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Kitsune Tennouji's Upotte!! Manga Has Anime in the Works

posted on by Egan Loo
4-panel military school comedy manga by Edens BoWy creator

The wraparound jacket band on new printings of Kitsune Tennōji's Upotte!! four-panel manga is announcing that an anime adaptation of the military school comedy manga is in the works. In the story, a newly hired teacher discovers that the female students at his new school all have excellent marksmanship skills — and happen to be anthropomorphized assault rifles.

Tennouji launched the manga in the inaugural issue of Kadokawa Shoten's Young Ace magazine in 2009, and the manga has since moved into Kadokawa's 4-Koma Nano Ace and Monthly Shōnen Ace magazines. The second compiled volume of the manga will ship next week. Tennouji's other manga titles include Edens BoWy, Orfina, and Orfina SAGA; Edens BoWy inspired a television anime series in 1999, and ADV Films released the anime in North America.

The wraparound jacket band also notes that Tennouji is launching a new manga series called The Gunners in the June issue of Young Ace, which is shipping on May 2.

Kadokawa posted a promotional video for the Upotte!! manga in June of 2009, one month before it launched:

Update: More background information added.

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