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Girls High Manga Switches Magazines Again

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge

Towa Ōshima's Joshi Kōsei Girls‐Live (High School Girls - Live) manga will no longer be serialized in Comic Sumomo. The sequel to Oshima's High School Girls manga is now carried by Comic High! as of the May issue last Saturday. Both anthologies are owned by Futabasha. The previous series started out in Weekly Manga Action before also moving to Comic High! in 2004.

Like its predecessor, Joshi Kōsei Girls-Live follows four high schoolers determined to cause havoc at their school.

The May issue also saw the end to Nano Katase's manga Kissa Tomarigi Eigyōchū.

Source: Comic Natalie

Update: Kissa Tomarigi Eigyōchū's spelling corrected. Thanks, hyojodoji.

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