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Actor Christopher Smith Signs on with DJ Jesse James Felice for AUSA Dance



Anime USA is proud to welcome their latest musical guest, DJ Jesse James Felice, one of the headlining DJs for AUSA's Saturday night dance. With Pioneer DJ Paul Oakenfold as his inspiration for trying new things, Jesse James Felice has been carving out his niche as a DJ and artist by working with Actors and Writers to create elaborate theatrical musical experiences that go beyond your normal electronic dance music event. For the past couple of years Jesse James has worked with Director/Actor Richard Epcar for Anime Mid Atlantic's "elecTRONic Mayhem" series which pays tribute to TRON and the "Electric Mayhem Band" from the Muppets. Christopher Macdonald, CEO & Publisher for Anime News Network called it "really awesome", Actor Travis Willingham stated "It's a very impressive production quality being putting forward." This year sees Jesse working with AUSA guest and Voice Actor Christopher Smith.

His work has also been reviewed by Author Robert V. Aldrich and Suzie Del Vecchio, a singer signed and touring with world renowned DJ Paul Oakenfold, in short she had this to say "Jesse's work is beautiful." In his review Author Robert V. Aldrich wrote "You know that one song you leave the club thinking about, that one song that has you saying 'man, who did THAT mix?'; that's Jesse James Felice. Each of his mixes is a unique experience, a vibrant reminder of the beauty of music that settles somewhere between what you're use to and what you like, and something totally new.” Jesse's work is a dialogue and an exploration that DJ and audience take together, perfectly set so that the music becomes a modem for a larger, grander experience. Any fan of music, regardless of their preferred genres, owes it to themselves to check him out. If you learn he's DJing a party or dance near you, you should definitely make sure to go check him out. For music that is as innovative as it is entrancing, you will find no one better.”

The Format - The script is written by a professional writer in collaboration with Jesse James, which is then given to the actor, Chris Smith in this case, who then narrates the dialogue and gives it back to Jesse James Felice. From there things get a little more technical, is isn't enough to just slap any old song with the narration, it has to tell a story and invoke emotion. Not only that but normally it's a string of tracks that have been seamlessly mixed/remixed together to help the narration along to bring in the opening with a bang. This past June at "elecTRONic Mayhem: Uprising" it was 6 tracks that were mixed together for the opening. And this year will be no different, The opening track for Jesse's set will be the product of 5 DJs, Paul Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyk, Armin Van Buuren, Man With No Name, and of course Jesse James Felice.

Jesse James Felice felt strongly about what he wanted his set's theme to be for AUSA, "Remember Love", as a tribute to those that were injured and lost their lives at the July 24, 2010 Love Parade tragedy in Germany. When AUSA caught up with Jesse, he had this to say about his theme, "This is a great opportunity for me to do 2 things, to honor those that were injured and lost their lives at the Love Parade, people that came together for a free electronic dance music event founded by DJ Doctor Motte to promote “Peace, and international understanding through love and music.” "This night, and this event, with these fine people also gives me the privilege of tying in that message with one that sits at the very core of anime cons in general, of which AUSA has always been a part of. Anime conventions for many have been a safe haven, a place to let go of their worries of abuse, bullying, sickness, being accepted, or whatever other struggles they're dealing with. Cons tend to generate great memories and even better friendships, and it's important we recognize what an amazing thing that is, and this is a wonderful platform to do that."

The script - Normally Jesse has used professional web comic writer and DJ Rob Lantz for the script, but this time around he wanted to make it a little more personal by writing it himself.
(Narrated by Voice Actor Christopher Smith, Approximately 1.5 minutes of dialogue)

"On June 24th, in two thousand and ten, 21 people lost their lives and hundreds were injured at a free electronic dance music festival in Germany. More than 200,000 people from all walks of life came together for a common interest, to celebrate founder DJ Doctor Motte's Message of “Peace, and international understanding through love and music.” After the tragedy, the event was cancelled forever. Tonight we pay tribute to those that lost their lives doing what they loved, not with a focus on sadness and loss, but with a celebration of life and love, and fellowship."

"Tonight we come together in this safe haven knowing that whatever struggles we may be dealing with, be it bullying, be it sickness, be it friends or family or acceptance, we glorious comrades stand together, united and equal, to celebrate our love for art, music, culture, and kindred spirits. In times of hardship we look to that which has been our silver lining, that which gives us hope, in the form of our heroes and heroines and the professionals behind creating that magic."

"You are listening to DJ Jesse James Felice, welcome to AUSA 2013. TONIGHT...WE.. REMEMBER.. LOVE!"

- If you are interested in checking out Jesse's performances or wish to book him for a convention or private event you may find him on Facebook under "DJ Jesse James Felice"
- Jesse James Felice may also be found on google or Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87vBpflgxPc
- information regarding Anime USA may be found at AnimeUSA.org

About The Convention: Anime USA (AUSA) is an annual three day anime convention held September 13th-15th at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C. The convention was previously held in various locations around Virginia until 2012. The convention partnered with the Make-A-Wish Foundation in 2011 to help an ill girl attend the convention. The conventions charity auction raised $3,621.25 for the Taylor Anderson '04 Memorial Gift Fund in 2011. The charity auction in 2012 benefited The DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative.

All of us at AUSA hope to see you there!

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