Animation of Iljimae Korean Drama Planned for Japan
posted on by Egan Loo
Chorokupemi Media, the production company of the 2008 Iljimae live-action Korean television drama series, have revealed on March 12 that it plans to introduce an animated version of the drama to Japan. Chorokupemi Media has not indicated if the animation is being produced in Japan, South Korea, or another country. Lee Jun Ki plays the title character in the 2008 live-action verison, which premiered on Japan's Asia Dramatic TV satellite channel in November. Another live-action Korean drama, Dae Jang Geum, was adapted in South Korea into the Jang Geum's Dream animated series. The animated version of the Winter Sonata live-action drama is being co-produced in Japana and South Korea.
Source: Chūō Nippō
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