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reading manga in the book store.

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Joined: 14 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:52 am Reply with quote
I went to my favorite book store where I read and buy my manga the other day and I found myself thinking about how aggravating it is to look for manga while having to move around through the maze of other people reading manga.

it would be one thing if it was like a community specific thing that only manga readers done and actually acknowledged each other because that would be cool. But no, they lean right up against the book shelf and and pretend that your not even there. I mean there are tables where you can go sit and read.

I was wondering if this was a problem that occurs everywhere. Of course this could just be a pet peeve of mine, but does it bother anybody else.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:12 pm Reply with quote
I went to my favorite book store where I read and buy my manga the other day and I found myself thinking about how aggravating it is to look for manga while having to move around through the maze of other people reading manga.

it would be one thing if it was like a community specific thing that only manga readers done and actually acknowledged each other because that would be cool. But no, they lean right up against the book shelf and and pretend that your not even there. I mean there are tables where you can go sit and read.

I was wondering if this was a problem that occurs everywhere. Of course this could just be a pet peeve of mine, but does it bother anybody else.

Ugh, I hate all the folks who read manga in the manga section of the bookstore. They just get in the way most of the time, and I especially hate readers who don't even own the book. I'm always finding manga on the shelf that's obviously been read, and I often have to fish through the popular stuff to find an actual mint copy.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:21 pm Reply with quote
One more page and you would have found a thread about this topic. Oh well, they can be a bother when there's a whole bunch of people sitting on the floor, cause it means you have to step over them. Unfortunately I am guilty of this myself, whenever I go to my Barnes and Noble I'll sit on the floor and read.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:12 am Reply with quote
Oh man, I wish I had seen this thread, because I just unleashed an entire rant about this in another thread. hahahahaha

I cannot stand when people do this. It is one thing to skim through the first few pages to see if you like it, but reading almost to all of a novel when you are there is nothing short of stealing in my book. If you want to read for free, then head to your local library. I don't want to have to buy a mangled manga because all the good ones have been bought and the ones that are left are the ones that people sat down and read. If you don't have the money to buy the title, then I am sorry, don't go to the book store. I know that others will see it differently, but I would never go into a book store just to read a book with no intention of paying for it.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:10 am Reply with quote
The kids that do that are really dumb... In the end, all they do is deprive themselves of new manga. By not buying the books they are reading, the industry makes less money. Because the industry makes less money, less titles get licensed and translated. I'm assuming that the dumb****s who sit in my way while I'm looking to buy manga don't know how to find scanlations, since they're sitting on the floor in a public place showing no shame. Whatever. At least once I leave the store, I have an armload of new manga and don't have to deal with that particular issue again until the next payday.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:32 am Reply with quote
I'll tell you guys what, you go to a used bookstore in Japan like Book Off and you'll see people reading manga in there ALL the time. But the employees don't really give a crap about that, because it keeps people coming in and there's sure to be something that catches their eye while reading and they'll buy it. Just because you read it doesn't mean that you won't buy it. But there's nowhere to sit in those types of bookstores, so people pay the price of having to stand up.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:37 am Reply with quote
Here we go again. This is starting to become the manga version of the sub vs. dub anime threads. Jeeze. Anyways, here's a copy of my post from the thread Fighter mentioned.

I don't think you're practically stealing by reading it in the store. If they didn't want you to then everything would be shrink wrapped. If they aren't then what do you expect? Plus many people won't buy something, like a manga series, until they've read a volume or two and found out if they even like it. I won't buy a manga series unless I'm sure I like it. Besides, at least the people are READING, and not being little a'holes running up and down the malls acting like jerkoffs. I can deal with the floor reader much easier then the loud mouth idiots. Plus, if they're in the way on the floor why not simply ask them to move or tell a worker at the bookstore? Seems pretty simple to me.

As for how they treat the books, again if it bothers you sooooo much why not simply say something politely? I know this is a foreign concept to most people but you know asking nicely does work sometimes believe it or not. Personally, I read volumes all the time and I always treat them the same way I treat my own collection. Then again I also worked retail for many years and have this OCD issue where I have to make sure things are in order. All retail workers suffer from something I think Confused Unfortunately though people will always treat books, movies, or anything else that's not there with no respect. Nowadays that's how people are raised, or should I say not raised. Personal responsibility and respect are ideas that just aren't popular and most people don't go by. Be mad all you want but it won't change it. If you're so upset over how those floor laying little bastards treat the mangas/books then once again say something. I was raised with the idea that if something bothers you then say something. If you don't then you don't have the right to bitch about it. Too many people complain, and too few actually do anything. Not saying beat them senseless, as fun as it may be, but politely say something. They act ignorant then go tell the staff they're ripping the books. That'll get their attention.

As I wrote before be grateful they're reading and not doing drugs or spray painting your house. it's not that big of a deal like many people seem to think. You could always politely ask them to move if they're in the way. If they don't simply get a store staffer and tell them the kids are ripping the books or something. As for go to your library, yea sure that works. Considering most libraries DON'T carry a manga section how do you expect them to do that? How about those adults reading books in the store, they thieves too? Why not go tell them the same thing as the kids in the manga section? How about those that read the newspaper or magazines at the bookstore. If you're gonna go on a high and mighty attitude about how reading manga in a store is stealing you better be fair and go accuse other people too. i also fail to see how reading in a library is different then a store. You're still not paying for it now are you. Honestly, why is this such a big deal for crying out loud? Some of you make it out to be like they're murderer for reading. Some may be annoying yes but it's not the end of the world.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:10 am Reply with quote
psycho 101: I think people who buy the manga are disappointed at how many people wear out/damage the manga they read in the store. People who buy manga most likely want them to be in their best possible condition. I myself wouldn't want to buy a graphic novel with folds or food crumbs inside.(It is ANNOYING(and disgusting) to open a book up and see food crumbs come out of it.) I don't think it's actually about whether the reders are stealing or not.

I read manga at a book store when I don't want to buy the whole thing. For example, something like Dragon Ball Z could be a fun read at the store if I have nothing else to do, but I don't want to fork out more than 300 dollars just to read the whole series.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:11 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
I'll tell you guys what, you go to a used bookstore in Japan like Book Off and you'll see people reading manga in there ALL the time. But the employees don't really give a crap about that, because it keeps people coming in and there's sure to be something that catches their eye while reading and they'll buy it. Just because you read it doesn't mean that you won't buy it. But there's nowhere to sit in those types of bookstores, so people pay the price of having to stand up.

Actually, I've even seen that here in the Book Off in Rolling Hills Plaza (even been guilty of it myself on occasion) and yeah, the clerks don't care at all, as you said-- kinda odd that they do that when the stereotype of the Japanese bookstore proprieter is "buy it or get the $%#@ out!"
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:30 am Reply with quote
Although some of us have said things, only to get large sighs, and the occasional "What are you, my mother?".

Anyway, I feel bad that manga isn't the local library of the poster who said it isn't in libraries. It is in mine. It was placed there after numerous requests by local high schools kids. Granted it's not a huge section, but it is growing. I'm sure it would appear in more libraries if people would go to them and ask for it.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:47 am Reply with quote
Guilty as charged.

I read books, magazines, and mangas in the store. And I do not feel guilty. Although if I like what I read I will buy it right there and usually the copy that I was reading. Wink

From my own experience, as one of the crowd who reads in the store, at least we aren't spilling coffee, food, or other damaging liquid/object onto the manga. But then again if we did do that we would have to buy it.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:47 pm Reply with quote
My opinion? Glancing through the first volume to get an idea if you'd like a series is o.k. as long as you're very careful to keep the volume in the same condition as it was when you picked it up. Eventually reading through the whole series at the store without buying is another matter. It's a store, not a library - and the useful curtesy of allowing browsing should not be abused. It's also extremely fustrating when you can't even find a single relatively pristine copy when you want to buy because inconsiderate people have been reading. As an adult in a large city I can usually jump into a bookstore to get new volumes of the handful of series' I'm following as soon as they come out, but many manga readers are young people on allowances who follow alot more series than I do and don't always make enough quickly enough to buy the series' they're following before too many other people get their hands on the volumes. That means they have to either be lucky enough to have a manga supplier that shrink wraps nearby or borrow use of their parents' online bookstore account if they're lucky enough to have a parent with one. I feel bad for them.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:50 pm Reply with quote
I dont care if they read the manga in the store or not. I buy my manga because I just want to have it to keep. However I do agree that if you never buy manga and only read it that there is a certain degree of thievery, and it does hurt us all in the long run. Anyways, There are tables and chairs designated for reading. Thats what bugs me.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:35 pm Reply with quote
pat_payne wrote:
Actually, I've even seen that here in the Book Off in Rolling Hills Plaza (even been guilty of it myself on occasion) and yeah, the clerks don't care at all, as you said-- kinda odd that they do that when the stereotype of the Japanese bookstore proprieter is "buy it or get the $%#@ out!"

That's when it's in a bookstore that is selling new volumes for full retail price. Because what people would do is they would read the stuff, if it was funny, cause a disturbance of the peace, and not buy the stuff. Which makes bookstores trying to sell their merchandise lose money. These days retail bookstores make sure to have all their merchandise (at least on the manga end, and certain magazines) shrink wrapped, so people have to buy if they want to read it. The only thing they don't wrap are novels, because kids aren't going to spend thirty minutes looking at a novel in a bookstore, are they? Thing with Book Off is that the books have already been bought, and damaged (which makes them cheaper for sale), so what's the point of trying to stop people. It brings for good business anyway, since Book Off is the most powerful second hand retail chain in Japan.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:28 pm Reply with quote
Here's what I said in the other thread of this same topic

FYI: I work in a bookstore.

Personally, if I see someone reading in the store I work at, I have no problem with it. As long as they aren't making a mess or being obnoxious or blocking an isle, it's fine. If someone is blocking an isle, we just politely ask them to move and there's rarely a problem. We have a couple benches for people to sit on and read at, so they either go back there or leave. No big deal. That's why we put them there. In no way do I think it's some form of stealing. If they don't buy it, oh well. Maybe they'll come back another time to buy it. Or, you can look at it this way and say that the book is here for someone else to buy.

With manga, I can say I have read in the store. Sometimes I'll only read a little bit, and sometimes I'll read a whole volume. Maybe two! If I don't buy it, its usually because I didn't like it, or that I just didn't have the money at the time. I've actually read several titles in stores that I've put on my list to buy later because I've enjoyed them. I wouldn't have known if I liked it or not if I didn't sit down somewhere in the store (in a chair usually, or if I can't find one, off to the side of the isle where I'm not in the way) to read it.

As for being destructive, occasionally we get people who rip stuff and yes, it is frustrating. They've damaged merchandise that someone else could have bought. But I don't get all worked up over it. It's frustrating and I wish people wouldn't do it, but it happens and we just have to deal with it.
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