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Security Stickers

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Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:51 pm Reply with quote
I think we all know about these. They're present on pretty much all of the DVDs (top and bottom of the case) I order online (which implies that Viz, Funi or whoever puts them on the DVDs before shipping them out to stores). I honestly don't see the point - anyone who disregards the sticker and tries to steal a DVD deserves what they get, IMO.

And the second reason I hate them - they're a pain to remove, especially when you order as much as I do. :p It's a waste of good plastic, paper and ink. They'd be able to save quite a bit of money if they got rid of this. Smile

On the plus side, they're refreshingly absent from thin-paks.
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:21 am Reply with quote
HyugaHinata wrote:
I honestly don't see the point - anyone who disregards the sticker and tries to steal a DVD deserves what they get, IMO.

Well, there is one big reason, and one minor reason for having them.

1. (the big reason)
Shrink wrap in itself doesn't mean a product wasn't opened. Shrink wrap can be replaced. So those stickers basically reassure the customer that the DVD they're buying hasn't seen the light of day since it left the production line. The absence of a sticker doesn't mean a DVD was opened--not all distributors put the stickers on the product. Not to mention the random mistakes... some DVDs just get skipped. But that is basically the reason for the sticker. As you noted, they are hard to get off... they are basically impossible to replace on the DVD if removed.

2. (the minor reason)
Most retail stores display DVDs standing up, so the sticker is a convenient place to put the pertinent title info since flipping through can be a pain. Helps stores keep stock orderly, etc. If the first reason wasn't around I'm not sure if they'd do stickers just for this reason... but it certainly doesn't hurt.

Now that I think about it, are those even called security stickers? Or are those the little black strips inside the DVD that would cause the alarm to go off if you don't purchase the DVD? If it isn't the black strips, I have to admit that someone seriously misnamed the stickers.
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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:48 am Reply with quote
HyugaHinata wrote:
I think we all know about these.

Not all of us. Based on my experience they're strictly a North American phenomenon. Have you ever purchased a DVD in Europe or Asia? They don't have these stickers.

TheTheory wrote:
Those stickers basically reassure the customer that the DVD they're buying hasn't seen the light of day since it left the production line...That is basically the reason for the sticker.

In actuality these stickers were brought about as an anti-shrinkage measure for passive loss prevention. From my time working in retail I can assure you that they don't work that well against a kid with a razor blade but I'm equally confident that they will never go away.
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:25 am Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:
HyugaHinata wrote:
I think we all know about these.

Not all of us. Based on my experience they're strictly a North American phenomenon. Have you ever purchased a DVD in Europe or Asia? They don't have these stickers.

Not in Australia either. I find these security seals particularly annoying on CDs, as they sometimes leave residue that's amost impossible to completely get rid of. And when I get a bunch of US DVDs import, I have the joy of sitting down for a 15 minutes session of peeling off all the labels so I can actually get at what I paid for.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:57 am Reply with quote
Add me to the security sticker hate list. I'm always overjoyed when there is only one along the top. It hasn't happened in a while, but I remember years ago (before I was into anime), some DVDs would actually have THREE stickers: top, side and bottom. Oi vey.

I finally became wily in my old age and I've found a reasonably quick way of peeling these nuisances off. A sticker on the side is usually easy to deal with because the sticker goes over the top of the depression, so you just poke a push pin, or other sharp object, through and that gives you a flap you can peel.

Once that is done, I use the pin to make a small slice at the right-hand side of the top sticker. Then I open the DVD cover as best I can; it is fairly simple to tear the top sticker in half and the separate pieces usually peel off easily.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:07 am Reply with quote
I've never had any issues removing the stickers on anime DVDs. Heck, this is the one thing anime DVDs definitely have over non-anime DVDs. Non-anime DVDs' stickers are often a pain to remove, and if I'm not careful, I can damage the back cover trying to remove the sticker. Never had this problem with anime DVDs, a little work and they come off in one swoop.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:31 am Reply with quote
HyugaHinata wrote:
they're a pain to remove

I can deal with the top ones. But on the side and bottom?

I get the labeling reason, it makes sense. The bottom is probably added for lazy employees/customers who'd flip them over.

As for removing them, the next time you hit a hardware store, pick up a $0.29 box cutter (cheap plastic knife).

It's fast, effective, and you'll spend a great deal of time opening others rather than trying to remove one.
(note: you can use the knife to split the tape and not worry about removing it.)

Another tip: If the sticker only appears on the top, open the case from the bottom. The tape will "pop" off one side of the box, which can then be easily peeled away.

And finally, don't discredit the fun you can have with the tape! After removing it, apply it to the nose bridge of your cat standing next to you.

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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:23 am Reply with quote
The stickers are largely an anti-theft measure- as stated, it's not gonna help against anyone with a razor blade or a box cutter... but most theft is a matter of opportunity. There's a lot of really lazy shoplifters who don't wanna bother with the sneaky-cut-remove-replace-leave-without-getting-noticed thing. That small benefit couple with the sorting help (I'm sure having the title at the top help packing boxes in the factory too) is why they hang around.

I've also never had that big an issue getting the stickers off- I've actually developed a habit of seeing how small a bundle I can by wadding up the plastic and wrapping the removed security sticker around it. (Which in turn means I like having DVDs with 3 stickers- more opportunity to squish down the bundle!)
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Joined: 31 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:22 pm Reply with quote
Yep, hate them. There's a tab on one side that says 'pull here'. I've yet to get a sticker off in one piece by pulling on that end. Sometimes a little piece is left where it's not easily removed, resulting in glue left on the CD case.

Daxomni - Maybe it depends on where you live in Europe? I've seen them on CDs here in the Netherlands I think.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:26 pm Reply with quote
I've actually had no problem with them as far as DVD cases have been concerned, they peel off quite easily when I'm taking care of them. The ones I hate though would be the CD cases that have them. Like mentioned above they leave residue on them, and they don't stick together that well when you're trying to peel them off, so you have to take off several parts instead of getting it off in one fell swoop.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:43 pm Reply with quote
I cut the stickers along the split in the DVD case, and peel them off from the cut to the sides of the case. Most of the time, they come right off. Though, I have ripped the paper on some cases. I've become pickier buying from a B&M store, looking for a DVD where the sticker doesn't appear to be adhering to the paper.
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Joined: 08 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:47 pm Reply with quote
The main tricks I've learned about these stickers are...

1. As mentioned, try leaving them alone and just slitting them down the middle with a knife. That way nothing gets torn.

2. If you insist on removing them you can usually get the rest of the sticky stuff off by reapplying part of the original sticker to the sticky area and pulling it off again. It might take a few or several attempts to get all of the sticky remnants off. In some cases I'll reapply part of the sticker and then use a capped pen or something to push it against the sticky part. Then when I pull it up it brings more of the sticky stuff with it. This trick works for just about any sticker that leaves a residue, not just DVD stickers.

3. For those cases where you've already thrown away the original sticker you can use products like Goo Gone to remove the sticky stuff. Be really careful though, products like Goo Gone are really bad for your health later in life, especially if they're inhaled or if they come in contact with your skin. Their production and use of adhesive removal chemicals are also really bad for the environment.

Or you can do what I do and just flat-pack everything. No need to worry about those silly DVD cases anymore. Cool
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:17 pm Reply with quote
they used to bother me, but I've since developed an effective means of removing them quick and easy, and they're no big deal anymore.
Like others have said, I cut them directly down the middle, following the groove of the opening of the case. Then I open the case and each half of the stickers has plenty of flap area for me to grab and peel off in one fell swoop. I can have a DVD opened and sticker-free in under 20 seconds. I'd make a good shoplifter, eh? Twisted Evil

EDIT: oh, and about that sticky residue problem, rubbing alcohol usually does the trick. Just make sure you remove the paper cover before attempting it. But I've only ever had that problem once, when someone somewhere decided it would be a good idea to stick a 'special edition!' sticker directly on the case of my Black Lagoon s1 tin. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:10 pm Reply with quote
They are indeed an R1 phenomenon. I had to remove one of them just a few hours ago though. There seems to be some sort of path along which the sticker is designed to tear if one starts at the appropriate place, but when removing them by hand I always end up making an uneven rip, leaving me able to do nothing but pick off the remnants.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:32 pm Reply with quote
Since we are on this topic, something similar bothers me as well. Those sticky little bars they but on manga or sometimes in the inside cover. I dont see it all the time but i have had it happen from time to time. The problem is a lot of time when they are taken off the rip the paper if they were on to tight. It just annoys me why they have to do that!
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