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Why we like One Piece

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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:03 pm Reply with quote
Anyone like One Piece? And why?

I love the comedy that lies within the tales of the manga. Its just purely a joy to read. The story is definitely one of most massive stories I have ever some across. Its funny, but it does have its serious moments. I did not like it at first, but I have grown to like the art style too.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:58 am Reply with quote
I love it. Not really for the comedy but for the pirate style adventure and the straw hat crew. My favourite character is robin. I love how she uses hands but zolo comes in a close second. If you like the manga but haven't seen the anime or the uncut you should get the first box set.

I also saw the first movie it was awesome. The manga i love to read and i didn't start reading it until about a year ago and really just watched the anime and so now with my subscription i have over 12 issues of one piece to read- to me thats the best thing about starting a series late in a magazine, but i don't know yet if i will buy the tonkoubon because i may just read the sj serilization and buy the box sets.

PS: I also have a one piece thread in the anime section Very Happy

But overall i love one piece! Very Happy
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:18 pm Reply with quote
Let me go ahead and post my opinion of the series. It is without a doubt of the most innovative shonen series that I have read in the time that I have been reading manga. In fact, if it had not been for my getting into One Piece, I probably would not be into manga like I am today. The characters for one have personalities that work with each other, even when there is a disagreement. Somehow they all know what is at stake, and they are willing to work with each other to achieve the goals at which they are heading for. The story is another factor for my loving the series. There is so much that goes on within the story itself, but that is what makes this one special. Oda has left all of these holes here and there, but with the purpose of filling them, which some of them he already has. And that's just some of what I would want to say about the series.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:06 pm Reply with quote
One Piece the only shounen manga -- aside from Fullmetal Alchemist -- that I started out with when entering the medium and still like.

I love it for the sense of unrivaled adventure and imagination and unique art work (in the biggest shounen magazine, amazing enough). Oda is able to capture a sense of whimsy and fun that I've not seen exist outside the series.

It's also the only traditionally spirited shounen series I've read which doesn't go to utter repetition in its fights and grow absolutely pointless and redundant. Why people are still flocking to tepid drivel like Naruto and Bleach I've no idea...
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Joined: 03 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:01 am Reply with quote
I like the senseless fighting, but I wish they wouldn't talk as much. It's like every page of the manga has a 10 page research paper on it. The characters never just shut up and fight.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:29 am Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
Why people are still flocking to tepid drivel like Naruto and Bleach I've no idea...

People probably still flock to Naruto based on its early charm, as for Bleach I really don't see why people flock to that redudant, loose ended piece of defication.

ShinobiX wrote:
The characters never just shut up and fight.

As if One Piece isn't the only shounen series guilty of such an act.

As for my own reasons as to why I like One Piece my reason is simple enough, its a manga about dreamers. People chasing after their dreams, people facing adversity and not giving up, people sticking up for each other, people displaying true friendship in the face of many hardships. It may be an escapist tale but it at least isn't a distraction from the real world to me and is more of a light of hope that kids learn to fight (metaphorically, not literally) for their dreams.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Actually, my favorite aspect of One Piece is the characters hanging out and interacting, rather than the battles... The fight scenes are good individually but Oda seems fond of splitting up the team members and squaring them off against individual oppenents, and it takes FOREVER for all the battles to be resolved. I can't read the latest One Piece chapters one at a time because it makes those fights seem ever longer. But really that's the only problem I have with this great series.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:37 pm Reply with quote
And that method of fighting has been in use since the Straw Hat crew faced off against Buggy way at the beginning of the series. However later in the series there have been times when there might have been members paired up to fight two people at a time rather than one, but most of the time it is one on one. That I think though is one part that makes it more interesting to read about. It shows each character getting stronger with each progressive fight they are in.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:43 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
Why people are still flocking to tepid drivel like Naruto and Bleach I've no idea...

Because people simply have different tastes than you do? *shrugs* No offense or anything, just saying.....

Anyways, I think it's pretty much been covered why One Piece is as great as it is as far as I'm concerned. It's got as much spirit and heart as any shounen series out there, it's probably one of the most imaginative and creative series I've ever seen, and it's very epic, exciting and adventurous.

But for me, I think one of the biggest reasons why I love it so much is the fact that it has one of the best lead characters of any anime series I've ever seen. Period. I love the fact that Luffy is as simple minded as he is and yet he has the solution to some of the most complex problems almost every time, just by giving a simple answer. Kind of reminds you that sometimes we make things more complex then they need to be, doesn't it? That's actually something I like quite a bit about shounen as a whole, especially in it's main characters, but It's just captured so well within Luffy's character, I think mostly because of the particular situations he's faced with most of the time. And I also love the fact that he goes out of his way like he does to do these incredible things for people he either hasn't known for very long or doesn't even know at all, most of the time without even knowing what he's doing for them. He just doesn't like the situation and that's all he really needs to know.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:24 pm Reply with quote
@BrothersElric: I'm trying to pinpoint a specific area which attracts people to Bleach and Naruto and actually has them stay.

Bleach starts off as an episodic and fun Ghost Busters melodrama, then veers off into a grinding narrative halt with Soul Society where an unbelievably over-bloated cast and DBZ-anime-styled fights are introduced. Tite then he decides that he has to literally repeat the same freakin' plot with the most minimal of variations in the recent arc.

Naruto does have its strengths in spite of its lows, with a lot of earnest heart in the beginning. It doesn't do anything original, but those occasional high-marks at least keep a relatively fast-paced shounen. Yet ever since the start of the second half Kishimoto has become extremely lazy in his art and slowed down the plot to a crawl while also not even doing practically anything with the characters.

And you also just have to take a glance at general comments about the fandoms: a notable deal of Bleach and Naruto fans are dropping off recently, voicing displeasure in the drop in quality. The One Piece fandom is nearly absent of this dissent.

Among the many differences between OP and the other two, one thing about the former is clear: the story isn't about the journey, the story IS the journey. Oda keeps the series fresh even after 500 chapters by introducing new locales and exotic environments that perfectly exemplified the appeal of escapism. It's purely an adventure, and with all the intricacies -- both large and small -- that Oda continually adds to his world and characters, it remains consistently entertaining rather than lurching into a stagnant mess.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:56 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
@BrothersElric: I'm trying to pinpoint a specific area which attracts people to Bleach and Naruto and actually has them stay.

Bleach starts off as an episodic and fun Ghost Busters melodrama, then veers off into a grinding narrative halt with Soul Society where an unbelievably over-bloated cast and DBZ-anime-styled fights are introduced. Tite then he decides that he has to literally repeat the same freakin' plot with the most minimal of variations in the recent arc.

Naruto does have its strengths in spite of its lows, with a lot of earnest heart in the beginning. It doesn't do anything original, but those occasional high-marks at least keep a relatively fast-paced shounen. Yet ever since the start of the second half Kishimoto has become extremely lazy in his art and slowed down the plot to a crawl while also not even doing practically anything with the characters.

And you also just have to take a glance at general comments about the fandoms: a notable deal of Bleach and Naruto fans are dropping off recently, voicing displeasure in the drop in quality. The One Piece fandom is nearly absent of this dissent.

Among the many differences between OP and the other two, one thing about the former is clear: the story isn't about the journey, the story IS the journey. Oda keeps the series fresh even after 500 chapters by introducing new locales and exotic environments that perfectly exemplified the appeal of escapism. It's purely an adventure, and with all the intricacies -- both large and small -- that Oda continually adds to his world and characters, it remains consistently entertaining rather than lurching into a stagnant mess.

My sentiments exactly.
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Aromatic Grass

Joined: 31 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:33 pm Reply with quote
IchigoK90 wrote:
HellKorn wrote:
Why people are still flocking to tepid drivel like Naruto and Bleach I've no idea...

People probably still flock to Naruto based on its early charm, as for Bleach I really don't see why people flock to that redudant, loose ended piece of defication.

I don't "flock" to Naruto, but this is true. Been reading it since '03. I gave up on Bleach early on, though. Snorefest. >=Y

Huh, I just realized that Naruto and One Piece are the only two SJ series that I like. (Others are OK...) But One Piece definitely beats out the "competition" -- those series it's often compared to -- when thinking about it realistically, but the only thing that has me intimidated is its length. That's probably why I'm not a bigger fan at the moment. Other than that, the series is humorous (the art as well), exciting, and just plain different.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:55 pm Reply with quote
In my case, length is actually a factor as to why I like the series. There is room for so much to be explored by having the length and number of chapters that the series has so far, and will have for more. Obviously length has allowed for character development, one of which in this series I have enjoyed very much.
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Aromatic Grass

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:45 pm Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
In my case, length is actually a factor as to why I like the series. There is room for so much to be explored by having the length and number of chapters that the series has so far, and will have for more. Obviously length has allowed for character development, one of which in this series I have enjoyed very much.

Definitely, but length also = $$$. Wink
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:35 pm Reply with quote
Aromatic Grass wrote:
Definitely, but length also = $$$. Wink

Which is why I have a job Wink
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