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Claymore - Anime/Manga differences

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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 2058
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:50 pm Reply with quote
I was pointed here by another user to ask my question concerning the differences between the manga/anime.

Apparently there has been some recent "large divergence" that others say will probably mean we could probably never expect a continuation of the anime in the future.

Can anyone be a bit more specific about this using spoiler tags and such (though I'd think the thread should be an obvious clue)? I've seen all of the series up to this point, and will continue to watch prior to reading this thread again but I'm just really curious what at this point is much different.

Also feel free to state your opinions about whether a change was for the worse, better, etc.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2005
Posts: 44
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:34 am Reply with quote
Ok, there may be some slight differences in the earlier episodes of Claymore anime, but I'm only listing the "large divergences". I will probably long-winded here.

1. Episode 20:spoiler[ I haven't read the manga until that point, but there was supposed to be a friendly battle between Clare and Flora. Flora wanted to test if her Windcutter techinque was faster than Clare's Flash Sword.] Anime difference: spoiler[This scene was omitted and instead Jean intervenes Flora's challenge on Clare, thereby no fight ever happened. This doesn't affect the bigger picture, but lessens the action and expectation of manga readers who may want to see that battle.]

2. Episode 21: spoiler[Raki discovers Priscilla feasting on human flesh, with Isley appearing and explaining that she is a former Claymore and now an Awakened Being. This is a huge divergence from the manga.] Manga difference: spoiler[Raki never suspected anything, nor does he witness Priscilla doing anything. He just travelled and followed them to the South.]

3. Episode 22: spoiler[Raki leaving Priscilla and Isley, setting off to Pieta to look for Clare when he learns from townspeople leaving the place about the current situation and the Claymores in the town. The divergence has become even wider from the manga.] Manga difference: spoiler[As before, Raki never finds out anything and follows both to the South.]

4. Episode 23: spoiler[Clare butchering Ligardes to pieces only with her awakened feet. Raki also appears in Pieta and interacts with Miria and company.] Manga difference: spoiler[Clare develops awakened feet as well as awakened arms. She grows huge claws and her arms sprout out diamond-shaped spears. With all these extra appendages, she slashes Ligardes to pieces. Raki does not appear at all.]

5. Episode 24: spoiler[Clare cannot control her awakened form and begs Helen to kill her. Raki is unable to do anything and can only cower. Priscilla is drawn to Clare's yoki (due to Teresa's former yoki presence in Clare) and appears in Pieta. She remembers who she is and transforms into her awakened being form once again. Clare senses Priscilla's presence and immediately goes after her before Helen can decide to kill her. Jean and Raki decides to go after Clare to help her. Miria and company encounter Galatea, who has been sent by Rubel to recon the Claymore expedition in Pieta. Galatea points them to Clare's direction. Clare prepares to face off Priscilla at the volcano futher up Pieta. Most of the Claymores survive at the point of this episode.]

Manga difference: spoiler[Clare's half-awakened form is too extreme and begs Helen to kill her. Before Helen can make that decision, the mortally injured Jean appears and approaches Clare. Clare stabs Jean without her own control. Jean manages to make Clare return to normal form but uses up the last of ther yoki and dies. Miria and the remaining survivors gathers around Clare. The awakened beings, without their captain Ligardes, returns to finish them off. The chapter ends at a cliffhanger with the few remaining Claymores squaring off with lots of Awakened Beings, not to be seen until the "7 years later" arc.]
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 2058
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:29 am Reply with quote
Hmm, thanks for the input. Well I've got to say that IMO unless the fight in 25-26 is completely conclusive that I don't think it's impossible for them to realign the story at a later point had they the desire to do so. I don't see how they could have appropriately ended the anime if they'd gone for a complete cliffhanger ending for a series format where they may or may not decide to continue at a later point.
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