Fairy Tail Anime's 2nd Year Confirmed
posted on by Egan Loo
Director Shinji Ishihira: 2nd year to deal with Nirvana story arc with more cast members

The Nirvana story arc will add the following new cast members:
Hibiki: Takashi Kondō
Charle: Yui Horie
Wendy: Satomi Satou
Ren: Masaya Matsukaze
Eve: Fuyuka Oura
The manga and anime follow the adventures of world's most notorious mage guild, Fairy Tail. A-1 Pictures and Satelight launched the anime last October. Del Rey is publishing the 12th volume of the original manga in North America this month. Crunchyroll simulcasts the anime into several countries within an hour of each episode's Japanese broadcast.
Mashima also created the Monster Hunter Orage manga and the Rave manga, which Tokyopop published in North America under the name Rave Master. Like Fairy Tail, Rave was made into a television anime series.
[Via Kyō mo Yarareyaku]
Update: More cast members and background information added.
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