Nekocon Announces Continued Support Of Charity With A New Charity Event
From the disasters around the globe last year the world was shocked at the level of human suffering. On the front lines with the Red Cross was bringing emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who were affected by disasters, at a time when they need it the most. Nekocon is proud to continue it's sponsorship of this charity for 2012. To learn more about ShelterBox and the work they do, please visit to donate.
Nekocon will be holding several events to help gather funds for a donation to ShelterBox. While attending the convention, please visit our Charity Auction where we will be auctioning off lots of special pieces, artwork, and other items all for a great and needed cause.
For those of you who like a more ‘active’ way to donate, we will be holding the new* Dunk-a-Director* event this year. You will get to try and soak one of our Directors of the convention all for a good cause! Who wouldn't want to dunk one of them, AND feel good doing it! Remember for all the latest Neko information check out where you'll find more on our Guests and Featured Panelists, Nekocon Road
Show appearance dates, and information about our mascots! Also like us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter!
Nekocon 15, 2012 Hampton, VA