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Space Pirate Captain Harlock Video Features Motion-Capture Process For Film

posted on by Sarah Nelkin
Film adapting Leiji Matsumoto's manga opened in Japan on September 7

Website Cinema Today began streaming a four-minute video featuring the motion capture process for the film adaptation Leiji Matsumoto's Captain Harlock manga. The video shows how the mouth movements for the characters were captured using live acting actors, and then previews the final product.

The film remakes the classic anime Space Pirate Captain Harlock with Toei Animation's highest production budget ever at the equivalent of more than 30 million U.S. dollars. Shun Oguri and Haruma Miura star as the title pirate and the new character yama, respectively.

The film opened in Japan on September 7, and the London-based film sales company GFM Films has listed that it is working on an international dub.

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