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Video to 'Transform' Arashi Boy Band into Tatsunoko Anime Heroes

posted on by Egan Loo
"Believe" song also in Yatterman film, starring Arashi's Shō Sakurai

The music video for "Believe," the upcoming single from the popular boy band Arashi, will "transform" the band members into the heroes from five classic anime of Tatsunoko studio's "Time Bokan" franchise. Not coincidentally, "Believe" is also the theme song for the live-action film remake of Tatsunoko's Yatterman anime — which happens to star Arashi's Sho Sakurai (live-action Honey and Clover's Yuuta). Both the song's CD single and the animated music video will be released on March 4. The Yatterman film will open in Japan on March 7.

Appropriately, Sakurai will "transform" into Yatterman No. 1 in the music video. His bandmate Kazunari Ninomiya (Tekkonkinkreet's Kuro) will change into Yattodetaman, while Satoshi Ohno will become the hero of the original Time Bokan series. Masaki Aiba will transform into the leader of Time Patrol-Tai Otasukeman, and Jun Matsumoto (live-action Gokusen's Shin Sawada, 2005's Hana Yori Dango's Tsukasa) will reveal himself as Zendaman.

A television anime remake of the original Yatterman began airing in Japan last year. Last month in Japan, Capcom released the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes fighting game with many of Tatsunoko's anime heroes from the last four decades. Yatterman film director Takashi Miike and Sakurai will appear at the world premiere of their film at New York Comic Con on February 6.

Source: Sankei Sports, Sports Nippon

Image © Tatsunoko Production © Tatsunoko Production, Yomiuri TV 2008 © 2005 Tatsunoko/Karas Production Committee © Tatsunoko/designed by play set products/Kids Station, AGP

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