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Charlize Theron goes cosplaying as Aeon Flux

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:19 am Reply with quote
See the results at http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=7364, courtesy of some poster on Kung Fu Cult Cinema.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:24 am Reply with quote
"Gatsu is posting about a Live action Adaptation of an American Cartoon by MTV, with Character Designs by Peter Chueng, who is a Korean, who did designs for a somewhat obscure anime"

STOP IT. If you're so insistant on posting these terrible, terrible threads, could you ATLEAST put some coherant or sensible input first, not just a link and HAHA FIRST POST GUYS.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:21 am Reply with quote
I'm the kind of person who usually waits for others to comment first. Anyway, unlike Jolie as Lara Croft, Theron is actually attractive, but until I see better FX than the Sky Captain kind from Paramount, I'll end up renting the film on home video. And I thought Chung was the creator for Flux, and not just the character designer. At least that's what IMDB tells me. And just like their occasional reviews which defend crap like Heaven's Gate, they're never wrong.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:36 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
I'm the kind of person who usually waits for others to comment first. Anyway, unlike Jolie as Lara Croft, Theron is actually attractive, but until I see better FX than the Sky Captain kind from Paramount, I'll end up renting the film on home video. And I thought Chung was the creator for Flux, and not just the character designer. At least that's what IMDB tells me. And just like their occasional reviews which defend crap like Heaven's Gate, they're never wrong.

You are missing the point. What Theron looks like, the FX in this film, or Chung's involvement in the source material, have NOTHING to do with Anime. You are posting this in an Anime forum. See the logic there? If your previous "Somethingawful slams chinese Dragonball" thread gets locked, along with tons of your previous "OT" threads, can't you evetually REALISE you're doing the wrong thing and perhaps, I dunno, stop posting threads or reply to topics?

(PS Jolie > Theron)
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:41 am Reply with quote
Well considering the Animatrix connection, this thread isn't as OT as you claim, especially since ANN has posted news on the flick in the past. P.S. Jolie's mouth smells like her brother.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:47 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Well considering the Animatrix connection, this thread isn't as OT as you claim, especially since ANN has posted news on the flick in the past. P.S. Jolie's mouth smells like her brother.

AFAIK, the Animatrix short wasn't even animted in Japan (the production was done in Seoul, right?), and just because it was posted on the news section, doesn't mean there's any precedent to put it into the Anime section. Admin and staff are liable to exception when it comes to news items, you are not. The movie, Theron, etc, have NOTHING to do with Anime, and the only related link would be the original source material which happened to come from a guy who was previously partially associated with a 13 episode series, and a set of episodes for the matrix, in where he did a decidedly "non-anime" part.

Do you get it now? Theron = Not Anime related, Movie = not Anime related, Chung = PARTIALLY Anime related, but not important outside of direct Anime productions, and "cosplay" is simply a fan word for Costume dressing anyway, so that's hardly an Anime "exclusive" thing. DO YOU GET IT NOW?

(smells like her brother, what the fudge? Infact, where did Jolie come up from anyway?)
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:55 am Reply with quote
Actually, by flick, I meant that the live-action Aeon Flux was posted in the news section. As for Jolie, I made a joke on another board that the production design team from Tomb Raider needed the work, which is why they were assigned to Flux. The brother thing is making fun of her being a little bit amorous in her kiss to her brother at the Academy Awards.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:02 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Actually, by flick, I meant that the live-action Aeon Flux was posted in the news section. As for Jolie, I made a joke on another board that the production design team from Tomb Raider needed the work, which is why they were assigned to Flux. The brother thing is making fun of her being a little bit amorous in her kiss to her brother at the Academy Awards.

Ah. Still doesn't explain why you posted it in the Anime section when it is still clearly not Anime related (if anything, if you're responding to a news item, do it in talkback. This is also a good example that you really need to stop posting, what with the "Peter Chung better check his cartoon" thread and the "question for lance" regarding degrassi jr high thread. Think before your post). Also, no one really likes you, so using in jokes from other boards isn't exactly a good thing to do, because no one is going to get it (because hey, this is an Anime forum. Egads! wait, point again, why are you posting this here!)
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