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Funimation Discusses OniAi Release With Only English Subtitles

posted on by Egan Loo

North American anime distributor Funimation confirmed on Wednesday that it will release OniAi: The Complete Series as a BD/DVD Combo with only English subtitles on December 31. The company explained that it is "trying out a sub-only release because it will inform us as to whether it is a viable option for titles in the future that would otherwise not get released at all. In other words, we're looking into ADDING more releases…"

Despite OniAi being its first subtitle-only release, Funimation emphasized it will continue to include English dubs on most of its titles. Funimation added that "the best way to ensure that your show gets an English dub is to support legal simulcasts and streams. We use streaming performance As One of several indicators to determine sales potential for a title."

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