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NEWS: Win a Blue Gender Cel

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:09 pm Reply with quote
I received an interesting e-mail about the Blue Gender Cels, seems that not every body agrees with the value of the cels that FUNimation mentionned.


I've been collecting cels for quite a long time, and let me tell you those cels that Funimation supposedly valualed at $250 a piece is flat out wrong. At http://db.animanga.com/db/cels and many other sites you can find cels of that same quality or better for around $50 dollars. Made a topic about it on cels.org and they all tend to agree with me those aren't worht $250. I thinks its shamefull that funimation is lieing to its fans. I think this should be known of so fans, know that theire being lied to.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 4:50 pm Reply with quote
Well, if those cels aren't worth $250, I'm of the opinion that the cel appraiser lied to FUNimation, and that they just passed on the misinformation. Those cels were appraised last year by someone outside of FUNimation, and that's the figure that they gave them.

I really don't think FUNimation would go out of their way to lie to fans about the value of a cel. After all, it's a free contest. I'd be just as happy getting a $10 BG cel as a $500 one. What the cel is worth still doesn't diminish the utter *coolness* factor of giving them away in a contest.

I took a look at Animanga's selection of Blue Gender cels, and while they do have some nice cels, none of them have both characters in such a close-up, unobstructed manner as the FUNi ones. The ones that FUNi have not only have close ups of the characters, but also multiple drawings.

Furthermore, the pricing of cels is rather arbitrary. I have a Fushigi Yuugi cel that I bought online for $20. I was at an anime convention recently and saw a cel in the same sequence for $150. I have a Marmalade Boy cel that I bought for $20, and have seen similarly posed/centered ones in dealer rooms for $300. I've seen dealers sell cels for $600 that would only go for $35 elsewhere. What a cel is worth may not be what people would charge for it, or what a certain dealer would price it as.

The plain fact of the matter is that FUNimation has 5 cels that it's giving away. For answering a free contest. If people are going to complain about that, they can just as easily go buy their own cels and not enter the contest.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:14 pm Reply with quote
Personally I agree. If I were interested in a cel it would be for the cel itself, not its financial value. But that's the way I am with all things I collect (I don't collect cels, although I do own a few). Obviously other epople think differently.

Personally I highly doubt that FUNimation would outright lie about the value of their prizes.

But it's very possible that they could be telling the truth, while the people discussing the cels' could be stating real values too.

Most collectors know that their is a difference between the "high value" (or the appraisal value) or an item, and the retail value (what it would sell for in non-optimum conditions).

I own several items that, if I was looking to sell them, I'd only get a fraction of what I could sell them for if someone came to me and asked to buy them.

Anyways, the above e-mail was posted here for interest's sake. If I thought it was important there would have been research done, and it would have been posted as news. Personally I have *no* idea how much those cells are worth other that the fact that FUNi says they're worth $250 and someone else says they're worth $50...

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:18 pm Reply with quote

This is Lance Heiskell from FUNimation. When FUNimation acquired Blue Gender, we also acquired many animation cels from the show. These cels were evaluated and graded by a professional cel dealer/collector. Cels were graded on an A, B, C and D level. Grade A cels were valued at $250. Grade C and D cels were valued at $20-$40.

With this contest, I wanted to give the fans the best choice of animation cels from the show. So I chose 5 cels with an A grade.

I am not an avid cel collector. I thought it would be a cool gift to fans who enjoy the show.

That's it. No "baiting scheme" or "evil idea" here. Just something cool.


Lance Heiskell
FUNimation Productions, Ltd.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 2:19 am Reply with quote
Funimation is definitely not a cel dealer and shouldn't be judged/treated as such.

I am a cel collector myself, and I found the $250 value fairly high, especially considering a certain high profile store in Japan has difficulty selling high quality cels with matching backgrounds from Blue Gender for $60-$70 (which are "appraised" by AIC themselves). The $250+ is more in the Dragonball Z cel range of prices. Among avid cel collectors, Blue Gender is simply not a series to spend hundreds of dollars on (again, DBZ is something fans do spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on). Well, there are a certain class of cels that routinely warrant those prices (even for Blue Gender), but I won't go into that here.

The main idea here is that production cels (not cheap-o repros) are being given away for free and that's cool. AIC has issues with cels being sold with their matching sketches, so it is unusual for these Blue Gender cels to have matching sketches (this is a good bonus). However, to prevent rampant (unwarranted) speculation in the future, I would just avoid putting dollar prices on items with such volatile market and personal value.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 7:58 pm Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:
Most collectors know that their is a difference between the "high value" (or the appraisal value) or an item, and the retail value (what it would sell for in non-optimum conditions).

I think that's something that more people could gain from understanding. Often an appraiser will place a value on something based on the buying habits of that area and that area only. Something that's worth $100 in California may only be worth $50 in Rhoad Island. Most priceguids will make a similar point. It's really just a matter of suply and demand with a few other factors weighed in.

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