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Koutetsu Sangokushi.

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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:34 pm Reply with quote
Koutetsu Sangokushi

This is a new historical-fantasy-adventure, Aka either completely hit or miss anime type of anime by Picture Magic, whom you might know from Lamune, W~Wish....so I guess not. At least for me I didn't know really anything about this studio before this series started.

As always spoilers for the first episode so check yourself if you haven't seen it yet.

So things are looking so good the opening theme is the typical boy band pop crap.....that they try to tell me is rock. One thing I do like is the animation and the character designs....and I do like how the weapons (Feather fans anyone) remind me of the greatest Chinese History video game ever......DYNASTY WARRIORS! aka Romance of Three Kingdoms (or if you want to watch the anime Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi

So the shows opens a standard narration of how the flame master is choosen, I found that a bit odd seeing as how normally when a show opens like that there normally a decent lenght of narration to start the show. Alright this show instantly gets ten bonus points, anyone who uses their horse to step on someone faces is alright by me.

Rikuson? When I hear the seiyuu pronounced that it's sounds like Rick-son....At least this show has a little bit of greater feel seeing as how there some inner politics going on here with the different nations preparing for war. Did anyone else notice that at the start of the battle the Go forces main troops main an arrow? Wow this is the new age Dynasty Warriors with people hacking through hordes of people with ridiculously over sized weapons....I love it. And they even have a Musuo mode, well I must say that this show definitely has be quite entertain considering that's quite simple....oh no! The revenge angle....Rickson must revenge his father honor! Darn it just when everything was looking good for this show, I really hope that this isn't the entire foucs of the series. Also creepy fan guy is scaring me with the way he's looking at Rick, I can't tell if he's evil or just want to get into Rick's pants.

Go Rickson it's your Birthday your the chosen one, and now you've got the super flame armor and swords.....and it's up to you to get back the dragon balls....I mean Sovereign Seal.

Verdict: Wow the Foremen loves the idea of this show, but the excution, just doesn't feel right, it's definitely a wait and see kind of thing. I might give it a few more episodes otherwise it's going to the back burner.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:02 pm Reply with quote
Gathered a little information on the show and decided to get the first episode. Got about 2 seconds into the opening and shut it off. It's not that I have anything against shonen-ai, but it's not my favorite thing and I don't want to get into a show that might go in that direction. Looked promising, but It would have to get really interesting for me to get into it.

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Joined: 10 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:24 am Reply with quote
Yeah, it's definitely got that sort of shonen-ai, pseudo-yaoi vibe to it. If you like that sort of thing, or are really into Three Kingdoms stuff, maybe this show is for you, but it doesn't have a whole lot else to recomend it, and this is a season jam-packed with solid performers.
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The Neon Valentine

Joined: 03 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:47 am Reply with quote
Hey, it's lovely to see some people interested in the show...albeit very few. Very Happy

I'm currently finished episode 21, so I'm fairly familiar with the series and will finish it within the next couple of days.

What really drew me to it was that this is based on Romance of the three Kingdoms, although some of the transexual characters confused me for a little while - it took me a few episodes to understand that they're actually male. This happens on at least three occassions.

And the animation sort of bugs me...the characters' eyes, particularly Koumei and even his brother (who has a long name that I can't seem to remember) have the most nerve-racking eyes I've ever seen in anime.

As for the shounen-ai content...it's very miniscule, barely visible. Back in that time, men were very affectionate with eachother and held eachother and reffered to one another as "Beloved" as a sign of loyalty and deep friendship, but it was rarely romantic. I think this show has certain shounen-ai elements when watched with today's ideaology, but it's very subtle and is honestly just an authentic presentation of how master-student relationships were during Ancient China (and, even moreso applicable to Ancien Japan, where samurai men actually slept with their male students in order to create a special "bonding" neccessary in their training).

I barely, BARELY consider this shounen-ai. It's far more focused on the politics of that time revolving around power, land, and the tactical segregation of the Three Kingdoms. That's where a majority of the story is focused on.

I think it may bother some people that the whole cast is male (with one very obvious-looking transexual king). But shounen-ai is not apparent, at least in my honest opinion.

- neon
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