58 am Reply with quote
My goodness! Thefirst version of this list I brainstormed had over 100 titles listed. The first thing I did was remove those well made films that were "Great Anime" more than "My Favorite Anime" like Grave of the Fireflies, Akira, Jin-Roh, and Spirited Away. Then I removed all the titles I've seen only once. I then removed works that I'm still in the process of watching like, Stand Alone Complex, Champloo and Gungrave. This left me with a over 50 titles of which about half I've dropped.

Zeta Gundam
This is also the show which turned me from a casual anime fan into a full blown otaku. Not only was the show highly anticipated back in 1985, but the series has lasted the test of time. Tomino gave us a few shockers, like Char being one of the protagonists, and the Chikyurenpo being so evil. Yasuhiko and Okawara gave it that "Gundam" atmosphere which even they failed to recapture in F-91. There were a slew of new characters fighting along side with Amuro, Char, Bright and gang. In many ways this reminded me of the staff which comprised of the original Gundam team working with relatively new commers, like Nagano, Kitazume, and Kobayashi. This series marks the end of Nippon Sunrise's three year transition into the new era of anime, which began with Dunbine and L-gaim in my opinion. I'm looking forward to more MG kits from Bandai with the launch of the Zeta films.

Lupin Cagliostro's Castle
There isn't another film from the 70s that looks remtotely as slick as the Miyazaki directed Lupin film. There are some scenes that are burnt into my brain having spent hours in the early 80s playing the Cliffhangers LD arcade game. Miyazaki's Lupin is much more lovable compared to the younger Monkey Punch Lupin. The fight in the clocktower is amazingly directed. This was also one of the first anime 35mm films I saw in a movie theater.

Area 88
The original 3 act OVA was one of those series I've watched countless times. All three endings are so poetic and sad. Mio's theme song is so heart felt. The concepts of losing everything you have through betrayal of someone close to you is represented nicely. The series also has a sweeping BGM.

I saw this film three times at the movie theater back in the 80s, Laputa holds a strong nostalgic value to me. Like many other titles on this lists it involves airships and high adventure. This might be (along with Nausicaa and Venus Wars) Jyo Hisaishi's best score to date. I can't get into his newer music as much as these older films. Miyazaki generates an amazing amount of emotion through his robots, which I find impressive.

Time Stranger
The film known as Toki no Tabibito which nobody seems to have seen (hmmm no Encyclopedia entry), even though it was fairly popular when released. This is another gem from the mid 80s which dealt with time travel, Nobunaga, and lobotomies. The animation is gorgeous, dark and fluid. Madhouse animated this Kadokawa feature, which will hopefully be released in the US someday.

Dagger of Kamui
Released a little before Time Stranger, this Rin Taro film shares its epic scope. Like someone previously mentioned, this film is the best ninja film ever. Rin Taro, and Madhouse give life to their characters when it comes to animation. There is more story in this film than most television series tell in a whole season.

I wish Nadia was more consistant of a series. Even with the dreaded "island" episodes the series is still very dear to me. The episode where the Nautalis visits old Atlantis convinced me that the series was something very special. The scene when Nadia and Jean are sperated from the Nautalis while high drama is occuring between Elektra and Nemo convinced me to buy all the Laser Discs. The epilogue still gets me everytime I watch the last episode.

Venus Wars
A highly ambitious film which I watched non-stop upon it's release. You can see how Yas arrived at his peak as a director in this film. There are some scenes where everything is so beautifully choreographed. Every bump in the road results in a minor bounce of the wheel, followed by a minor bounce of a vehicle, followed by a subtle nod of the pilots head. When I watch Venus Wars and Arion I wish Yas would direct more films since he has such a strong sense of motion. Jyo Hisaishi also has wonderful scores for both films.

Wolf's Rain
I must side with those who like Wolf's Rain. There is something haunting and poetic in the delivery of the story. I've never watched a more melencholly series. There are so many heart wrenching moments in the OVA. I almost wished the epilogue wasn't included, but will not go into details to avoid spoilers. Gravity fits the series so well.

Another show that the board seems split on is Hellsing. I almost didn't list this series since I've only watched it twice, but felt I should take a stance since it is so heavily debated. This is one of the few series I've watched both language tracks for since I usually stick with the Japanese tracks. Because of the setting, the English works for me. This is the same reason I can't bring myself to watch Patlabor, Orange Road or X in English. It just seems too strange. Hellsing has the coolest "Next Episode" trailers.

As soon as I watched the last episode of Berserk, I placed the first episode into the DVD player and rewatched the series. It's amazing what they did with such a limited budget. Even with all the still images and reused songs the show is brilliant. The pacing and writting pull the series through, and I'm glad many of you agree.

Wings of Honeamise broke all the conventions of anime when it was released. I remember seeing a commercial for this film during an episode of Dragonar and replaying the commercial a dozen times. It is somewhat sad to note that most of Gainax's films since then involve barely dressed women, loud music, and giant robots. It is as if the studio gave up on being a high brow art studio, and decided to rather pander to fans. Don't get me wrong, I like many Gainax projects. I just miss the elegance of Honneamise.

This is a perfect example of hot girls flying giant robots from Gainax production. I actually had troubles watching the first episode way back. I think I stopped the tape during the mecha pushup scene. Once I convinced myself not to compare it to Honneamise I found the series extremly enjoyable. The end of the last episode is so touching. I'm a little skeptic on the sequel.

Perfect Blue
Satoshi Kon is my new hero. This is another selection that I've only seen twice, but feel as though as I need to suport it. Kon doesn't play into the conventions that are found in most anime, which I think contributes to his unpopularity. Like Akira I think this makes the film more accessable to non-anime fans, but at the same times scares people away. Mllenium Actress is also amazing, although I feel he is strarting to repeat himself with Paranoia Agent.

Last Exile
What an amazing series. I think I've already mentioned my attraction to airships. Alex and the Sylvania are the coolest group since Nemo's crew. The integration of CG to cel animation works really well. I actually liked the ending unlike some fans.

Please Save My Earth
Another series in which I bought all of the manga and laser discs after watching the first time. There is something haunting about this series. The series touches upon themes of betrayal and forgiveness, as well as apocolyopse. Normally I don't go for Hana to Yume titles, but there was something in this series which I couldn't resist.

War in the Pocket 0080
Mikimoto and Izubuchi working together was a dream come true for me. I think the 0080 kits were the first Bandai kits that didn't require paint to look good. This series proved that Gundam could be made without Tomino, Bright Noa, or Newtypes. It was with this OVA series that propelled Gundam into the franchise it is today. This series also proved you didn't need a big MS battle in every episode.

Kino's Journey
Another new favorite of mine which I've only watched twice through. Another title which I've listened to both tracks. The English 5.1 mix is really well done. The general atmosphere of this series is unique. The closest thing I equate it to is the old Matsumoto series like Galaxy Express. So reflective and poetic.

Giant Gorg
Yas' masterpiece Giant Gorg is a non stop action ride. The guy created, wrote and directed the project. I love how his characters run and stumble around. I feel as though shows like Outlaw Star and Nadia borrowed many elements from Gorg. The animation was a little ahead for it's time.

Princess Mononoke
What can I say that hasn't already been said about this classic. Reflecting his ideas about greed, classism and the environment, I feel as this is Miyazki's most mature film to date. I believe the documentary on the Nausicaa DVD sums it up well when it is stated the Miyazaki needed to make Mononoke then, since he can always do lighter films when he is older.

Macross Plus
Another surprising sequel. After the very disappointing Macross II, Macross plus easily won us over. The series took a new approach to the old mecha genre. I find it strange that people compare Macross Plus to Yukikaze. Although there are a few thematic similarities, the two series are atospherically different. The Sharon Apple concerts are really cool. Macross Zero seems neat too, but I've yet to see the rest of the series.

Gundam 0083
The Gundam team managed to capture so much of the feel of the 0079 Gundam and Zeta in one series. The last four episodes blend so well together. I just wished the series had a better audio production. Gundam seemed to be in a nebulous zone between 1987 and 1991. With the less than succesful sales of 0080, and the conclusion of the Amuro/Char saga I was wondering if Gundam was over. The question never crossed my mind after 0083 was released.

Giant Robo
I remember premiering the film print of this series back in Animecon 1991. I don't think the show had been released in Japan (Encyclopedia entry is 1992) at the time. We watched that film print so many times on my old projector. I guess I've always been a sucker for shows that are completely reinvented. The art is so sleek for an OVA, especially at its time. The soundtrack is amazing.

The original series and films that started it all. I've own so many copies of Gundam III. Tomino drew a big Haro on my LD cover back in 1992. Despite the really cool 5.1 mix, I like the music choises of the non-special edition films. I'm hanging onto both versions, not unlike my copies of Star Wars. I can't believe the show was cancelled due to low ratings back in 1979, then also failed to complete it's run on CN over 20 years later!

This show came out during a dark period of anime for me. Escaflowne, along with Johji Manabe's Rai (hmm yet another show without an encyclopedia entry), various Gundams, and Berserk were the only shows I watched from 1992-1998. I like the idea of controlling destiny. I can't believe that Sakamoto also sings Gravity!

Boogiepop Phantom
One of the few series in which I rewatched the series right after completing it. Plenty of thought went into writing the series. The audio commentary also provides some real cool insight. There are subtle symbols and themes that are easy to miss upon first viewing. Kyoko from the Barbee Boys does the ending song too! The last time I think she worked on anime was back on To-Y.

Aura Battler Dunbine
As mentioned by someone else, Dunbine is one of the most under rated series. Like the orginal Gundam series, most of the first half is set up. Rewatching Dunbine recently for the first time in over a decade I found myself surprised art how late the concept of Hyper is introduced, not unlike Newtypes. Then I remmeber I used to only watch the last dozen episodes regularly. I only wish that those 80s Tomino series would go on longer, since it always felt like Tomino would release the guilotine just as the series was going at full speed.

SPT Layzner
Somewhere lost between Votoms and Gasaraki is Takahashi's Layzner. It is amusing to think that the series begins in the near future of 1996. I like how time passes and the characters change so much as the years pass. With the less than stellar sales of other classic series I wouldn't count on a US release.

Crest/Banner of the Stars
There isn't much I can add that hasn't been already mentioned about this series. I first heard of the novels some time ago when they were compared to SF writer Catherine Asaro's Ruby Dynasty novels. Naturally when the anime was released I had to see it. True enough, it felt like good literary SF.

Now the bottom 5

I've never seen such a bad mix of 2D and 3D. There is nothing about this show that I like.

This series has perhaps the lamest theme songs ever. I can't believe they did a remake of this series. Most of my Vifam memories consist of a bunch of kids goofing around. It was like ZZ Gundam without the Gundam.

Final Fantasy Unlimited
A major dissapointment since I'm a huge FF fan. They should have had the Last Exile team do a FF series instead.

California Crisis
Wow, I haven't seen this for a very long time. I remember wanting to see it since I was a big umetsu fan at the time, and being very dissapointed.

Future War 198X
The all time loser. The last time I watched this was New Years 1989. A really slow boring story without a strong protagonist. I can't remember any details since it's been so long, and am almost willing to watch it again for laughs.
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Joined: 28 Dec 2004
Posts: 3
PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:10 pm Reply with quote
wow.... this is a tough question, but i think it's good to actually sit and think about it...

10 Top Favourites (not in any particular order...)

1.) Fullmetal Alchemist
This anime just hooked me from the minute i started watching it. It was funny and had a lot of drama. The quality of animation was VERY pleasing to the eye and I really liked the concept for the plot. It was like nothing else I'd seen and was refreshing in a way.

2.) Neon Genesis Evangelion
For an almost 10-year old anime, it keeps me coming back over and over again. I just love watching it to try and piece together plot points that I never noticed before. With the addition of the director's cut episodes and the movies, it makes a lot of the story fit together better, but also brings up more questions.
It's an anime that really makes you think and I don't think I could ever get tired of it.

3.) Sailor Moon
This is a sentimental favourite for me. It's a standard magical girl anime that I used to watch when they showed the old DiC dubs on Cartoon Network. I just loved the characters and found it to be an amusing anime. I was extremely happy when ADV released the first 2 seasons uncut and in Japanese. I was finally able to see the anime the way it was meant to be seen.

4.) Fushigi Yuugi
Another sentimental favourite because this was the first anime I had ever seen in Japanese with subtitles. It introduced me to what anime could be, with intriguing story, a large cast of characters, good music, and other things that I had never seen on any other animated program before.

5.) Cowboy Bebop
This anime stood out in its animation quality and plot to me. It was realistic enough but also included some slight deformity that made it funny. The characters were well-built in their personality and the background information that you were given helped show how they got the way that they were.
This is the only anime that I can watch in English. I feel that the English dub for Bebop is much better then the Japanese dub.
The soundtrack was a favourite of mine. The mix of jazz in with all of the other styles really showed the range of Yoko Kanno's talents.

6.) Last Exile
This anime was a wonderful blend of 2D and 3D animation. Gonzo really outdid themselves with the involved plot that the audience was thrown right into. The cast of characters were enjoyable, with many different personalities among them all. The voice cast was great, too. I enjoyed the music a lot. I liked the classical style to it, with violins and many other instruments.
The end of the anime made me cheer (one specific event in particular but I don't want to spoil it for anyone).

7.) Fruits Basket
A different take on a shoujo anime, Fruits Basket was something different that I enjoyed greatly. The curse idea that made the characters turn into animals when hugged by a member of the opposite sex was great.
Furuba has a wondeful cast of characters that kept me entertained. There was a lot of comedy, some romance, and some dark drama that kept you watching to see what was going to happen next.
Unfortunately, I thought the ending of the anime was horrible, but overall I really loved Furuba.

8.) Peacemaker Kurogane
I've heard a lot of people say that they don't like this anime, but I really enjoy it. I love the cast of characters. They keep the anime interesting with all of the humor and drama. There are a lot of backgrounds that have yet to come out, but I'm sure that they will. I am really interested to see where this one goes, because I've only seen up to episode 12.
I love the ending theme song.
Saizo the pig is great, too. Anime smile

9.) Trigun
I had started watching this anime a few years ago, but I had never gotten the chance to finish it after only watching the first 2 DVDs.
I just got the chance to buy and finish watching it over the summer and I thought it was great. I never realized how well put together the plot was and how great the anime was.
Yes, it's an older anime, but it's still a good one. I love Vash and all of his quirks and I like the music, too. It's another anime with a lot of comedy and drama that keeps you wanting more.

10.) Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex
After seeing the movie, I was curious to see the SAC series. I was pleasently surprised to see how well the animation had come along since the movie. The same seiyuu were involved and the character's personalities were the same.
The plot makes you think a lot, trying to fit all of the pieces together. I can't wait to see the conclusion of the Laughing Man case and see what's really going on with it.
Another soundtrack by Yoko Kanno that is pleasing to the ears.
I love how there isn't one main character and how all of the characters are involved in different degrees throughout the series.

5 Worst Anime (in my opinion)

1.) Reign the Conquerer
Absolutely hated it. I couldn't follow the plot, I felt the whole show was totally meaningless. I didn't like the character designs, I felt that they were too thin and skeletal looking. I just felt that the plot didn't stay constant and didn't make any sense. It went totally away from the historical story of Alexander the Great. I mean, people take creative liberties with some stories, but this was a little rediculous.

2.) Yu-Gi-Oh
A show totally made for selling the card game. Nothing else. The dub is horrible, I don't like the animation. I think that a show about people playing cards is boring. I just couldn't get into it. Plus, the dubbed version was made for younger children which automatically makes it bad.

3.) The Dragon Ball Series
Why does it take 30 episodes for someone to get from point A to point B? Why does it take another 30 episodes for a person to charge up an attack? Why does it take 30 episodes for a fight to end?
The character designs are horrible. The plot is horrible. The animation is horrible. The dub is horrible. Period.

4.) Saiyuki
I love the manga Saiyuki but when I saw the anime, I was VERY disappointed. The dub wasn't great. I didn't like what they did with the character designs when taken from the manga to the anime. I didn't like the style of animation that was used. I love the seiyuu, but I didn't care for the job that they did with the Saiyuki boys.
I also thought that a lot was lost in plot from the manga to the anime and that made it hard to follow for me.

5.) Pilot Candidate
I just couldn't get into this series. The CG wasn't integrated at all, it just stood out. It took away from the plot that was trying to form. I think the series was far too short, compared to the manga at least. I think they could've done a much better job with this series.[/b]
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Joined: 08 Mar 2005
Posts: 26
Location: Newark, DE
PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:12 pm Reply with quote
NO MORE TOP 10! I don't wanna delete anymore

Two idiots who kick ass with awesome supoer powers try to get stuff back. Lots of fun, beware of the ending

Outlaw Star
While it definitely falls short from the greatness of Cowboy Bebop, I have always prefered Outlaw Star simply because of it's pure entertainment. The cast is cool containing EVERY SINGLE anime sterotype there is, the animation is cool, the original ship design is second to none. Formula done correctly. Just a fun watch

Midori no hibi
Can't say I wasn't shocked, but this was just a funny damn show with a cute gimmick romance. Exactly what I was looking for when I watched it for he first time. The manga is even better, so the anime might be a little short, it's still full of fun laughs

Great Teacher Onizuka
What's not to like about it? The animation might seem a bit dated, but the series is just so damn funny and dramatic at the same time. Onizuka is another one of the enternal anime characters. I mean, he's a gangster who wants to be the ebst teacher on the Earth which seems like the most respectable goal of any anime character. But not only that, he always looks for the best qualities in even the most rotton people and brings it out, which is basically what the anime is about.....aside from him finally getting laid. Adventures are fun, but kinda fall short when compared to Azumanga Daioh. The manga is SO much better than the show as well...and I do mean a LOT LOT better

Gonna have to disagree with those who say that this is the next Dragon Ball Z and that it drags way to much. I never find myself thinking "this fight should have been over long ago." Unlike DBZ, the fights are original and each character has their own unique moves, so it's great when seeing the outcome of matches between original abilities. Plus, most of character development (something else DBZ lacks severely) come from the fights. We learn everything there is to know about Shikamaru (my favorite character), Hinata, Neji, Rock Lee, Kiba, Gaara, Sasuke, Naruto, and the entire cast. There are very few characters who are just tacked on, and the series is far from over so I bet we will get our development on these characters.....more specifically Shino and TenTen. The music is FLAWLESS and very enjoyable, the animation can range from decent to "LIEK WHOAMG." But never do I find myself thinking "when the hell is this going to be over" like I did all the time in DBZ.

Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop is a great show. Just like Samurai Champloo, it has awesome attitude, great animation and action, and fun characters. What I like more about Champloo though is it's awesome setting. Feudal Japan is much more interesting than space travel. Other than that, the two series are alsmost identical.....a group of traveling weirdos always on the look for money while trying to accomplish the goal of getting to the next day. Both have their humorous episodes and their series and deeply philosophical episodes. I also liked the characters in Champloo a bit more also. Jin is my favorite character. He's always so cold on top, but you can always tell something is bugging him beneath that is just dieing to get out. Mugen is obviously just a free spirit with a rough past (carbon copy of Spike.....he even LOOKS like him) and Fuu is a fun damsel also. The action is top notch for a samurai series, but none of the fights really match up to Kenshin vs Saitoh in Rurouni Kenshin. But they get the job done. The animation also seems a bit more simple that Cowboy Bebop, but it fits the anime better

Golden Boy
Kintaro is my hero. He insults traditional education right into it's face by saying "I don't need you" and hits the road simply learning about life. Through the vast amounts of potty humor, there is just great depth to this series that I can't help but love. The many adventures of Kintaro showing all of his sides are just so enjoyable and damn funny as well.

It's just that good. For what the series falls short on character (only 3 characters are memorable: Vash, Wolfwoof, and Legato) it makes up for in plot, drama, action, and humor being almost a perfect blend of them all. Plus the original setting makes it even better. Not only that, but the transition between the dramatic episodes and the funny episodes is just so perfect that you sometimes don't even know it happens. I'm reading the manga right now for the first time...interesting =/

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
I was really excited when I heardl about this series. I thought Full Metal Panic! was a decent series. It was very funny at times, and the high school episodes were some of the funiest I have seen. But it also had it's dramatic and action episodes, and t hey were actually kind of lame. This is why I LOVE Fumoffu. It has everything I liked about FMP! and nothing of what I hated about FMP! It's one of the funniest animes ever also. My personal favorites are the Rugby episode and the Bonta-kun army episode

His and Her Circumstances
I absolutely LOVE this series. I heard it was really good, so I'm glad I took a glance at it. The characters are all well fleshed out and it is a perfect blend of humor, drama, and romance. The animation isn't really impressive, but it's just so...refreshing for some reason. It's simple but really fun to watch. The facial expressions and artwork is done very well. And every cast member is just very gripping and so well developed. Yukino has quickly jumped to my second favorite anime girl (right after Osaka from Azumanga Daioh). My other favorite character in the show is Hiro Miyazawa, Yukino's father...he's awesome and his and his wife's past is probably the most emotional development I have seen in an anime. The relationship between him and his wife is OUTSTANDING. This series is just so smart and touching...a REAL relationship story. I was looking for one of these

Kino's Journey
THIS is my kinda series. WOW! I'm shocked...blown away. I saw episode 2 at Otakon one year and I thought it looked interesting, but I never got to it. Thanks to ADV and their recent kindness with thin packs, I got this dirt cheap, and it was worth every penny, and every penny I would have paid for each individual DVD. The series is completely episodic, even moreso than Cowboy Bebop, and each episode is so meaningful. The characters Kino runs into are intriguing, and you feel sad when something happens to them you don't want to. Some episodes make you feel uplifted, some make you feel like crap, and some leave you wondering what you're supposed to think...give this series a go. I promise it won't let you down

Last Exile
I head great things about this. By far the best animation you'll find in a TV show, and it has the characters and storyline to back it up. Great atmosphere with awesome music, and everything. It's an amazing show and the last 10 episodes are so heartpounding and ecxiting...it's awesome

Crest/Banner of the Stars
I really like how this series is paced. It's slow and allows a LOT of character development, and at the same time there is still a great sense of urgency. And the last few episodes of each series is on the edge. The characters are great. Lafiel is a very intriguing character as she is such a hardass, but when she meets Jinto she slowly begins to change and it's obvious that she is questioning her upbringing. And Jinto has promised to stay by this girls side because he's in love with her and he's trying to get her to say it. Outside of the two great protaganists, I also REALLY like Beneej Spoor, just because she's so much fun to watch. The final battle of Banner of the Stars is also probably the most destructive and awesome space battles you will EVER witness...and the end of Banner of the Stars 2 spoiler[made me cry when Lafiel was finally reunited with Lafiel...wow that was an amazing scene] Definitely the best anime sci-fi series there is

Azumanga Daioh
More animes should be like this. The simplicity of this anime is what makes it great. There is no outstanding plot or conflict, just the great characters going through everday life in high school through their crazy adventures. This is an anime that you just want to watch again the second you are done with it.

I love the originality to this, that's about it. The creative way of storytelling and delivering themes and life lessons about coming of age through such insanity is sheer genius. The characters are cool also and the animation is some of the best out there

Rurouni Kenshin
While definitely not the BEST anime series on the face of the planet, it is my favorite. It without a doubt has it's flaws like the last 35 episodes of the series and some of the episodes in the first arc of the series. But the strengths of this series definitly outweigh the weaknesses. First of all, this series is absolutely second to none when it comes to character development. Every character down to the most minor of minor badguys has a history and a reason for why they are fighting, so none of the characters are wasted. And of course this anime has my absolute favorite character in the history of the PLANET, that being of course Kenshin Himura. I have yet to come across a character who is as loveable and inspiring as this guy. He simply sets the bar way to high. Of course the series has cool action (one of animes best fights EVER: Kenshin vs Saitoh), decent animation, great music, and a decent plot, but the defining aspect of this anime is it's characters which makes it my favorite.....and yes, the manga is MUCH better. And I'm like one of the only fans I know of who prefer the dub for this anime mainly because I LOVE Kenshin's english VA and HATE Kenshin's Japanese VA......ugh, sends shivers up my spine

oh yeah, Sobakasu pwnz

Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Berserk, Excel Saga, X, Hellsing

Movies and OVAs (the ones on my 100 favorite movie all time list)
1. Rurôni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan: Tsuioku hen
2. FuriKuri
5. Castle in the Sky
10. My Neighbor Totoro
13. Tokyo Godfathers
14. Golden Boy
15. Kiki's Delivery Service
17. Princess Mononoke
20. Millenium Actress
28. Ghost in the Shell
31. Whisper of the Heart
36. Read or Die
38. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
40. Only Yesterday
45. Jin Ro
48. Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven's Door
51. Castle of Cagliostro
54. Howl's Moving Castle
55. Spirited Away
62. Pom Poko
68. Porco Rosso
73. Banner of the Stars III
75. Oh! My Goddess
77. Macross Plus
88. Ninja Scroll
95. Ghost in the Shell 2 Innosense
99. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust

Last edited by rond556 on Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:25 pm; edited 21 times in total
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