Dōjinshi App Creation Service for iPad/iPhone Launched
posted on by Egan Loo
The dōjinshi portal site has launched its emes service for creating dōjinshi apps on Apple's iPad and iPhone mobile devices on Tuesday. According to, creators can use emes as a platform to easily develop e-books apps for Apple's App Store. Until June 6, the service is accepting beta testers who wish to make e-books from their works. The resulting applications offer standard e-book features such as page-turning, magnification, rotation, and bookmarks.
The website posted a video to showcase the service's features, along with a sample Maid no Tamago (The Maid's Egg) #1 dōjinshi e-book by Koushi Ichiba in iPhone and iPad versions. The Maid's Egg is available for free in the App Store in Japan and in other countries, including the United States.
In a separate development, the Tinami site for independent manga creators and animators has announced on Tuesday that it opened its API (application programming interface) to web software developers. With the open API, outside developers can access the content on Tinami and develop software around the content. Tinami features about 130,000 illustrations, manga, animation, text works, model kit/cosplay photographs, and other works submitted by its 65,000 registered users since the site was established in 1996.
As an example of what can be done with the open API, Tinami presents CatHand's pixViewer, an app allows viewers to browse Tinami's submissions from an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. The Techinsight website notes that the open API will not only enable iPhone and iPad apps, but also programs for the Sony Ericsson Xperia and other smartphones on Google's Android platform.
Source:, Presepe News
Images © Ichiba Koushi, RRR,
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