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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV).

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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:22 am Reply with quote
Yay, my LE box arrived today. And DAMN, that is one sexy box. The CD was a pain to get out, though. I'll find something to store in there, but it won't be CDs. I usually don't watch the DVDs for shows I've already seen until I've had them for a long time (if ever), but I'm making an exception for Haruhi as I really want to see how the dub turned out. I also want to check out the extras.

I looked around at my local Best Buy today and they didn't have any Haruhi DVDs at all, which I found rather odd. They had other new DVDs coming out this week like Karin and Roxen Maiden along with two copies of Gunbuster 2 for $35. And I would be very suprised to see either of them sell before they get marked down someday.
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:24 am Reply with quote
@ PantsGoblin That looks cool, I saw Kaiji, Nick and Miley (from ATV) in two of those pics filming and next to the camera guy.

I went to Best Buy earlier today and saw 1 LE Haruhi DVD on the shelf, then I saw it get lifted up and bought, I hated myself for 5 minutes, also saw some Rozen maiden, Karin and A little sign for When They Cry, I wanted to cry....
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:27 am Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
I looked around at my local Best Buy today and they didn't have any Haruhi DVDs at all, which I found rather odd. They had other new DVDs coming out this week like Karin and Roxen Maiden along with two copies of Gunbuster 2 for $35. And I would be very suprised to see either of them sell before they get marked down someday.

Really? That's odd. I saw both the LE box and the regular DVDs at my local Best Buy earlier today.
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:42 am Reply with quote
Apparently, the Best Buy near my house is one of the few that didn't get any or it sold out of all of them within about two hours. I mentioned this on AoD and numerous other people saw them at their BBs as well. I'm guessing they just didn't get any, because I didn't see any empty spaces by the H's or the M's. Unless my Best Buy put them in a different spot separate from the rest of the anime or in the wrong spot on the shelve (because there were empty spaces on the anime shelf, just not by were Haruhi should have been).
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:57 am Reply with quote
Nobuyuki wrote:
Key wrote:
It's also interesting to see how many details I picked up that I didn't watching it the first couple of times on fansubs - like Mikuru's mole

That detail wasn't in the initial TV version, they had to add it for the DVD release. Wink
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, you do notice quite a few differences between the TV and DVD versions if you watch them side-by-side. And not just video quality as Key mentioned; there were points where the DVD had whole extra scenes that made the episodes a minute or two longer.

And in all my criticism of Bang Zoom in my previous point, I overlooked one big positive--to the best of my knowledge, this release of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is among the first to use "moe" in the subtitles and even the English dub. (I believe it was mentioned in RightStuf's Comic Party and maybe in a few others, but most DVD translations have tended to gloss over it.) And in that respect, they outclass the fansubs. At least for me, that's a positive, since moe's become a fairly well-known word in the hardcore viewership.
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 4:08 am Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
And in all my criticism of Bang Zoom in my previous point, I overlooked one big positive--to the best of my knowledge, this release of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is among the first to use "moe" in the subtitles and even the English dub. (I believe it was mentioned in RightStuf's Comic Party and maybe in a few others, but most DVD translations have tended to gloss over it.) And in that respect, they outclass the fansubs. At least for me, that's a positive, since moe's become a fairly well-known word in the hardcore viewership.

They do? Wow. Ya, not even the fansubs used it (which I did complain about).

I haven't watched it yet but I have the LE box. I only have two and a half small complaints though. The half being the CD being so hard to get out. I don't really care about that so much though. The other two aren't really about the box itself but the DVD and CD. I noticed immediately the pictures used on the CD were very faded and lower quality compared to the Japanese one I have. I'm not sure if it was only mine, but it honestly isn't that hard to fix, will just replace it with the Japanese one I have. The other complaint being no insert. Although this isn't a huge deal to me either. Other than that, the artbox is probably my favorite I have in my collection. I don't think I have any others that match up to it in quality...
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:11 am Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
And in all my criticism of Bang Zoom in my previous point, I overlooked one big positive--to the best of my knowledge, this release of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is among the first to use "moe" in the subtitles and even the English dub. (I believe it was mentioned in RightStuf's Comic Party and maybe in a few others, but most DVD translations have tended to gloss over it.) And in that respect, they outclass the fansubs. At least for me, that's a positive, since moe's become a fairly well-known word in the hardcore viewership.

Yes, this is one point I intend to bring up in my review, as it surprised me a bit to see that interpretation. Its use makes the series feel even more like it's skewering fan-pandering anime titles while at the same time being such a title. It also makes the series feel like it's completely up-to-date with recent trends.

I also thought the subtitles seemed a bit awkward at times, and being oversized is definitely part of that problem.

Hmmm, may have to sit down and watch an episode or two side-by-side with the original fansubs to see what all got added.
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Joined: 08 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:42 am Reply with quote
Yeah, the size was pretty friggin' weird...

It was like covering half the damn screen and I could barely take a gander at the credits...

Dub thoughts (lifted from AoD):

I guess I'll get on the bus too and state that I was quite pleased with this as well; I was honestly thinking that I'd be sort of disappointed, but it came out much better than I thought it would... while it doesn't necessarily defeat Paradise Kiss as my favorite recent Bang Zoom! dub (given that its edge was its sheer fresh-ness), this was actually rather pleasing...

Weirdly enough though, even I had that "takes some getting used to" feeling with Wendee Lee, despite the fact that I've never really seen this show in Japanese before...


It was really strange, but overall, I'm pretty attached to her now; it worked out for the better and I can now let go of the fact that they didn’t cast somebody more interesting (yeah, I was one of those dudes who was lobbying for Patricia Lee or someone, just because I thought that it’d be more interesting).

Seriously... Lee just hits those parts where she's screwing around with Mikuru really really well...

(and, to comment on the actual character: man... Haruhi can really come across as a real selfish beyoutch some times... like... the computer room thing left this deep impression of complete disbelief on me... and I really think that Lee's performance was one of the aspects that made it so damn... uhh... striking...)

I was also rather fond of Crispin Freeman’s delivery during the monologues; it just had that right amount of sarcasm and wittiness to it, that you couldn’t help but notice ("Yay").

Stephanie Sheh as Mikuru is probably my favorite though… it just works.

And like… the scene where she’s all: “That’s confidential” for the last time was just… uhhh… "moe"… in fact, I think that Sheh has somehow managed to pretty much perfectly capture that entire culture thing with her performance here; it’s pretty amazing.

Guess the only thing I’m not too keen on is Michelle Ruff as Yuki; it’s just kinda… there’s that word again: “flat;” yeah, I know it’s supposed to be deadpan, but it just lacks… personality (not that kinda personality)… like, it’s stiff… but unnaturally stiff (… that didn’t even make any sense, I know…).

But, this is pretty subjective (even more so than most of the stuff I’ve said) given that I imagine that some people will think that it really works better like that.

Overall… yeah… I kinda wish that the broadcast order had the dub now (given that, after the show ends, I’m actually going back to see it in that order)…

But hey… at least this way, I’ll actually see a show in both languages for a change.

But, overall, I like this one and I hope it’ll continue the awesome
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:44 pm Reply with quote
Jedi General wrote:
EDIT: Damn it! The Karin dub sucks. Crying or Very sad Edit II: Lol, unintentional pun there.
Well, I said I'd heard some good things (given what you wrote in another thread about the Karin dub, they're the same things you said were okay about it.)

Iwatch2muchanime wrote:
Oh wow, I thought you were talking about Karen the hentai, I was like Go BangZoom!
Sadly I have a feeling that given the General's comments, Geneon would have been better off using the cast of that English hentai dub instead of the Odex one. Maybe they'll buy a clue for future releases.

Anyway, on the subject of Haruhi, I got my LE yesterday and watched it almost immediately after opening the packaging.

Being extremely biased in my adoration of Michelle Ruff's voice, I'll ignore all the negative comments on her Yuki. I thought she sounded excellent in the part. Her voice lacks a certain tonal quality that was present in the Japanese but I don't think it's something that could have been replicated by someone lacking similar vocal chords. I think to have the same tone they would have needed an actress with a more husky voice. (At least that's how I'd describe the effect, something more like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's voice.)

I thought Wendee Lee's Haruhi was the best from the beginning when they did the poles, so I'm quite satisfied with her performance. She captures the wilder, manipulative, and manic aspect of the character perfectly. Perhaps the performance is lacking in some of the introverted moments but personally I thought she nailed everything.

Crispen Freeman's work as Kyon is indisputably brilliant in my opinion. The man brings out the paradoxical component of the character perfectly in the way he seems to be both aggravated yet pleased by Haruhi's eccentric behavior. He really captures the fact that Kyon likes her both for and inspite of her weirdness. (And he is so awesome in Mikuru's Adventure that it is criminal that he can't get an Academy Award for Comedy for just that one episode.)

Stephanie Sheh is Mikuru reborn. Period.

Johnny Young Bosch's Koizumi was very nice I thought. He really captured the laid back, friendly guy nature of the character. (Maybe I saw him differently than others though. For some reason, I always thought he acted like everyone's big brother.)

Anyway, I've got no complaints. Use of "moe" in a dub is very cool in my opinion. Haven't seen that since Doki Doki School Hours.

Last edited by Richard J. on Wed May 30, 2007 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
Well, I said I'd heard some good things (given what you wrote in another thread about the Karin dub, they're the same things you said were okay about it.)

I see. Well, at least I have the Haruhi dub to look forward to and like I said in the Karin dub thread, the When They Cry dub is a good one, so I have that to enjoy. You might want to fix that little mis-quote there though. Wink

Anyway, hopefully I'll find the Haruhi LE amongst the realm that is my doorstep today. I really want to see this dub for myself now, given all of the comments.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Jedi General wrote:
You might want to fix that little mis-quote there though. Wink
Um, corrected. That was embarassing. Embarassed

Just when I'm starting to build up a reputation for being kinda smart, I do something stupid like that.

Shakes head and walks away, blissfully unaware that he's beeing stalked by Haruhi who is convinced only an alien would make such a blunder.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 2:20 pm Reply with quote
I'm still waiting for mine, despite pre-ordering early and paying extra for faster shipping. It's a little frustrating.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 2:47 pm Reply with quote
I picked my copy up from the post office today. I'm getting really annoyed with my mailman not dropping my packages at the apartment office or leaving them on the stoop--waiting 50 minutes for a 1 minute transaction at the counter is annoying. (Thankfully, that was last Saturday when picking up Fruits Basket, today someone had pity and put me through faster because I was just picking up a package, although I had been waiting 15 minutes before that happened.)

The box really is gorgeous! They did such a cool job with it. I wish I could get the headband to look right though. I've seen pictures of Murasakisuisho wearing it and it looks great, but i can't get the bows to lay down enough. It's a shame, I was planning on wearing to work tomorrow (it's my last day.) Melancholy of Library Intern. ^_-

I won't actually pop in the DVD for the time being because my husband will want to rewatch it with me, and we've got enough series on our plates as it is. I will, however, listen to the CD once he gets home.

Bandai did a really great job with the packaging, but I'm concerned with the subtitle stuff I've seen above. They just can't seem to find a happy middle ground with subs. On the Galaxy Angel DVDs, they're a bit small (although not Funimation level) and grainy, so they're hard to see on certain TVs. Sounds like these are just too big. Hmm...

Last edited by Mylene on Wed May 30, 2007 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:24 pm Reply with quote
I got the first DVD yesterday, so here's my thoughts:

Maybe I'm just easy to please, but I thought TMoHS dub was very good. Crispin Freeman's Kyon was the standout. He is fantastic as Kyon, and perished all my worries about Kyon being too deep-voiced.

Wendee Lee as Haruhi is a little different than Aya Hirano, but I got use to it and ended up liking her performance a lot.

Stephanie Sheh as Mikuru was spot-on.

Michelle Ruff's Yuki was the hardest to get use to, probably because of it's robotic tone, but I think she's just getting use to the role. After a while, it didn't bother me much.
Johnny Yong Bosch as Itsuki is a good fit.

Kari Walhgren as Tsuruya is spot-on. Taniguchi's VA was pretty good too, and I'm glad they kept Kunikida with a girl's voice.

So I'm pleased with the dub. And how does the show fare? It's as awesome as it was viewing it in Japanese. Now I'm seeing it again with fresh eyes and the magic that only a television screen can provide me.

Oh yeah, my sister and I cracked up at episode 00. Ah, good times
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Joined: 08 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:28 pm Reply with quote
Man... we're like cross-posting like crazy...

But yeah, I was into the dub too, I guess...

Second viewing really brought me over (and so did the third).
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