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Disappearance of Haruhi to Screen in LA June 24

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
Stephanie Sheh, Christina Vee and other actors to be present

Bandai Entertainment has announced that The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, the first ever movie in the Haruhi Suzumiya franchise, will be screened at the Laemmle's Sunset theater in Hollywood on June 24.

Stephanie Sheh, the English voice of Mikuru, and other undisclosed cast members will appear at the screening. Sheh will be autographing the theatrical poster from the film, which will be given away to attendees.

Christina Vee, the actress that portrays Haruhi Suzumiya in Bandai Entertainment's live-action ASOS Brigade videos, will also be present and will perform several of the series songs in English and Japanese.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya adapts the fourth volume from Nagaru Tanigawa and Noizi Itō's original light novel series about an eccentric, assertive girl who creates her own school club for her strange antics. The movie opened at the Japanese box office on February 6, and it earned the equivalent of US$7,479,561 after eight weekends at the end of March.

The English subtitled version of the film received its official North American premiere at the Viz Cinema in San Francisco on May 21st. Bandai Entertainment also announced that the film will screen in Hawaii later this month.

Image © 2009 Nagaru TanigawaNoizi Itō / member of SOS

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