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Sneko, J-Cover Artist & YouTube Sensation, Announced For TAKII 14!

July 9th, 2012 -- Upper Darby, PA -- While TAKII 14 ~New Year's Evolution~ might be several months away, we're not wasting any time in making news & history at the same time! The ink is still dry on her TAKII Talent Agreement, but The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is excited to announce its 1st "Brand-New Debut" for the season, J-Cover artist & YouTube sensation, Sneko! With many performances at other anime festivals/conventions under her belt & a voice reminiscent of a young Myco (lead singer for the J-Pop group Changin' My Life (of Full Moon Wo Sagashite fame)), she lovingly looks forward making an unforgettable 1st impression upon members of the TAKII family worldwide. From her official TAKII 14 bio:

"Making her Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational debut in time for TAKII 14 ~New Year's Evolution~, Sneko is 19 year-old J-Pop/J-Rock cover artist with a rabid following. A New York City native, she entertains audiences in the area with dances from Vocaloid, anime, & video games. She got her start on YouTube at age 12 doing covers of her favorite songs. At age 15, Sneko made her live debut singing at an anime convention; a far cry from her computer-exclusive days. Since then, she has gone on to make appearances & win awards at Katsucon (2012), New York Comic Con (2012 & 2011), Sakura Matsuri (2011), PAS-con (2011), KotoriCon (2011 & 2012), & AnimeNEXT (2011 & 2012).

As a singer, Sneko is best known for a sultry, mature, & powerful voice; uncharacteristic of her sweet appearance, small stature, & young age. "A treat that can't be beat", fans get to experience the wonders of hearing their favorite Asian-themed songs sung live as only this young woman can do! Combined with original choreography, refreshing theatrical performances, & some unique fan interaction, Sneko embodies exactly what it means to be a guest performer at this particular season of "the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival". In a chat with Team TAKII Coalition staff, she had this to say: "Konnichiwa! I have heard nothing but wonderful things about your lovely festival from my good friends Lady [Ai], Dokudel, Mario Bueno, & Elderberry (all TAKII guest/performer alumni). Knowing what your 14th season means to the TAKII family, I am truly honored to be a part of history in the making. Let's get this party started!""

Sneko now joins a showcase of TAKII immortals, including Mandy Mefford (Anime Expo Idol champion & Midnight Shinigami lead singer), Mario Bueno (another former Anime Expo Idol champion & aspiring voice actor/recording artist), & Elderberry (Asian vocal musician), who have previously more-than-proven themselves worthy of the adoration of our passionate TAKII fanbase. It takes a special breed of guest/performer to share their talents with The Asian Karaoke Idol & the Team TAKII Guest/Performer Coalition would like to extend an invite to any talent (industry, indie, or otherwise) who wishes to join us for this momentous season! If this sounds like you, don't let time pass you buy; fill out 1 of our "Guest & Performer Apps" today: http://takii.pdnmz.com/guests-performers/guest-performer-apps.html

In other news, since our formal announcement of TAKII 14 ~New Year's Evolution~ a few weeks ago, we have had a largely positive response to the pre-regging of our #1 Contender's Passes & Vendor Table Slots. DOMO ARIGATOU to those of you who have purchased your "tickets to destiny" & will be joining us for our "reason for the season" spectacular on December 29th & 30th, 2012! With that being said, there is only 1 month left where you can enjoy the lowest of discounts on #1 Contender's Passes (providing you entry to TAKII) & Vendor Table Slot (giving you a chance to sell your swag) for this season. Until August 9th, 2012, Passes will be $8.00 while Table Slots will be $60.00. For a further pre-reg run-down, check out our "Registration" section: http://takii.pdnmz.com/registration

So what else does the Team TAKII Coalition have up its sleeve for this season? Seeing...& reading....will be believing ^_^. Ja ne, minna!!

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme"), the Team TAKII Coalition (a distinguished group of our most passionate supporters & outreach volunteers), & the TAKII World Tour (a traveling & customizable entertainment experience for individuals & organizations alike), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

The stockings will be hung from the chimney with care. Auld acquaintances shall not be forgot. And the seasonal references could go on & on & before we know it, TAKII 14 ~New Year's Evolution~ will be upon us! "The reason for the season" will be descending upon Philly, PA's The Rotunda on December 29th & 30th 2012, making it the perfect place to enjoy some after-Christmas chaos & pre-New Year's partying, otaku-fied TAKII-style! With the success of May 2012's TAKII 13 ~United We Stand~, we've carefully extracted the best parts of last season & will combine it with some plans for this beloved festival/convention hybrid that have been in the works for years, giving fans all over the universe something to salivate over before-hand & never forget once TAKII 14 comes to pass.

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