Thai Artist Prema Jatukanyaprateep Wins 7th Int'l Manga Award
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan announced the winner and runners-up of its Seventh International Manga Awards on Wednesday. Thai artist Prema Jatukanyaprateep won the highest award for Bokbig, a story about a dog and the troubles it causes.
United States' George Alexopoulos (Paris ), China's NAVAR (CARRIER), and Spain and Belgium's Francis Porcel and Zidrou (The Folies Bergère) won Silver Awards.
International Manga Award

Silver Awards

Francis Porcel and Zidrou
The Folies Bergère
Bronze Awards
Pittaya WerasakwongPANDISM (VIRUS PANDA)
User, Volume 1
Koh Hong Teng and Oh Yong Hwee
Ten Sticks And One Rice
Andy Seto and Yuyi
City of Darkness
The director against the whip
Zhi Ying
Something Between Us
chiya and Ke Han,Yi Sha
Lead of the soul
Ruangsak Duangpla
Art Jeeno
D Day
Oriol and zidrou
The bear's skin
Junko Kawakami
It's your world
A total of 256 works were submitted from 53 countries worldwide — 11 more entries than last year's 245 from 38 countries. 245 entries were submitted in its fifth year, 189 entries were submitted in the fourth year, 303 entries were submitted from 55 countries the third year, 368 entries from 46 countries were submitted during the second year, and 222 entries from 22 countries were submitted during the first year of the awards.
Thai artist Kosin Jeenseekong won the highest award for Listening to the Bell last year. American writer Joe Kelly and Spanish cartoonist JM Ken Niimura won the top award for the graphic novel I Kill Giants in 2012. Chinese creator Xiao Bai won the top award in the 2011 contest with Si loin et si proche ("So Far, Yet So Close"). Thai creator Jakraphan Huaypetch (a.k.a. Ton Huaypetch) won the Gold Award in 2009 for the basketball story Super Dunker. Hong Kong's Lau Wan Kit won 2008's top award for Feel 100%. Another Hong Kong artist, 43-year-old Lee Chi Ching, won the first International Manga Award in 2007 for his Sun Zi's Tactics comic series. Former Japanese Foreign Minister Tarō Asō, a self-professed manga fan, announced the creation of the awards in May of 2007.
Source: Bangkok Post