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Do you like anime turned into live action?

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Joined: 05 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:16 am Reply with quote
The question here is do you like having anime turned into live action? This topic came to mind as I've recently started watching Nodame Cantabile live.

-Note- Im mostly talking about anime turning into a jdrama-esque adaptation, but feel free to comment on US live action adaptations. I can only imagine the awful dragonball z comments or the upcoming Akira movie.

I myself am still relatively new to Jdramas and have only seen a handful of live action anime adaptations so far. I'm also pretty picky when it comes to live action adaptations since I've grown so fond of certain characters from shows. It can be very painful to see a poor imtrepretation of a character.

So do I like my anime turned into live action? I think I do, but of course it depends. In my limited experiance it seems like TV series work a lot better than movie adaptations. In movie adaptations they have to skip a lot of good stuff and sometimes are condensing a 13-26 episode event into 2 hours.

My movie experiences have not been the best but I am highly enjoying Nodame Cantabile live. At first I thought it might be kind of repetitive since I know exactly what happens already but I was surprisingly mistaken. I think it's a lot of fun to see actors portray characters from a show that I'm so fond of, plus there's a bit of nostalgia in there I'm sure. There's also just something fun about Jdramas/adaptations with how cheesie they are with special effects (in a good way imo) plus how everything looks super over saturated in colors just leaves me feeling in a good mood after.

Here are some of my live action adaptation experiences -

Prince of Tennis movie - Too be honest I've only seen bits and pieces of this. It was actually kind of neat to see their moves performed in live action. All of the characters looked the role as well. Of course when it all boils down this seems to be just something for the fans since the story feels more like a glued together compilation.

GTO the Movie - I didn't realize that this movie had nothing to do with the manga until I started to watch it. Either way it wasn't too bad, I thought the character for Onizuak was excellent. It makes me want to try the live action tv series.

Detroit Metal City The Movie - UGH. I absolutely loved Detroit Metal City (license wru?)... but I had a painstaking time watching DMC Live Action. My problems were how Souichi was portrayed in his normal form. In the movie he was so whiny, complaining all the time, and had a bitchy/tweenie cry in his voice. In the anime I know he goes through some stuff but I never interpretated him like how he was in the movie. I think he even breaks down and cries. Kruzer scenes were fine though.

Nodame Cantabile Live - I recently noticed the live action movie came out and decided to give the TV series a try. I was pretty reserved at first thinking of how actors may portray Tomokazu's Chiaki or Kawasumi's nodame. So far though the acting has been very good. Story has been exactly like the anime so far. Can't wait to see more.

So in conclusion of my random/poorly written points, I enjoy seeing anime turned into Jdrama-esque live action when done well. I generally enjoy rewatching anime so this is almost like a different form of that with even more additional bonuses.

How about all of you? Do you guys watch live action stuff / want to see more of the animes you like into jdrama styled live action ? Do you prefer movie or tv series format?
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:44 am Reply with quote
Dragon Ball... excuse me (sound of keyboard being bit through) I'm back.
I haven't seen many live action adaptations. I enjoyed Nodame Cantabile and Mushishi but to be hornest that weren't the best movies I've seen. That are things for fans of the series and I wonder if they could get anybody into it.
The only one that I remember well is Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. I've seen it as an adult fan who still have sentiment toward SM but I was aware of disadvantages of that show and all things that are criticized among fans just made me laugh. It was so trashy... but wasn't the original one like this. Wooden scenes of transformation, plastic jewels- it was just cute. It was even superior to cartoon at one point: backgrounds of the girls were developed and thair families were more than just extras.
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Joined: 04 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:03 am Reply with quote
Death Note was not bad. I thought it captured the anime well and I am even happy with the ending even though it was different than the anime. The shinigami (while not up to Hollywood 3d animation standards) were done pretty good.

My favorite live action would have to be NANA though. The actors did such an awesome job, and I found myself glued to the TV and feeling the same connection to the events/characters that I did in the anime. Though I have to admit I was a little disappointed in the different actress chosen to play Nana Hachi in the second DVD. Aoi Miyazaki was superb for the part. I didn't feel that Yui Ichikawa captured the character quite as well. Or maybe I was just bias after watching disk 1...
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Joined: 28 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:19 am Reply with quote
kilaria wrote:
My favorite live action would have to be NANA though. The actors did such an awesome job, and I found myself glued to the TV and feeling the same connection to the events/characters that I did in the anime. Though I have to admit I was a little disappointed in the different actress chosen to play Nana Hachi in the second DVD. Aoi Miyazaki was superb for the part.
I have to see this. I think Aoi Miyazaki is just wonderful. (As a seiyuu, I thought she was the saving grace of the Someday's Dreamers adaptation.)
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Joined: 28 May 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:16 pm Reply with quote
It really depends.

If it is good like Death Note, Mushishi, GTO, and even Speed Racer then yes I like it.

However then you take the flipside of really bad like Dragon Ball and The Last Airbender (yeah I know it's not really anime, but it is pretty close), then you want them to stop.

I hope that if the other movies get made (which it is looking less & less likely for some of them) that they at least have the creators of the show approve it before it gets a release in theaters.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:43 pm Reply with quote
It depends. Live action adaptations done for TV or theater tend to not sit well with me because so much of what I consider important from the anime gets left out thus changing the pace. I have seen an adaption before the anime and still think the pacing was weird, it was Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge.

However I do like live action musicals, more so when the original VAs reprise their roles. The best so far was the Hunter x Hunter musical.
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Sora N

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:33 am Reply with quote
No. Live-action is never as good as the anime series and most of times the actors/actress that portray the characters ruin the series by not having the same “spark” (so-to-speak.) Plus, I have always preferred animation over live-action and I have very specific tastes when it comes to live-action in general.
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The Eva Monkey

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:09 am Reply with quote
The few US adaptations, like Speed Racer and Dragon Ball do not inspire any confidence in me in the western film industry in making competent live action versions. While I would love to see a live action Evangelion done right, I doubt that would ever be the case, and would rather see the endeavor officially abandoned.

That said, I have enjoyed a few live action adaptations, mostly television shows. But in particular, I have really enjoyed Cutey Honey and Casshern. Especially Casshern. I was in love with that movie from when the trailers first came out. The scene at the mid point of the movie where they're in the forest and they start cross cutting between past and present with the same exact dialog while juxtaposing the enemies side gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:36 am Reply with quote
NANA the movie (the first one) was fabulous. I saw that in the theaters and bought the DVD immediately. It was perfect. (Of course, I had nothing really to compare it to, since I watched it backwards: movie--> anime--> manga, but once I did the other two, I still think it was a great adaptation.)

Trying to think what else I've seen... I'd like to see DMC live action, and I know there's mixed reviews, but I still want to see it.

I also am dying to watch the Korean adaptation of Antique Bakery, since that is much more true to the manga/anime, instead of the J-Drama, where they didn't even make Ono gay. Haven't found a fansubbed version of that, and it has not been released on R1 DVD yet. Sad I'd totally blind buy that sucker.

One of these days I might watch Speed Racer, but I will never ever watch Dragonball Evolution, except maybe as a joke movie Razz
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Joined: 25 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:27 pm Reply with quote
If the adaptations were true to the originals I wouldn't mind it. However I don't like the fact that they water them down and change the stories for American audiences, I hate that.

I want the original story, at the very most I will accept changing character names or locations, but plot elements should not be touched.
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:43 pm Reply with quote
Speed Racer is actually appreciated by many cinephiles because of the way it integrated anime "techniques" into the narrative, as well as its gonzo-cinematography and unique editing tricks. Check the Criterion forums, this film has quite a few fans among hardcore film snobs--it's the mainstream critics who slagged it. I personally am only lukewarm on Speed Racer, but I don't think it deserves the hate some people heap on it--it undoubtedly was doing some very unique filmmaking for "mainstream" entertainment and there are scenes in it that just make you go "wow, I haven't seen that done before." Granted, much of the WOW factor is more about the presentation of the material than the actual story, but to be fair--the original Speed Racer was never a particularly hot-damn story to begin with. In fact, I would venture to say that most fans here probably wouldn't like the original Speed Racer anime.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:06 pm Reply with quote
If I may nitpick, the Nodame drama isn't based on the anime, since it came before it. Both are based on the manga, which I think is the same for a lot of other dramas-- they're not based on the anime of the same name (if there is one) but instead both are based on a common source material. So perhaps they should not be compared to each other so much as to the original, probably a manga or novel.

Anyway, as someone who watches more dramas than anime I have to say that I think certain types of stories are more well-suited to become dramas and others do best as anime. Anything that has more of a "far-out" premise (robots, magic girls, superpowers) or requires lots of realistic-looking special effects/settings, etc. will probably do better in animated form. Whereas the more "real-life" stories (think everyday romance/work/family/capital-D-drama) work better as live dramas (and I mean the evening dramas, not the daytime ones with the rubber-suited monsters and superheroes and such-- no offense, fans). This is why josei manga seem to get the drama treatment more often than the anime treatment (see: Kimi wa Petto, Suppli, and the like).

Darksorrow29 wrote:
GTO the Movie - I didn't realize that this movie had nothing to do with the manga until I started to watch it. Either way it wasn't too bad, I thought the character for [Onizuka] was excellent. It makes me want to try the live action tv series.
I'll give the GTO drama my endorsement but then again I've a thing for Sorimachi Takashi (who plays Onizuka) so my opinion is totally suspect.

kyokun703 wrote:
I also am dying to watch the Korean adaptation of Antique Bakery, since that is much more true to the manga/anime, instead of the J-Drama, where they didn't even make Ono gay. Haven't found a fansubbed version of that, and it has not been released on R1 DVD yet. Sad I'd totally blind buy that sucker.
There is a fansubbed version of the film out there Wink though perhaps you'd have to dig in drama circles to find it. Having said that, it is totally worth buying and I would if someone would just license it for R1 already! I wonder what the hold-up is?
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Joined: 01 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:20 pm Reply with quote
In general, I think it is unusual for fans of any original work to like subsequent works (especially live action movies) based on the original.

The producer of the movie is generally not trying to appeal to the audience of the original work, but is attempting to bring something to a larger, less specific audience. The original fans will always compare the movie to the original work and will almost always be disappointed.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Noticed this topic and had to create an account to show you all something pretty interesting in terms of live action anime adaptations. This group is focused on doing those kind of adaptations and they have some pretty cool videos that show their anime influence.

They're also are doing a Naruto Shippuden Live Action 20 min short!

Here's the page. Its been getting great reactions!


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Joined: 17 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:30 pm Reply with quote
wcsinn wrote:
In general, I think it is unusual for fans of any original work to like subsequent works (especially live action movies) based on the original.

The producer of the movie is generally not trying to appeal to the audience of the original work, but is attempting to bring something to a larger, less specific audience. The original fans will always compare the movie to the original work and will almost always be disappointed.

This is a big part of the equation. An equally if not greater part is: just craft a damn good movie or TV series. A lot can be forgiven IF a director or producer gives the viewing audience a great product. I can nitpick a show due to it changing a situation or adding a character that's not original. But, I will like or love that same show if its crafted well.
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