Hetalia Anime's Second Season Green-Lit (Updated)
posted on by Egan Loo
A second season of the anime adaptation of Hidekaz Himaruya's Hetalia - Axis Powers comedy web manga has been green-lit for production. Like the first season, it will run on the web and on mobile phones after this summer. More details will be provided on the official homepage.
The "cynical gag" manga and anime take the archetypal characteristics of about 20 countries and regions, and anthropomorphize them as (mostly) bishōnen characters. The story re-imagines various historical eras including World War I and II. 700,000 copies have been sold of the two published manga volumes since 2008.
Source: Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan Web
Image © 2008 Hidekaz Himaruya, Gentosha Comics, Inc./Hetalia Production Committee
Update: Additional information added. The official website has confirmed that the second season will consist of 26 episodes, like the first season.
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