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Been out of the loop; a few questions.

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Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:19 am Reply with quote
I am sort of an anime noob, I have been outa the loop for awhile, I got my start with shows like robotech, voltron, thundercats, transformers ect. I do enjoy escaflowne, full metal alchemist 1st series, gundam, and just recently one piece. My questions are these:

1.) Is most anime now subbed rather than dubbed? (I like dubbed because its easier for me to follow Very Happy )

2.) I heard that the state of anime in N.A. is about non existent anymore? Is this true? and if so, why?

3.) I loved the music in robotech why is most anime music not as good?

4.) any shows you'd recommend (I dont like horror, hentai, ect.)
Thanks guys and gals for answering my questions

[EDIT: Cleaned up your title a little and un-bolded your post. -TK]
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:43 am Reply with quote
First, please don't put your post all in bold-face; that's considered ill-mannered.

gameremporium wrote:
1.) Is most anime now subbed rather than dubbed? (I like dubbed because its easier for me to follow Very Happy )

For a while a lot of titles were being released subbed-only, and such titles still compose a much bigger percentage of releases than in the mid-2000s. Recently, though, there has been a move back toward more commonplace dubbing, to the point that dubbed releases are certainly in the majority again.

2.) I heard that the state of anime in N.A. is about non existent anymore? Is this true? and if so, why?

That's false. Evidence: the convention scene is bigger than it's ever been, and there are more outlets now for legally watching titles as they are first broadcast.

3.) I loved the music in robotech why is most anime music not as good?

There's a lot of good anime music out there. You're just not listening to the right stuff.

4.) any shows you'd recommend (I don't like horror, hentai, ect.)
Thanks guys and gals for answering my questions[/b]

Sorry, we don't allow separate recommendation threads. Check the Anime Hunting list, the Spring Preview Guide, and recent reviews.
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Mesonoxian Eve

Joined: 10 Jan 2012
Posts: 1858
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:29 pm Reply with quote
gameremporium wrote:
1.) Is most anime now subbed rather than dubbed? (I like dubbed because its easier for me to follow Very Happy )

FUNimation is the last company to dub everything they license to DVD. Every other company: be sure to read ahead of time to be sure.

2.) I heard that the state of anime in N.A. is about non existent anymore? Is this true? and if so, why?

*looks at my collection. You heard rhetoric. While today's "moe" theme is unappreciated by many who suckled from shows like Death Note and Cowboy Bebop, anime's offerings haven't changed to the point there's usually at least one series per season which stands above the rest.

3.) I loved the music in robotech why is most anime music not as good?

JPop: like anything else, some is better than others. Tell me Motteke Sailor Fuku sucks and I'll kick you in the kneecap.

4.) any shows you'd recommend (I don't like horror, hentai, ect.)

Since you've been out of the loop, the best suggestion I have for you: Crunchyroll (free w/ads) and Netflix (monthly fee after first month free).

Start sampling and let us know what you think.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:29 pm Reply with quote
I would also add, for finding titles to check out, look at members' My Anime list feature that ANN has. You can find those, for people who have them, in the forums at the bottom of a post.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Mesonoxian Eve wrote:
gameremporium wrote:
1.) Is most anime now subbed rather than dubbed? (I like dubbed because its easier for me to follow Very Happy )

FUNimation is the last company to dub everything they license to DVD. Every other company: be sure to read ahead of time to be sure.
NISA would be Funimation's opposite: nothing they sell is dubbed. Also worth noting is that Sentai(ADV's successor - well, one of them) has yet to release a sub-only Blu-ray.
gameremporium wrote:
2.) I heard that the state of anime in N.A. is about non existent anymore? Is this true? and if so, why?
Geneon folded, Bandai bowed out and Media Blasters is looking pretty shaky - however, since then we've also seen the entrance of NISA, Aniplex USA and Discotek as well as ADV's phoenix impression. North American anime licensing's alive and well, but definitely in a period of change as can be witnessed by the massive diversity of release strategies: Funimation dubs most everything(the rest just get streamed) and chases the mainstream market; Sentai has barebones releases and sells more to the established fandom; NISA concentrates on premium releases that include hardcover artbooks and other extras, dubbing nothing and frequently letting the limited editions sell out before releasing the standard editions; AUSA's tried just about everything, including selling Japanese imports; and Discotek focuses on older titles, mostly going after ones that have had their licenses lapse and just need to have a new release put together. Really, NA distribution's never been better, but most of the companies involved have carved out their niches and so competition in the more mainstream segment's been drastically curtailed to just Funimation and some of Sentai's releases; the upshot is that the rest of the market's getting more releases faster.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Mesonoxian Eve wrote:
Since you've been out of the loop, the best suggestion I have for you: Crunchyroll (free w/ads) and Netflix (monthly fee after first month free).

I'll add Hulu as they carry a lot of dubbed shows from Funimation and Media Blasters.
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