2nd Kyoto Animation Awards Launched
posted on by Egan Loo
The official website of the anime studio Kyoto Animation (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star, K-ON!) has opened a section for the second Kyoto Animation Awards. Just like last year, applicants can compete in the novel, manga, and scenario categories, which will be judged by a committee selected from Kyoto Animation's staff. In each category, there are plans for a grand prize of 300,000 yen (about US$3,500) and a honorable mention prize of 100,000 yen (US$1,200). There are no restrictions on story genre, age, or professional/amateur status, but entries must be in Japanese.
Last year, the studio awarded no grand prizes in any category. This year, the rules state in writing that there is a chance that a prize will not be awarded due to no qualifying entries. Last year, the popular winning entries were to have had a chance at being animated by Kyoto Animation, but this year's rules do not mention this possibility. Kyoto Animation will hold the copyrights of the award-winning works.
The deadline for entries is January 31, 2011, and the winners will be announced around next spring.
[Via Uri-sure Matome R]
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