Destination Anime to Become a Summer Convention in 2015
Due to the changing landscape in the Panhandle convention circuit, Destination Anime will be
changing to a Summer convention in 2015. Sukoshi Con Chairman James Carroll
comments,”New conventions are emerging, old ones are returning, others are relocating to the
area, with all operating around the 4th Quarter. We believe moving to the Summer will prove
beneficial to everyone by giving attendees more options throughout the year and alleviating
oversaturation of the market.”
Destination 2014 will still be held in January at the Emerald Coast Convention Center, but will
change from a 3day event to a 1day event on Saturday, the 4th. Confirmed guests include
Voice Actor Blake Shepard (Air Gear, Angel Beats) and Cosplay guest Jessie Pridemore. The
official convention hotel rate will remain $54.99 per night. Ticket prices are $20.00 prereg
through January 1st, and $30.00 at door.
All prereg tickets purchased above $20.00 will be given a refund of the difference. Sukoshi Con
will also offer a full refund for attendees wishing to cancel. Vendors will receive 50% off booth
space. Artist Alley pricing will remain unchanged. Artists wishing to cancel can email
[email protected] to receive a full refund.
For all general inquiries pertaining to Destination Anime, please email contact (at
● Confirmed Guests
○ Blake Shepard Voice Actor
○ Jessie Pridemore Cosplay Guest
● Pricing
○ $20.00 prereg through January 1st.
○ $30.00 at door.
● Prereg Information
○ Sukoshi Con will refund the difference to passes purchased above $20.00.
○ Sukoshi Con will also offer a full refund for attendees wishing to cancel.
● Artist Alley
○ Artists wishing to opt out can email [email protected] to receive a full
● Vendors
○ Vendors will receive 50% off booth space.