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Nameko/Mushroom Garden Game Apps Get Anime

posted on by Egan Loo
BeeWorks smartphone apps about raising a family of mushrooms

Software developer BeeWorks announced on Tuesday that Nameko-ke no Ichizoku (Mushroom Family), an anime adaptation of its Osawari Tantei Nameko Saibai Kit (Touch Detective: Mushroom Garden) smartphone app and spinoffs, has been been green-lit. BeeWorks is already streaming a "Ohayō no Maki" (Good Morning) promotional video for the project:

In the original app, the player harvests a crop of 30 or more different mushrooms. The game employs touch gestures similar to BeeWorks' Touch Detective game.

The entertainment company FuRyu produced the promotional video, and Akiko Takamatsu (The Directors Guild) helmed it with animation director Ayumu Kotake at the studios Yomiko Entertainment and drop. BeeWorks teases that it cannot announce yet if the upcoming anime will air on television, play in theaters, stream on demand, or be released in some other fashion.

Gonzo produced an earlier promotional video for the Osawari Tantei Nameko Saibai Kit app itself last year. (The new promotional video has a different animation team.)

The original app is available for both iOS devices (such as the iPhone and iPad) and Android devices. It was downloaded 2.7 million times for iOS in its first year, and it became available for Android devices in December 2011. It has toppped the free game ranking charts in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Macao, Thailand, and elsewhere.

Thanks to Liam for the news tip

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