UK Otaku Podcast and NEO Magazine Art-off! Competition
The UK OTAKU Podcast ( has partnered with NEO Magazine ( to give one lucky listener the chance to win a 12 issue subscription to the UK's number 1 anime and otaku magazine. All you have to do to be in with a chance to win is listen to the next weekly UK OTAKU Podcast releasing the evening of 24/03/14. We will be asking listeners to tap into their inner Mangaka and produce a page from the imagined "UK OTAKU Manga." You can listen to our old shows for inspiration and remember it is just one page so it can be a completely out of context scene in a story you have envisioned, a four panel visual joke or a whole page illustration. It is up to you! The only rule is be creative and try to give the best representation of what UK OTAKU means to you. It doesn't matter if you have no idea what any of the UK OTAKU Crew look like, or have never listened before, just show us what an arty otaku can do! One lucky winner will be announced on the podcast releasing 14/04/14 and we will give everyone and idea of how to competition is going on each show until then.
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