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2nd Aa Megami-sama Original Anime DVD's Promo Streamed (Updated)

posted on by Egan Loo
Yoshino Nanjō plays new characters Eiru, Saaga; Twitter account launched

The official website for the original animation DVDs (OADs) for Kōsuke Fujishima's Aa Megami-sama (Ah My Goddess/Oh My Goddess!) manga began streaming the project's second 90-second promotional video on Monday. The video features the heroine Belldandy as well as two new characters, the twin goddesses Eiru and Saaga (played Yoshino Nanjō and Aoi Yūki). The website also unveiled the official Twitter account for the project.

The 43rd volume of the manga will ship in a limited edition with the manga's second OAD on September 22. Hiroaki Gohda is once again directing the new anime. The manga's first OAD shipped with the 42nd manga volume in February.

Source: Saishin Anime Jōhō

Update: Cast credits corrected. Thanks, numbskullflail.

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