"Chop ☆ Stick" First Social Animation in Japan
Tokyo, Japan – October 15th, 2013 – GOOPA Inc., the animation focused crowd-funding website company, today announced that it will be launching the new project on Anipipo called “Chop Stick” by Usagi-ou. (http://www.anipipo.com/Project/Detail/8).
The animation is a documentary style animation where creator interview then create exclusive animation about the news that once everyone liked and cared but no one remembers anymore.
About Usagi-ou
Usagi-ou creates fun stories, pictures, and music. To be more thorough, we
plan and produce video games, 2D/3D animations, web productions,
character designs, sound production, figure production and others. The
company tries to create things you can watch and enjoy, regardless of genre
and medium.
What is Anipipo
Anipipo provides a new way for animation project owners to find funding to
financially support the production of their animation project. Anipipo not only
takes motion picture project, but also are also open to receive application for
figures, music, games, books, and event project.
About Us
Company Name: GOOPA Inc.
Company Address: Minami-aoyama Building 4F, 2-11-13,
Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 107-0062
Established: 7th September, 2011
Co-founder and CEO: Hiroaki Taira