Eureka Seven Movie's Title, Release Date Announced
posted on by Egan Loo
A preview website for the theatrical version of the Eureka Seven anime franchise has launched with the announcement of the movie's title and release date. Kōkyō Shihen Eureka Seven: Pocket ga Niji de Ippai (literally, Psalms of Planets or Symphonic Poem Eureka Seven: Pocket Full of Rainbows) will open in Tokyo's Theatre Shinjuku, Osaka's Theatre Umeda, and other locations during Golden Week, the string of holidays that stretches from the end of April through the first week of May. The website says that there is "one more love story."
The movie was originally announced in Newtype magazine this past April. Bandai Entertainment released both the original anime television series and the manga spinoff in North America. The Adult Swim television network ran the program in the United States.
Source: Saishin Anime Jōhō
Image © 2009 Bones/Project Eureka Movie