The Click
July 21 - 27
by Brian Hanson,

Greetings galore, my fine and friendly readers, to another Click installment, imbued with fine features! Today there are new shows of practically every kind, with which to enjoy with both your ears, eyes, and mind. That is if a certain boy wizard with his latest chapter, doesn't take all your time away, leaving your TV alone as an unwanted captor.
So sit back and relax, my illiterate friends - herein lies programming to thrust into your ocular lens!

Astro Boy
(Adult Swim)
Sunday July 22 2:00am - Episode 2 "Colosso" (Repeats Sun Jul 22 5:30am)
Astro Boy is the first anime series ever made, to which most people would say, "I will not watch this! I must be swayed." Consider this quite the sway - Astro Boy has made my day! Cheesy dubbing and limited animation put aside, this is a series with considerable stride. The animation, while limited, is never crude, and is filled with personality and humor, and should not be booed! Osamu Tezuka's storytelling skill is on display as well, casting this professional anime viewer under a delicious spell! So watch Astro Boy, will you not? It's charming and timeless, and that's saying a lot.
(Adult Swim)
Sunday July 22 12:00am - Episode 42 (Repeats Sun July 22 3:30am)
Yoruichi shows her other form, and what a form it is indeed, to save Ichigo from being killed by Byakuya, which otherwise would be guaranteed!
(Adult Swim)
Sunday July 22 12:30am - Episode 18 "Moon Over Ekaterinburg" (Repeats Sun July 22 4:00am)
Saya is still missing, due to an accident on a train, while the rest of our heroes press onward through dangerous terrain! Their search leads them to an abandoned nuclear facility - will their search thus far however be an exercise in futility?
Bobobo-bo Bo-Bobo
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday July 21 10:00pm - Episode 66 "The Fishcake Frenzy; Freeze Dried, French Fried, Freaked Out Fracas"
General Lee Fishcake attacks Bo-Bobo and company, and oh crap nothing else rhymes with "company."
Elemental Gelade
Tuesday July 24 5:00pm - Episode 26 "The Song of the Heavens and Tomorrow" (Repeats Tue July 24 8:00pm, Wed July 25 12:30am, 12:00pm)
The final Elemental Gelade ever leads our star-crossed lovers to try and stop a war. I had no idea that's what actual relationships were for!
Ergo Proxy
Saturday July 21 12:00am - Episode 6 "Domecoming" (Repeats Thu July 26 12:00am, 12:30am)
The proud and stubborn Re-l is hot on the heels of catching her pray, Vincent, but contact with the outside world gives her a fatal disease, and perhaps a terrible scent.
Eureka 7
Friday July 27 11:00pm - Episode 35 "Astral Apache" (Repeats Sat July 28 2:30am)
The Gekkostate stages a daring rescue attempt, but like most things in life, the results are slightly unkempt.
Gundam Seed Destiny
Friday July 27 9:30pm - Episode 20 "Past" (Repeats Sat July 28 1:30am)
The fearless Gundam pilots reflect on their past and feelings and philosophies and stuff, while all the kids watching at home wish the robots would start fighting and bleeding and acting tough.
Kyo Kara Maoh
Tuesday July 24 5:30pm - Episode 26 "At the End of the Life Cycle" (Repeats Tue July 24 8:30pm, Wed July 25 1:00am, 12:30pm)
The sordid history of Yuri, the current demon king, is discussed, and involves matters that are met with no small amount of disgust.
The Law of Ueki
-Tuesday July 24 6:00pm - Episode 27 "The Law of Hideyoshi" (Repeats Tue July 24 9:00pm, Wed July 25 1:30am, 1:00pm)
-Tuesday July 24 6:30pm - Episode 28 "The Law of the Sun House" (Repeats Tue July 24 9:30pm, Wed July 25 2:00am, 1:30pm)
Ueki forms a new team to fight in the so-called "Battle of the Supernatural Powers," but his most-wanted teammate is targeted by an evil-doer, who glowers!
Friday July 27 7:00pm - Episode 9 "The Training Gate - Merilo and Bumoru"
Ginta and the others travel to alternate dimensions to train and hone their skills! I hope this somehow involves no small amount of thrills and chills.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday July 21 9:00pm - Episode 97 "Kidnapped: Naruto's Hot Spring Adventure"
Naruto and his dirty-minded teacher, in the buff! As though that were not reason to watch enough! And later, Tsunade's personal effects become stolen, which leads to punching in areas that later become swollen.
-Friday July 27 8:00pm - Episode 94 "Attack! Fury of the Rasengan"
-Friday July 27 8:30pm - Episode 95 "The Fifth Hokage: A Life on the Line"
Finally YTV hears my benevolent cries! I have honest and accurate Naruto listings, here before my eyes! Calough Caleigh, O Frabjous Day! I almost cannot think of anything else to say! Oh well, here goes: Naruto and Tsunade and Jiraiya fight Orochimaru, but why? Who knows.
(Sci Fi)
Monday July 16 11:00pm - Episode 5 "And Then..."
Several of the kids embark on a time-traveling escapade, in order to defeat a villain of which they are all afraid. A "Back to the Future" quote feels almost necessary, though working it into a rhyming scheme is decidedly hairy.
One Piece
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday July 21 10:30pm - Episode 99 "Pirate VIVI"
Luffy and his gang, having vanquished their most recent foe, politely ask Vivi to stay with them, and be their 'bro.
Tenjho Tenge
Saturday July 21 12:30am - Episode 6 "Illusion" (Repeats Sat July 21 1:00pm, 1:30pm)
The fight in the bowling alley escalates, and while pounding seven flavors of crap out of other kids, seemingly uncover their fates.
(Sci Fi)
Monday July 16 11:30pm - Episode 5 "A Father, All Alone"
Tokko isn't nearly as memorable as creator Tohru Fujisawa's GTO, but it contains enough boobs and blood for any sex and carnage aficionado. So basically this week's episode has boobs and blood, I'd fathom to guess, though whose blood and whose boobs... but I digress.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday July 21 7:30pm - Episode 114 "Win Mr. Stein's Duel, Part 2"
The game show "Win Ben Stein's Money" has been off the air for at least five years - what did they expect to receive for making this reference? Cheers? Stern silence is more what they deserve, and should learn to make references not from the stone age. The nerve!
Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday July 21 5:00pm (Repeats Sun July 22 12:30pm)
Pokemon Ranger
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday July 22 2:30pm
Pokemon the Movie 2000
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday July 22 5:00pm
The Weathering Continent
(Encore Action)
Sunday July 22 3:45am (Repeats Fri July 27 4:20pmr, Sat July 28 12:00am)
There are Pokemon movies galore, as per any usual week, and the dull Weathering Continent rounding up a lineup I would describe as "weak." Maybe not "weak" per se, but "predictable," let's say.
I suppose I'm done for this week, and should go and beat a hasty retreat. I will see you all next time, though no doubt I am past my prime. Goodbye, all!
10 Tokyo Warriors
(Encore WAM)
-Sun July 22 11:50am - Episode TBA
-Sun July 22 12:25pm - Episode TBA
-Sun July 22 9:35pm - Episode TBA
-Sun July 22 10:05pm - Episode TBA
-Thu July 26 11:50am - Episode TBA
-Thu July 26 12:25pm - Episode TBA
-Fri July 27 11:30am - Episode TBA
-Fri July 27 12:00pm - Episode TBA
(Adult Swim)
-Tue July 24 12:30am - Episode 27 (R Tue July 24 4:00am)
-Wed July 25 12:30am - Episode 28 (R Wed July 25 4:00am)
-Thu July 26 12:30am - Episode 29 (R Thu July 26 4:00am)
-Fri July 27 12:30am - Episode 30 (R Fri July 27 4:00am)
-Sat July 28 12:30am - Episode 31 (R Sat July 28 4:00am)
Chrono Crusade
(Showtime Beyond)
-Mon July 23 12:05am - Episode 14 "Prayer" (R Fri July 27 1:05am)
-Mon July 23 12:30am - Episode 15 "Pursuer" (R Fri July 27 1:35am)
-Fri July 27 9:00pm - Episode 16 "Believer"
-Fri July 27 9:30pm - Episode 17 "Accomplices"
Cat's Eye
-Mon July 23 9:00am - Episode 12 "Gorgeous European Temptation" (R Tue July 24 5:30am)
-Tue July 24 9:00am - Episode 13 "My Love, Don't Go" (R Wed July 25 5:30am)
-Wed July 25 9:00am - Episode 14 "Cleopatra Ransom" (R Thu July 26 5:30am)
-Thu July 26 9:00am - Episode 15 "Bodysuit Flying at Night" (R Fri July 27 5:30am)
-Fri July 27 9:00am - Episode 16 "Monday is Smiling Day" (R Sat July 28 5:30am)
(Toon Disney)
-Sat July 21 5:30pm - Episode 170 "Beastie Girl" (R Sat July 21 10:30pm)
-Sun July 22 5:30pm - Episode 171 "The Swiss Family Digimon" (R Sun July 22 10:30pm)
-Mon July 23 8:00am - Episode 105 "Guilmon Comes Alive" (R Tue July 24 2:00am)
-Mon July 23 9:30pm - Episode 137 "Rabbit Transit" (R Tue July 24 2:30am)
-Tue July 24 8:00am - Episode 106 "Digimon, Digimon Everywhere" (R Wed July 25 2:00am)
-Tue July 24 7:30pm - Episode 159 "Kazemon Kicks It"
-Tue July 24 9:30pm - Episode 138 "Lionheart" (R Wed July 25 2:30am)
-Wed July 25 8:00am - Episode 107 "To Fight or Not to Fight" (R Thu July 26 2:00am)
-Wed July 25 7:30pm - Episode 160 "Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon!"
-Wed July 25 9:30pm - Episode 139 "Give a Little Bit" (R Thu July 26 2:30am)
-Thu July 26 8:00am - Episode 108 "It Came From the Other Side" (R Fri July 27 2:00am)
-Thu July 26 7:30pm - Episode 161 "A Molehill Out of a Mountain"
-Thu July 26 9:30pm - Episode 140 "The Battle Within" (R Fri July 27 2:30am)
-Fri July 27 8:00am - Episode 109 "Dream a Little Dream" (R Sat July 28 2:00am)
-Fri July 27 9:30pm - Episode 141 "No Mon Is an Island" (R Sat July 28 2:30am)
Dragon Ball Z
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat July 21 7:00pm - Episode 134 "He's Here"
Elemental Gelade
-Sun July 22 10:00pm - Episode 25 "Chaos Choir" (R Mon July 23 2:00am, 2:00pm)
Fullmetal Alchemist
(Adult Swim)
-Tue July 24 1:00am - Episode 15 "The Ishbal Massacre" (R Tue July 24 4:30am)
-Wed July 25 1:00am - Episode 16 "That Which is Lost" (R Wed July 25 4:30am)
-Thu July 26 1:00am - Episode 17 "House of the Waiting Family" (R Thu July 26 4:30am)
-Fri July 27 1:00am - Episode 18 "Marcoh's Notes" (R Fri July 27 4:30am)
-Sat July 28 1:00am - Episode 19 "The Truth Behind Truths" (R Sat July 28 4:30am)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
(Adult Swim)
-Sun July 22 1:00am - Episode 10 "Trial" (R Sun July 22 4:30am)
(Adult Swim)
-Tue July 24 1:30am - Episode 78 "Only You, Sango" (R Tue July 24 5:00am)
-Tue July 24 2:00am - Episode 79 "Jaken's Plan to Steal the Tetsusaiga" (R Tue July 24 5:30am)
-Wed July 25 1:30am - Episode 80 "Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin" (R Wed July 25 5:00am)
-Wed July 25 2:00am - Episode 81 "Vanishing Point: Naraku Disappears" (R Wed July 25 5:30am)
-Thu July 26 1:30am - Episode 82 "Gap Between the Ages" (R Thu July 26 5:00am)
-Thu July 26 2:00am - Episode 83 "The Female Wolf-Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise" (R Thu July 26 5:30am)
-Fri July 27 1:30am - Episode 84 "Kega's Bride-to-be" (R Fri July 27 5:00am)
-Fri July 27 2:00am - Episode 85 "The Evil Within Demon's Head Castle" (R Fri July 27 5:30am)
-Sat July 28 1:30am - Episode 86 "Secret of the Possessed Princess" (R Sat July 28 5:00am)
-Sat July 28 2:00am - Episode 87 "Kikyo's Lonely Journey" (R Sat July 28 5:30am)
Kyo Kara Maoh
-Sun July 22 10:30pm - Episode 25 "Past and Future" (R Mon July 23 2:30am, 2:30pm)
The Law of Ueki
-Sun July 22 11:00pm - Episode 25 "Resurrection! The Law of Mr. K" (R Mon July 23 3:00am, 3:00pm)
-Sun July 22 11:30pm - Episode 26 "Terror! The Law of Anon" (R Mon July 23 3:30am, 3:30pm)
Mirage of Blaze
(Encore WAM)
-Sat July 21 4:30pm - Episode 4 "Endless Conflict" (R Sun July 22 8:30am, 4:30pm)
-Mon July 23 2:30am - Episode 5 "Golden Emblem" (R Mon July 23 8:30am)
-Mon July 23 4:30pm - Episode 6 "Memories of Hateful Anguish" (R Tue July 24 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Tue July 24 4:30pm - Episode 7 "At the End of Obsession" (R Wed July 25 12:25pm)
-Wed July 25 4:30pm - Episode 8 "Endless Void" (R Thu July 26 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Thu July 26 4:30pm - Episode 9 "Sorrowful Betrayal" ( Fri July 27 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Fri July 27 4:30pm - Episode 10 "Eternal Blaze" (R Sat July 28 2:30am, 8:30am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat July 21 8:30pm - Episode 96 "Deadlock: Sannin Showdown"
-Mon July 23 10:30pm - Episode 17 "White Past: Hidden Ambition"
-Tue July 24 10:30pm - Episode 18 "The Weapons Known as Shinobi"
-Wed July 25 10:30pm - Episode 19 "The Demon in the Snow"
-Thu July 26 10:30pm - Episode 20 "A New Chapter Begins: The Chuunin Exam"
Oban Star-Racers
(Toon Disney)
-Sat July 21 11:30pm - Episode 17 "Optimized Like Ondai"
-Sun July 22 2:30am - Episode 4 "In Like Flint"
-Sun July 22 11:30pm - Episode 18 "Monstrous Like Muir"
-Mon July 23 2:30am - Episode 5 "Cruel Like Ceres"
-Mon July 23 8:30am - Episode 11 "Dummy" (R Tue July 24 5:00am)
-Tue July 24 8:30am - Episode 12 "Chiram Girl" (R Wed July 25 5:00am)
-Wed July 25 8:30am - Episode 13 "Caspian Crater" (R Thu July 26 5:00am)
-Thu July 26 8:30am - Episode 14 "Operation D" (R Fri July 27 5:00am)
-Fri July 27 8:30am - Episode 15 "The Idioblast" (R Sat July 28 5:00am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat July 21 9:00am - Episode 479 "A Staravia is Born" (R Wed July 25 7:30pm)
-Sat July 21 9:30am - Episode 480 "Leave it to Brocko" (R Wed July 25 8:00pm)
-Mon July 23 8:00am - Episode 467 "Following a Maiden's Voyage" (R Mon July 23 7:30pm)
-Mon July 23 4:00pm - Episode 69 "The Pi-Kahuna"
-Mon July 23 4:30pm - Episode 70 "Make Room for Gloom"
-Mon July 23 5:00pm - Episode 71 "Lights, Camera, Quacktion"
-Mon July 23 5:30pm - Episode 72 "Go West, Young Meowth"
-Mon July 23 6:00pm - Episode 73 "To Master the Onixpected"
-Mon July 23 6:30pm - Episode 74 "The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis"
-Mon July 23 8:00pm - Episode 468 "Two Degrees of Separation" (R Tue July 24 8:00am)
-Mon July 23 8:30pm - Episode 469 "When Pokemon Worlds Collide" (R Wed July 25 8:00am)
-Mon July 23 9:00pm - Episode 470 "Dawn of a New Era" (R Thu July 26 8:00am)
-Mon July 23 9:30pm - Episode 471 "Gettin' Twiggy With It" (R Fri July 27 8:00am)
-Mon July 23 10:00pm - Episode 472 "Different Strokes for Different Blokes"
-Tue July 24 7:30pm - Episode 473 "Like It or Lup It"
-Tue July 24 8:00pm - Episode 474 "Gymbaliar"
-Tue July 24 8:30pm - Episode 475 "Setting the World On it's Buneary"
-Tue July 24 9:00pm - Episode 476 "Not On My Watch Ya Don't"
-Tue July 24 9:30pm - Episode 477 "Mounting a Coordinator Assault"
-Tue July 24 10:00pm - Episode 478 "Arrival of a Rival"
-Wed July 25 8:30pm - Episode 481 "Shapes of Things to Come"
-Wed July 25 9:00pm - Episode 482 "A Gruff Act to Follow"
-Wed July 25 9:30pm - Episode 483 "Wild in the Streets"
-Wed July 25 10:00pm - Episode 484 "O'er the Rampardos We Watched!"
-Thu July 26 7:30pm - Episode 485 "Twice Smitten, Once Shy"
-Thu July 26 8:00pm - Episode 486 "Mutiny in the Bounty"
-Thu July 26 8:30pm - Episode 487 "Ya See We Want an Evolution"
-Thu July 26 9:00pm - Episode 488 "Borrowing on Bad Faith"
-Thu July 26 9:30pm - Episode 489 "Faces With Steelix Determination!"
-Thu July 26 10:00pm - Episode 490 "Cooking Up a Sweet Story"
-Mon July 23 6:00am - Episode 15 "A Happy Journey by Boat" (R Mon July 23 9:00am, Tue July 24 4:30am)
-Tue July 24 6:00am - Episode 16 "Two Mothers in a Dream" (R Tue July 24 9:00am, Wed July 25 4:30am)
-Wed July 25 6:00am - Episode 17 "Goodbye to the Swan" (Wed July 25 9:00am, Thu July 26 4:30am)
-Thu July 26 6:00am - Episode 18 "Don't Turn Back, Remi" (R Thu July 26 9:00am, Fri July 27 4:30am)
-Fri July 27 6:00am - Episode 19 "In a Heavy Snowstorm" (R Fri July 27 9:00am, Sat July 28 4:30am)
Saiyuki Reload
(Encore WAM)
-Sat July 21 4:00pm - Episode 1 "Run" (R Sun July 22 2:00am, 8:00am, 4:00pm)
-Mon July 23 2:00am - Episode 2 "Wanted Dead or Alive" (R Mon July 23 8:00am)
-Mon July 23 4:00pm - Episode 3 "Lethal Weapon" (R Tue July 24 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Tue July 24 4:00pm - Episode 4 "Negative Energy" (R Wed July 25 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Wed July 25 4:00pm - Episode 5 "Voice" (R Thu July 26 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Thu July 26 4:00pm - Episode 6 "Sad Memory" (R Fri July 27 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Fri July 27 4:00pm - Episode 7 "Little Will" (R Sat July 28 2:00am, 8:00am)
Samurai 7
(Independent Film Channel)
-Sat July 21 8:00am - Episode 10 "The Journey"
-Fri July 27 11:30pm - Episode 6 "The Fool" (R Sat July 8 5:55am)
Samurai Deeper Kyo
(Encore Action)
-Sat July 21 12:00am - Episode 13 "Crossing Souls"
-Sat July 21 12:30am - Episode 14 "Satan Again"
-Sat July 21 1:00am - Episode 15 "Our Friend Red Tiger"
-Tue July 24 12:00am - Episode 16 "Perfect Victory"
-Tue July 24 12:30am - Episode 17 "The Secret Talk of Girls"
-Tue July 24 1:00am - Episode 18 "Nurturing the Devil"
-Wed July 25 12:00am - Episode 19 "Thunderbolt Attack"
-Wed July 25 12:30am - Episode 20 "Far Away, to Absolute Zero"
-Wed July 25 1:00am - Episode 21 "The Demonic Mibu Castle"
-Thu July 26 12:00am - Episode 22 "The Machine Made Dolls"
-Thu July 26 12:30am - Episode 23 "Scorching Ecstacy"
-Thu July 26 1:00am - Episode 24 "Last Muramasa Awakening"
-Fri July 27 12:00am - Episode 25 "The One That Surpasses Tach"
-Fri July 27 12:30am - Episode 26 "The Ballad of the Samurai"
Shin Chan
(Adult Swim)
-Sat July 21 11:30pm - Episode 7 "A Mutha Bleeping Bunny!" (R Sun July 22 3:00am)
(Toon Disney)
-Sat July 21 4:00am - Episode 18 "Secrets of the Seven"
-Tue July 24 4:00am - Episode 19 "Feathered Friend"
-Wed July 25 4:00am - Episode 20 "The Two Mushrambos"
-Thu July 26 4:00am - Episode 21 "A Battle of One"
-Fri July 27 4:00am - Episode 22 "A New Beginning"
-Sat July 28 4:00am - Episode 23 "Bear Claws"
Sonic X
-Sat July 21 10:00am - Episode "Beating Eggman"
Special Duty Combat Unit: Shinesman
(Encore WAM)
-Mon July 23 3:00am - Episode 1 (R Mon July 23 11:35am)
-Tue July 23 3:30am - Episode 2 (R Mon July 23 12:05pm)
Street Fighter II V
(Sci Fi)
-Tue July 17 12:00am - Episode 1 "The Beginning of a Journey"
-Tue July 17 12:30am - Episode 2 "The King of the Air Force"
Transformers Cybertron
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon July 23 6:00am - Episode 43 "Challenge"
-Tue July 24 6:00am - Episode 44 "Duel"
-Wed July 25 6:00am - Episode 45 "Leader"
-Thu July 26 6:00am - Episode 46 "Showdown"
-Fri July 27 6:00am - Episode 47 "Guardian"
Trinity Blood
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun July 22 1:30am - Episode 9 "Overcount Part I: The Belfry of Downfall" (R Sun July 22 5:00am)
-Sat July 21 10:30am - Episode 138 "The Final Face Off, Part 1"
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon July 23 6:30am - Episode 87 "Blinded by the Light, Part 1"
-Tue July 24 6:30am - Episode 88 "Blinded by the Light, Part 2"
-Wed July 25 6:30am - Episode 89 "The Darkness Within"
-Thu July 26 6:30am - Episode 90 "Pro-Dueling"
-Fri July 27 6:30am - Episode 91 "Don't Fear the Reaper"
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